International Curricula Listing
On this page:
This is a listing of the document requirements for the curricula accepted by the U of A.
Curricula Listing by Location
Documents not originally issued in English or French must be accompanied by an official English translation completed by a certified translator.
Both of:
- Certificate of Grades for Grade 12 school results
- Certificate of State Matura exam results
Baccalaureat de l'Enseignement Secondaire exam results (non-technology streams)
Ensino Geral Certificado de Habilitações and Transcript of marks (including exam results)
Antigua + Barbuda
Antilles, Netherlands Antilles
Bachillerato Certificate and Transcript of marks (including exam results)
Both of:
- Certificate of Complete Secondary General Education (Mijnakarg Andhanur Krtutyan Atestat) including final high school grades
- Certificate of Unified Exam including exam marks
If applicants take the Araratian Baccalaureate Program:
- Araratian Baccalaureate (AB) including all AB exam results and school transcript
If applicants finish high school after Grade 10:
- First-Year University Completion result from an accredited institution
Any one of:
- Australian Capital Authority Tertiary Entrance Statement
- New South Wales Higher School Certificate and Record of Achievement
- Northern Territory Certificate of Education and Record of Achievement
- Queensland Certificate of Education and Statement of Marks
- South Australian Certificate of Education and Record of Achievement
- Victorian Certificate of Education and Statement of Results
- Western Australia Certificate of Education (WACE) and Curriculum Council Statement of Results
- Western Australian Universities' Foundation Program (WAUFP) Statement of Results
- Tasmanian Certificate of Education and Statement of Marks
Reifeprüfung / Matura Certificate and Transcript of marks (including the exam results)
Certificate of Complete Secondary Education and Transcript of marks (including exam results)
Any one of:
- GCE A-Levels results ( See British-Patterned Curriculum)
- First-Year University Completion result from an accredited institution
Secondary School Leaving Certificate (Tawjihiya) including final marks
Higher Secondary Certificate exam results
Attestat o Srednem (Polnom) Obshchem Obrazovanii and Transcript of marks
Certificate of Higher Secondary Education and Transcript of marks
Baccalaureat de l'Enseignement Secondaire exam results (non-technology streams)
Freshman Year Bermuda College results
Higher Secondary Education Certificate exam results
Diploma de Bachiller Humanistico and Transcript of marks (including exam results)
Bonaire, Saba + Sint Eustatius
Bosnia + Herzegovina
Secondary School Leaving Diploma (Diploma o završenoj srednjoj školi) and Transcript of marks (including exam results)
Any one of:
- GCE A levels exam results ( See British-Patterned Curriculum)
- First-Year University Completion result from an accredited institution
University Entrance Exams (ENEM) results
Brunei-Cambridge GCE A Levels exam results ( See British-Patterned Curriculum)
Both of:
- Diplom Za Sredno Obrazovanie and Transcript of marks
- State Matriculation Exam (Matura) results
Burkina Faso
Baccalaureat exam results (non-technology streams)
Diplome d'Etat Certificate and Transcript of Diplome d'Etat Exam results
Diploma of Upper Secondary Education (Grade 12) and Transcript of marks including the National Grade 12 Exam result
Any one of:
- Baccalaureat exam results (non-technology streams)
- GCE A-levels results ( See British-Patterned Curriculum)
One or more of the following if also completed:
- Brevet de Technicien Supérieur (BTS) or Higher National Diploma (HND).
Please note: Final results and diploma for the BTS or HND must be issued by the Ministry of Higher Education.
Cayman Islands
Central African Republic
Baccalaureat exam results (non-technology streams)
Baccalaureat exam results (non-technology streams)
Both of:
- Licencia de Educación/Enseñanza Media and Transcript of marks
- Prueba de Selección Universitaria (if taken)
All of:
- Senior High School (Gao Zhong) Transcript (document must include final transcript of grades and courses for your last three years of high school)
- Joint Senior Middle School Graduation Exam results
- University Entrance Exam results (if written)
First Year University Completion results from an accredited institution
Baccalaureat exam results (non-technology streams)
Baccalaureat exam results (non-technology streams)
Congo, Democratic Republic of
(formerly Zaire)
Diplome d'Etat d'Etudes secondaires du Cycle long and Transcript of marks (including Examen d'Etat results)
Costa Rica
First-Year University Completion results from an accredited institution
Certificate of State Maturity and State Matura Exam Transcript of marks
Please note: All required high school subjects for the program(s) you applied to must be presented from the Matura Exam. If you are currently attending high school, inform us immediately of the subjects you are going to take in the Matura Exam.
Titulo de Bachiller and Transcript of marks (including exam results)
Greek System: See Greece
Turkish System: see Türkiye
Czech Republic
Both of
- Maturitni Vysvědčení (Maturity Certificate)
- Complete Upper Secondary School (Gymnazia) Record
Upper Secondary School Leaving Exam (Studentereksamen) results
Please note: At least three subjects must be presented from Level A, the remaining two subjects can be from Level B. To find Program-Specific Level A subject equivalents please refer to the Required Subjects column in the GCE British Curriculum Subject Requirement by Program chart.
Baccalaureat exam results (non-technology streams)
Dominican Republic
Bachillerato Certificate and Transcript of final marks
Título de Bachiller and Certificado de Promoción
General Secondary Education Certificate exam results
El Salvador
Bachillerato Certificate and Transcript of final marks
Documents must be issued or authenticated by the Ministry of Education or its Department of Institutional Accreditation.
See British-Patterned Curriculum and/or any one or more of the following if completed:
- BTEC Higher Nationals
- BTEC Nationals
- City and Guilds Qualifications
- NCUK International Foundation Year
- Access to Higher Education Diploma transcript of final results issued by one of the QAA's licensed Access Validating Agencies (AVA)
Equatorial Guinea
Certificado de Selectividad (University Entrance Exam results)
Please note: All required high school subjects for the program(s) you applied to must be presented from the Selectividad Exam results. If you are currently attending high school, inform us immediately of the subjects you are going to take in the Selectividad Exam.
Eritrean Secondary Education Certificate exam results
(former name: Swaziland)
Any one of:
- GCE A level exam results ( See British-Patterned Curriculum)
- First-Year University Completion result from an accredited institution
Both of:
- Secondary School Leaving Certificate (Gümnaasiumi lõputunnistus) and Transcript of grades
- National Examination Certificate (Riigieksamitunnistus)
Secondary School Leaving Exam results
Please note: Secondary School Leaving Exam results are required for final admissions or clearing conditions. If an applicant cannot submit these results by the deadline (for any reason, including exam/result delays) and they do not present eligible alternatives to meet our requirements (e.g. AP exam results), their application will be denied or their conditional offer will be revoked.
Fiji Islands
Fiji Year 13 Certificate or Form VII examination results
Matriculation Certificate including exam results (Ylioppilastutkinto/Studentexamen)
Please note: All required high school subjects for the program(s) you applied to must be presented from the Matriculation Exam. If you are currently attending high school, inform us immediately of the subjects you are going to take in the Matriculation Exam.
Any one of:
- Baccalaureat exam results (non-technology streams). See French-Patterned Curriculum
- Brevet de Technicien Supérieur (BTS). Please note final results and diploma must be issued by the Ministry of Higher Education
General Education Diploma (Sruli Zogadi Ganatlebis Atestati) and Transcript of marks including graduation exam marks
Certificate of General Qualification for University Entrance (Zeugnis Der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife) including results for Qualifikationsphase and Abiturprüfung
First-Year University Completion results from an accredited institution
Baccalauréat Unique (or Baccalauréat Deuxième Partie) exam results (non-technology streams)
Certificado de Conclusão do Ensino Secundário and Transcript of marks
Baccalauréat Deuxième Partie Philosophie (or Diplome d’Enseignement Secondaire) and Transcript of official exam results from Bureau National des Examens.
First-Year University Completion results from an accredited institution
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
- For all high school graduates in 2012 and beyond:
- Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education exam results
- For all high school graduates prior to 2012:
- Hong Kong Special Administrative Region - HKALE (Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination)
Maturity Certificate (Érettségi Bizonyítvány) including exam results
Matriculation Exam (Stúdentspróf) results
Any one of:
- Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) All India Senior School Certificate Examination (Class XII)
- Senior School Certificate Examination (Class XII) from other recognized state boards
- Higher Secondary School Certificate Examination (Class XII) from a recognized state board
- Pre-University Examination (Class XII) from a recognized state board
- Intermediate Certificate (Class XII) from a recognized state board
- Council for Indian School Certificate Exam (CISCE) Indian School Certificate (Class XII)
- For all high school graduates in 2020 and beyond:
- Senior High School Diploma including Final School exam results (Sekolah Menengah Atas, Ijazah & Nilai Ujian Sekolah)
- For all high school graduates prior to 2020, both of:
- Senior High School Final National exam results (Sekolah Menengah Atas, Nilai Ujian Nasional); and
- Senior High School Diploma including Final School exam results (Sekolah Menengah Atas, Ijazah & Nilai Ujian Sekolah)
- For all high school graduates in 2019 and beyond, both of:
- National High School Diploma for Grade 12 Completion and Transcript of marks.
- National Entrance Exam (Konkur) result. Please note this result is also considered in the final evaluation of your file.
- For all high school graduates prior to 2019:
- Pre-University Certificate and Transcript of marks
Baccalaureate exam results
Ireland, Republic of
Leaving Certificate - Higher Level exam results
Matriculation Certificate (Te’udat Bagrut) including exam results.
Please note: All required high school subjects for the program(s) you applied to must be presented from the Matriculation Exams. At least three subjects must be presented from the five-unit level, the remaining two subjects can be from the four-unit level. To find Program-Specific five-unit level subject equivalents, please refer to the Required Subjects column in the GCE British Curriculum Subject Requirement by Program chart.
Secondary School Leaving Certificate (Diploma di Esame di Stato) and Transcript of Marks
Ivory Coast
Any one of:
- Baccalaureat exam results (non-technology streams)
- Brevet de Technicien Supérieur (BTS). Please note final results and diploma must be issued by the Ministry of Higher Education
Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate (Kotogakko Sotsugyo Shomeisho) and Transcript of marks
General Secondary Education Certificate (Tawjihiya) including final marks
Both of:
- Attestat o Srednem (polnom) Obshchem Obrazovanii (General Certificate of Secondary Education) and Transcript of Marks
- Unified National Testing Exam including the minimum pass mark for each subject
Any one of:
- Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education including marks
- Kenya National Exam Council (KNEC) Business/Technical Diploma exam result
- Kenya National Exam Council (KNEC) Business/Technical Higher Diploma exam result
Please note: Final results and diploma for a Business/Technical program must be issued by KNEC.
College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT) results
Please note: For final evaluations all required high school subjects for the program(s) you applied to must be presented from CSAT.
Korea, Democratic People's Rep of (North Korea)
First-Year University Completion results from an accredited institution
Diploma of Completion of General Secondary School-Gymnasium and Transcript of marks
Secondary School Certificate (Shahadat Al-Thanawiya-Al-A’ama) including final marks
Attestat o Srednem (Polnom) Obshchem Obrazovanii and Transcript of marks
Atestāts Par Vispārējo Vidējo Izglītību and Transcript of marks
Baccalaureate (academic stream) exam results
Any one of:
- See British-Patterned Curriculum
- First-Year University Completion result from an accredited institution
Secondary Education Certificate including marks
Matura Certificate including exam results
Maturity Certificate (Brandos Atestatas) including exam results
Diplome de Fin d'Etudes Secondaires exam results
North Macedonia, Republic of
Secondary School Leaving Certificate and Transcript of State Matura Exam results.
Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement secondaire exam results (non-technology streams)
School Certificate of Education and Transcript of marks
Any one of:
- See British-Patterned Curriculum if you are completing the A-levels.
- See American Curriculum if you are completing an American high school diploma at an accredited school
- STPM exam results
- Malaysian Independent Chinese Secondary Schools - Unified Examination Certificate
Baccalauréat Malien exam results (non-technology streams)
Matriculation Certificate exam results issued by MATSEC Exams Board
Please note: All required high school subjects for the program(s) you applied to must be presented from the Matriculation Exam. If you are currently attending high school, inform us immediately of the subjects you are going to take in the Matriculation Exam.
Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement du Secondaire exam results (non-technology streams)
Bachillerato (3 years of educacion media superior/preparatorias) and Transcript of final results
Diploma de Bacalaureat and Transcript of marks
Certificate of Complete Secondary Education and Transcript of marks
Montenegro, Republic of
(former name: State Union of Serbia and Montenegro 2003-2006, previously Yugoslavia 1992-2003)
Secondary School Leaving Diploma (Maturski ispit/Diploma o završenoj srednjoj školi) and Transcript of complete four-year secondary education records.
Baccalaureat exam results (non-technology streams)
Certificado de Habilitações Literárias and Transcript of marks
First-Year University Completion result from an accredited institution
Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate - Advanced Subsidiary Level (or Higher Level) exam results
School Leaving Certificate Exam (Grade 12) results issued by National Examinations Board
University Preparatory Education Diploma (Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs) and Transcript of marks
New Zealand
National Certificate of Educational Achievement Levels 2 and 3 (including Record of Achievements)
First-Year University Completion results from an accredited institution
Baccalauréat exam results (non-technology streams)
Northern Ireland
Upper Secondary School Certificate (Vitnemål Videregående) including marks
General Education Diploma including marks
General Secondary Education Certificate including marks
Bachillerato and Transcript of final marks
Papua New Guinea
Higher School Certificate exam results
Bachillerato and Transcript of final marks
First-Year University Completion results from an accredited institution
- For all high school graduates in 2018 and beyond:
- High School Diploma (Grade 12) and Transcript of marks
- For all high school graduates prior to 2018:
- First and Second-Year Completion results from a recognized post-secondary institution
Maturity Certificate of the General Lyceum (Świadectwo Dojrzałości) including exam results
Please note: All required matriculation courses must be met by presenting accepted grades from the Maturity Certificate exam results. If you are currently attending high school, you may be eligible for an Admission with Conditions. Please provide your transcript to date including Grade 11 final marks and, if available, Grade 12 interim marks. Self-declared Maturity Certificate exam registration is also requested.
Diploma/Certificado Nível Secundário de Educação and Transcript of Classificação Final das Disciplinas
General Secondary Education Certificate including final marks
Diploma de Baccalauréat and Transcript of marks
Both of:
- Attestat o Srednem (Polnom) Obshchem Obrazovanii and Transcript of marks
- Certificate of Unified State Examination (Svidetelstvo o Rezultatah Edinyj Gosudarstvennyj Ekzamen) including the minimum pass mark for each subject
If the results are only available online, please request for a certificate of marks from the high school you attend(ed) after they verify the results.
Certificat du Cycle Supérieur de l’Enseignement Secondaire (or Advanced General Certificate of Secondary Education) and Transcript of exam results
San Marino
Diploma di Maturita (three years of Upper Secondary School) and Transcript of marks
Saudi Arabia
General Secondary Education Certificate including final marks
Scottish Qualifications Authority Certificate, Advanced Higher
Any one of:
- Baccalaureat exam results (non-technology streams)
- Brevet de Technicien Supérieur (BTS). Please note: Final results and diploma for BTS must be issued by the issuing ministry.
Serbia and Montenegro, State Union of
(former name of Serbia and Montenegro 2003-2006; previously Yugoslavia 1992-2003)
Diploma o Završenoj Srednjoj Školi and Transcript of complete four-year secondary education records.
Serbia, Republic of
(former name: State Union of Serbia and Montenegro 2003-2006, previously Yugoslavia 1992-2003)
Both of:
- Completed Exams
- Dip in Completed Secondary Education
GCE A Levels exam results issued by a recognized examination board
Sierra Leone
Sint Eustatius
Sint Maarten
Slovak Republic
Maturitné Vysvedčenie Certificate and Transcript of marks
Secondary School Leaving Certificate and Transcript of marks
Secondary School Leaving Certificate and Transcript of marks
South Africa
Senior Certificate including final marks
South Sudan
South Sudan certificate of Secondary Education exam results
Titulo de Bachillerato and Transcript of marks
Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka GCE A Levels exam results
Saint Kitts + Nevis
Saint Lucia
St. Vincent + the Grenadines
First-Year University Completion results from an accredited institution
Higher Education Preparatory Diploma and Transcript of marks
Maturity Certificate (Maturitat) and Transcript of exam results
Baccalauréat/General Secondary Certificate including exam results
General Scholastic Ability Test (GSAT) results or Advanced Subject Test (AST) results.
Please note: For final evaluations all required high school subjects for the program(s) you applied to must be presented from GSAT or AST.
Attestat and Transcript of final results
Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Exam results
Mathayom 6 Diploma and Transcript of final results
Any one of:
- Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement du Troisième Degré exam results (non-technology streams)
- Brevet de Technicien Supérieur (BTS). Please note: Final results and diploma for BTS must be issued by the issuing ministry
National Form 7 Certificate and Transcript of marks
Trinidad + Tobago
Baccalaureate exam results (non-technology streams)
First-Year University Completion results from an accredited institution
Turks + Caicos
Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education exam results
Свідоцтво про здобуття повної загальної середньої освіти (Certificate of Complete General Secondary Education) and Transcript of final results
United Arab Emirates
Secondary School Certificate (Shahadat Aal-Tthanawiya-Al-A’ama) including final marks
Bachillerato and Transcript of marks
United States of America (U.S.)
Certificate of Completed Upper Secondary Education and Transcript of marks
For all high school graduates in 2025, both of
- High School Completion Transcript (Hoc Ba Tot Nghiep THPT)
- National High School Exam Result (Giay Chung Nhan Ket Qua Thi Tot Nghiep THPT/Tuyen Sinh Cao Dang-Dai Hoc).
Please note you must present all 5 required high school subjects for the program(s) you applied to. At least 3 of these subjects must be presented from the Graduation/Higher Education Entrance Exam result (Ket Qua Thi Tot Nghiep/Tuyen Sinh Dai Hoc), and the remaining 2 subjects can be from your Final Grade 12 school result (Hoc Ba).
To find out what 3 subjects from the Graduation/Higher Ed Entrance Exam result are required for your program, please refer to the "Required Subjects" column in the ‘GCE British Curriculum Subject Requirement by Program chart’ for reference.
For all high school graduates from 2016 to 2024, both of
- High School Completion Transcript (Hoc Ba Tot Nghiep THPT) and High School Diploma (Bang Tot Nghiep THPT).
- National High School Exam Result (Giay Chung Nhan Ket Qua Thi Tot Nghiep THPT/Tuyen Sinh Cao Dang-Dai Hoc).
This transcript must also include marks for each of the subjects in the Sciences/Humanities Combination test. Please note for final evaluation all required high school subjects for the program(s) you applied to must be presented from this exam result with marks.
For all high school graduates prior to 2016
- High School Completion Transcript (Hoc Ba Tot Nghiep THPT) and High School Diploma (Bang Tot Nghiep THPT).
Virgin Islands (British)
Virgin Islands (U.S.)
General Secondary Education Certificate (Al Thanawiya) including final results
(former name of Serbia and Montenegro 1992-2003)
Secondary School Leaving Diploma (Maturski Ispit/Diploma o Završenoj Srednjoj Školi) and Transcript of complete four-year secondary education records.
General Certificate of Education exam results
Zimbabwe GCE A Levels exam results
General + Common Curricula
Documents not originally issued in English or French must be accompanied by an official English translation completed by a certified translator.
American Curriculum
American Curriculum Senior High School Transcript
For details on minimum required scores and course equivalencies, refer to International Admission Subjects and Course Equivalencies.
You may be eligible for Admission with Conditions if you are currently attending high school. Please provide your transcript, including Grade 10 to Grade 11 marks and Grade 12 marks to date (if available) or Grade 12 course registration.
Caribbean Exam Council Curriculum
CAPE - Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination results.
Please note an eligible CAPE subject must have both units 1 and 2 exam results. CSEC results are not considered for our admissions.
Choueifat, International School of (not accredited with a recognized US accreditor)
European Baccalaureate
European Baccalaureate certificate and marks issued by the Office of the Secretary-General of the European Schools
British-patterned Curriculum
GCE A-level exam results issued by a recognized examination board.
Please note: If you are currently attending A-level final year, you may qualify for admission without conditions with your Predicted A-level subjects and grades if issued and received from March 1.
The Predicted A-level grades must be grades that your school is submitting to the recognized GCE Awarding Bodies in the UK (e.g. Cambridge Assessment, AQA, Edexcel, etc.) and be sent directly from the issuing institution to the Office of the Registrar.
It is highly recommended that your school completes, authenticates, and sends us the official copy of the U of A's GCE A-level Predicted Grades Form.
Since A-level official certificate for June series is not normally available by the August 1 deadline, you may submit the official Statement of Grades for your A-level exam as soon as it is available (acceptance is subject to seat availability at that time).
International Baccalaureate exam results sent by the IB Organization
Please note: If you are currently attending your final year of the IB diploma program, you may qualify for admission without conditions with your predicted IB Diploma grades ,which reflect the predicted grades submitted by your school to the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO), received from March 1. Have the Predicted IB Grades Form completed by your IB coordinator. The form must be sent directly from the school to the Office of the Registrar.
Maple Leaf World School Program
For details on minimum required scores and course equivalencies, refer to International Admission Subjects and Course Equivalencies.
You may be eligible for Admission with Conditions if you are currently attending a Maple Leaf World School Program. Please provide your transcript, including Grade 10 to Grade 11 marks and Grade 12 marks to date (if available) or Grade 12 course registration.
Private School Curriculum
Standardized Test results
Please note: You are required to present acceptable scores from standardized tests (e.g. AP exams) to fulfill the subject requirements of the program(s) to which you have applied.
For details on minimum required scores and course equivalencies, refer to International Admission Subjects and Course Equivalencies.
If you are attending an accredited American curriculum, or planning to take GCE exams or a national high school diploma exam, please let us know immediately.
Sino-Canada Concord New Brunswick Offshore Curriculum at an accredited school in China
High School final transcript
Standardized Exams
ACT College Report (ACT college code number 5324)
SAT - Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT DI code number 0963)
AP- Advanced Placement Program, The College Board
Arrange to have your Advanced Placement Grade Report sent by the College Board when final test scores are available.
West African Exam Council (WAEC) Curriculum
West African Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) results issued by the West African Examinations Council (WAEC).
We are able to access your WAEC results online using your WAEC scratch card or WAEC digital certificate. You can obtain a scratch card through an approved scratch card outlet.
Please note, our office must verify the results independently, we will not accept the results as copied, emailed or otherwise reported from the student. Send your scratch card information only when your WAEC results are available online.
When forwarding your scratch card information, please send the following details using the Student Service Centre Contact Form:
- Your full and complete name
- Your 海角社区 ID number
- The Examination, Candidate or Index Number
- The Examination Year
- The Type of Examination
- The Card Serial Number
- The scratch card PIN number