Message from the Program Director

Welcome to the 海角社区 Residency Training Program. There are currently 40 residents and four FPA's spread out over five years of training in our fully accredited program by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. Our residents are exposed to a diverse range of clinical settings as Edmonton zone hospitals are at the forefront of modern medical care. They serve as major referral centres in the areas of organ transplantation, pediatric surgery, cardiac surgery, high-risk obstetrics, trauma and neurosurgery. In addition, our dynamic faculty provide leading edge care in the areas of regional anesthesia, vascular and thoracic anesthesia and ambulatory surgery.

Our department is also comprised of accomplished clinical and basic science researchers who contribute significantly in the area of academic medicine. Anesthesia Crisis Resource Management (ACRM) simulations run annually in addition to a content-related simulation curriculum throughout the year. This helps prepare our trainees to become consultant anesthesiologists, as well as solid ambassadors and innovators in the fields of anesthesiology and medicine.

Our staff have trained locally, nationally and internationally; they actively participate in day-to-day clinical teaching, academic teaching, simulation and exam preparation. This activity takes place on the backdrop of Edmonton, Alberta, one of North America's fastest growing and vibrant cities.

CaRMS 2025 Information for Candidates

About the Program

The specialty education of anesthesiology is a five-year training program that fosters the development of individuals having basic medical qualifications into consultant anesthesiologists. Consultant anesthesiologist are physicians who have specialized knowledge and skills that qualify them for competent assessment and care of patients for all kinds of surgical and obstetrical anesthesiology, intensive care and other issues surrounding pain management. Consultants also have particular expertise in airway management, monitoring and support of vital physiologic functions, care of unconscious patients, resuscitation of patients of all ages and the use of peripheral nerve blocks to produce regional anesthesiology.

Our training programs are led by our dedicated academic staff who take delight in preparing and training anesthesiologists for their academic careers.

The postgraduate training program in Anesthesiology is an accredited program and is in accordance with the specialty training requirements outlined by the Royal College.

Mission Statement

To provide a learning environment that facilitates development of medical school graduates into complete Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada specialist certified consultant anesthesiologists with a passion for lifelong learning and healthy work-life balance.

Vision Statement

The Anesthesiology resident training program will be a top ranked program in Canada recognized for its high quality clinical, academic, and research programs; world-class integrated simulation program; and clear focus on healthy, positive and enthusiastic learning environments.


The Anesthesiology resident training program values all components of the CanMeds framework as well as initiatives that promote life-long learning and inquiry, respect for all residents, staff and students and provision of a healthy learning environment.