Taylor鈥檚 American Degree Transfer Program (ADP) Credit Transfer

The U of A, ranked among the top 100 universities in the world, offers over 200 undergraduate programs. Located in Edmonton, Canada, the main campus boasts 32,000 students from Canada and all over the world. The U of A is one of the most international universities in Canada and the fortieth-most international university in the world. Additionally, graduates from the U of A have the highest employment rate in Canada, making the U of A an excellent choice for your education and future career.

Applicants from Taylor’s University to programs in the Faculty of Arts; Faculty of Science; Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation; and Faculty of Agricultural, Life & Environmental Sciences will be evaluated for transfer credit in the courses listed below.

This transfer credit information is only applicable to students in the ADP.

For more information, including transfer into other faculties, please email 海角社区 student recruiter Katherine Melnyk at katherine.melnyk@ualberta.ca.

Courses Credit Transfer

This chart is for informational purposes only. The granting of transfer credit is at the sole discretion of the U of A.

Broadening Knowledge about Malaysia

Taylor's Course Name Course Name U of A Credit Course Number of Credits
UCM60303U3 People Dynamics in Malaysian Organizations SMO 301 3
UCM60403U3 Malaysian Legal System OPT 1XX 3
UCM60503U3 Malaysian Studies 3 HIST 2XX 3
UCM60603U3 Architecture and Nation Building ART H 1XX 3
UCM 60203U3 Biodiversity in Malaysia BIOL 1XX *3


Taylor's Course Name Course Name U of A Credit Course Number of Credits
ACCT150 Introduction to Accounting ACCTG 311 3
ACCT201 Accounting I ACCTG 311 3
ACCT202 Accounting II ACCTG 3XX 3
BLAW331 The Legal Environment of Business BC OPT 2XX 3
ECON202 Microeconomics ECON 101 3
ECON203 Macroeconomics ECON 102 3
FINS323 Introductory Financial Management FIN 3XX 3
GBUS102 Introduction to Business BUS 1XX 3
MGMT325 Principles of Management SMO 310 3
MGMT333 Introduction to Management Science OM 352 3
MKTG311 Marketing Principles and Problems MARK 301 3
MISS241 Management Information Systems MIS 2XX 3
OPMT303 Operation Management OM 3XX 3


Taylor's Course Name Course Name U of A Credit Course Number of Credits
ADVS210 Advertising MARK 432 3
COMM101 Introduction to Communication OPT 1XX 3
COMM105 Interpersonal Communication OPT 1XX 3
COMM215 Cross Cultural Communication OPT 2XX 3
GBUS271 Business Communication BUS 2XX 3
PREL201 Public Relations OPT 2XX 3
SPCH105 Effective Public Communication AROPT 1XX 3
TCOM367 World Broadcasting OPT 3XX 3


Taylor's Course Name Course Name U of A Credit Course Number of Credits
ENGL101 English Composition 1 WRS 1XX 3
ENGL102 English Composition 2 WRS 1XX 3

Fine + Performing Arts

Fine and Performing Arts
Taylor's Course Name Course Name U of A Credit Course Number of Credits
DANC101 Introduction to Dance and Creative Processes (NEW) OPT 1XX 3
FILM101 Introduction to Film Studies FS 1XX 3
MUSC103 Introduction to Music MUSIC 1XX 3
THTR101 Foundations in Acting I DRAMA 1XX 3
THTR102 Foundations in Acting II DRAMA 1XX 3


Taylor's Course Name Course Name U of A Credit Course Number of Credits
HIST101 World Civilizations I (to 1500) HIST 1XX 3
HIST102 World Civilizations (from 1500) HIST 1XX 3
HIST105 U.S. History to 1877 HIST 2XX 3
HIST106 U.S. History since 1877 HIST 2XX 3
PHIL101 Introductions to Philosophy PHIL 1XX 3
PHIL203 Introduction to Logic PHIL 1XX 3
WREL105 World Religion RELIG 1XX 3
PSYC201 General Psychology PSYCH 1XX 3
SOCS101 Sociology I SOC 1XX 3
SOCS102 Sociology II SOC 1XX 3


Taylor's Course Name Course Name U of A Credit Course Number of Credits
MATH161 Calculus For Business 1 MATH 114 3
MATH162 Calculus For Business 2 MATH 114 3
MATH171 Calculus 1 MATH 1XX 3

Personal Development + Skills Development

Personal Development and Skills Development
Taylor's Course Name Course Name U of A Credit Course Number of Credits
UCM60203U2 Introduction to Acting (NEW) DRAMA 1XX 3
UCM60303U2 Introduction to Philosophy (NEW) PHIL 1XX 3

Philosophy, Values + History

Philosophy, Values and History
Taylor's Course Name Course Name U of A Credit Course Number of Credits
MPU3143 Bahasa Melayu Komunikasi 2 (International Student) AROPT 1XX 3
MPU3113 Hubungan Etnik AROPT 1XX 3
MPU3123 Tamadun Islam and Tamadun Asia (TITAS) AROPT 1XX 3


Taylor's Course Name Course Name U of A Credit Course Number of Credits
BIOL 160 Biological Science with Laboratory BIOL 107 *3
CHEM 100 No equivalent No credit
CHEM 101 No equivalent No credit
CHEM 105 CHEM 101 *3
CHEM 106 CHEM 102 *3
CHEM 221 CHEM 2XX *3
CSCI 101 Introduction to Computers No equivalent No credit
CSCI 102 Programming in C++ CMPUT 174 *3
CSCI 116 Computer Programming I CMPUT 174 *3
CSCI 117 Computer Programming JAVA CMPUT 174 *3
CSCI 221 Object-Oriented Programming CMPUT 201 *3
CSCI 223 Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming CMPUT 229 *3
CSCI 251 Programming for Sciences and Engineering CMPUT 174 *3
MATH 110 No equivalent No credit
MATH 150 No equivalent No credit
MATH 161 No equivalent No credit
MATH 162 MATH 114 for MATH 161 and 162 *3
MATH 172 MATH 115 (see comments) *3
MATH 208 MATH 1xx (not to be used in Science programs) *3
MATH 271 MATH 209 *3
MATH 319 MATH 125 *3
MATH 353 MATH 334 *3
NUTR201 Fundamentals of Human Nutrition NUTR 1XX 3
NUTR202 Nutrition for Health and Disease NUTR 1XX 3
PHYS 211 No equivalent No credit
PHYS 212 PHYS 126 *3