
Augustana Parking


Limited Parking March, April, May at the Jeanne & Peter Lougheed Centre

March 4, 2025

During March, April, and May there will be limited parking next to the Jeanne & Peter Lougheed Performing Arts Centre (lots P1 and P2) on select days due to dance competitions, the Camrose Music Festival and final exams.

  • Friday, March 7 – Sunday, March 9
  • Saturday, March 15 – Sunday, March 16
  • Thursday, March 20 – Saturday, March 22
  • Saturday, March 29 – Sunday, March 30
  • Thursday, April 3 – Thursday, April 10
  • Saturday, April 12 – Tuesday, April 15
  • Wednesday, April 23 – Sunday, April 27
  • Wednesday, April 30
  • Thursday, May 1 – Sunday, May 4
  • Thursday, May 8 – Wednesday, May 14
  • Saturday, May 17 – Sunday, May 18
  • Thursday, May 23 – Sunday, May 25
  • Saturday, May 31

Permit holders can find alternative parking at the Faith & Life Centre (lot P4) on a first come, first served basis, or on the nearby streets (please obey any street parking signage).

Please note:

  • Augustana's Traffic and Parking Regulations are strictly enforced at all times, including long weekends and holidays.
  • Augustana campus does NOT have reserved or electric plugin parking available.

2024-25 parking fees

Parking permits per term

A permit is only valid for one term. The valid dates for each term are:

  • Fall term (September–December)
  • Winter term (January–April)
  • Spring/Summer term (May–August)

$49.00 General parking permit (car/truck/van)
$20.53 Motorcycle parmit
Free temporary parking permit (less than 2 weeks)

All prices include GST

Parking fines

View all parking citation fines

You will need the parking citation number beginning with AUG100xxxx

Contact Parking

L 2-130 Learning Commons, 2nd Floor Library
Phone: 780-679-1163


Parking permits can be purchased:

In person

Permits can be purchased in person at the Parking Services Office in the Learning Commons, 2nd Floor Library.

Online (August to mid-September only)

Permits can be purchased online only between August to mid-September at

Permits purchased online can be picked up at the Parking Services Office

Note: Be sure to choose an Augustana parking permit. If "Augustana" is not an option, purchase a permit in person at the Parking Services Office.


Registration of Vehicles
  1. All vehicles on campus must be registered. This registration is available from the Parking Services Office and must be obtained immediately upon arrival on campus. Owners of unregistered vehicles, who park on campus, will be subject to parking citation fines, towing charges, and any motor vehicle search fees incurred by Augustana in identifying ownership of such vehicles.
  2. Upon registration, a parking permit will be issued. All students, faculty and staff of Augustana who wish to park their vehicles on campus are required to display a valid parking permit. Permits affixed by adhesive tape or other means are deemed invalid and will be subject to parking citation and/or towing. Permits are the property of Augustana. Permits can be purchased at the Parking Services Office
  3. Temporary Parking Permits for periods of less than 2 weeks may be obtained free of charge from the Parking Services Office. Temporary permits must be displayed on the dash so they are visible through the front windshield.
  4. Parking registration fees are described here.
  5. If a vehicle permit holder has occasion to use an alternate vehicle, please notify the Parking Services BEFORE the vehicle is parked on campus to avoid a parking citation fine and/or towing.
  6. Theft of a parking permit or use of an unauthorized parking permit will result in disciplinary action.
  7. Any individual who brings a vehicle on campus is responsible for that vehicle, regardless of who the owner/operator is.
  8. Registration information includes license plate of vehicle, name and address of the owner and operator, and vehicle description. Applicants are required to provide proper identification: a valid driver's license, and present proof of registration of the vehicle.
  9. All visitors should be directed to park their vehicles in the visitor section of the Faith & Life Centre parking lot. (See #5, "Visitor Parking Area") Registered students, faculty and staff at 海角社区, Augustana Campus are not considered bonafide "visitors" and may not use the Faith & Life visitor parking area during weekdays between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
Parking and Traffic Regulations
  1. All regulations stated herein apply to students, faculty, and staff operating vehicles on campus. In these regulations, the term "campus" is interpreted to include all Augustana parking lots, lanes and roadways on Augustana property. The term "vehicle" or "motor vehicle" is interpreted to include automobiles, trucks, and motorcycles.
  2. 海角社区, Augustana Campus assumes NO responsibility for loss or damage to any vehicle or its contents.
  3. Alberta laws and municipal laws governing motor vehicle operation are in effect on all campus locations.
  4. Strict adherence to rules pertaining to maximum speed of 25 km per hour and to no parking in service drives or fire lanes is required. These rules protect pedestrians and vehicles and provide access for fire-fighting equipment, service vehicles, and ambulances. Violators will have their vehicle towed from the campus at the owner’s expense.
  5. Unless designated as a parking area, no vehicle parking is allowed.
Student and Employee Parking Areas
  1. The purchase of a parking permit does not guarantee a parking space on campus. However, it does authorize parking on campus in a designated parking lot if space is available.
  2. Loading Zones next to the Library, Founders’ Hall, Hoyme Complex and Ravine Complex are for loading/unloading purposes only. (A maximum of 15 minutes is allowed with emergency flashers activated.) Violators will receive parking citations and have their vehicles towed from the campus at the owner's expense.
  3. The SOUTH end of the Faith & Life Parking lot, directly in front of the Faith & Life Centre, is exclusively for the use of bonafide visitors, weekdays between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Students and employees with campus-registered vehicles may only use this area on weekdays between the hours of 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. and on weekends.
  4. The two MIDDLE ROWS on the west end of the Faith & Life Parking Lot are reserved for the exclusive use of faculty and staff, weekdays between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Students with campus-registered vehicles may only use this area on weekdays between the hours of 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. and on weekends.
  5. The NORTH ROW and the EAST end of the Faith & Life Parking Lot is available for the use of off-campus students with campus-registered vehicles.
  6. Students who expect visitors to the campus should read the following information on "Visitor Parking Area".
Residence Student Parking
  1. Residence students MUST park in the Ravine Complex Parking Lot (P5) ONLY with a valid parking permit.
  2. Residence students are NOT permitted to park in the Faith & Life Parking Lot or Theatre Centre Parking Lot. Violators will receive parking citations and/or have their vehicles towed from the campus at the owner’s expense.
  3. The visitor parking area in the Ravine Complex is for the use of visitors to the Ravine Complex residents. Residence students are NOT permitted to park in the Ravine Complex visitor parking area at ANY time.
Visitor Parking Area
  1. Visitor parking is available ONLY in the Visitor Parking area in the K. Glen Johnson Faith and Life Parking Lot and in the designated spaces in the Theatre Centre Parking Lot and Ravine Complex Parking Lot.
  2. Students are responsible for advising their guests of the parking policies and will be held accountable for any parking citation fines and/or towing charges issued to their guests.
  3. Students who expect visitors to the campus should request a Visitor Parking Pass from the Parking Services Office in advance of their visitor arriving on campus.
  4. Registered students, faculty and staff at Augustana are not considered bonafide "visitors" and may not use the visitor parking areas during weekdays between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
  5. The visitor parking area in the Ravine Complex is for the use of visitors to the Ravine Complex residents. Residence students are NOT permitted to park in the Ravine Complex visitor parking area at ANY time.
Parking Violations/Citations
  1. Notice of a parking violation/citation will be placed on the windshield of a vehicle and logged in the Parking Services Office. View all parking citation fines.
  2. If a vehicle is parked in a loading zone in excess of 15 minutes (with emergency flashers activated), a fire lane, emergency access roadway, or unauthorized parking in a reserved parking lot, the vehicle will be towed off-campus. To retrieve a towed vehicle, the owner must pay the towing company directly for all costs involved (including storage costs) at its commercial rate.
  3. Fines may be paid online or in person at the Parking Services Office. Unpaid fines will result in financial holds will be placed on the student’s account preventing course registration changes and/or release of transcripts. Holds will be removed when the fines are paid.
  4. Augustana reserves the right to remove any vehicle from the campus operated or parked in violation of campus regulations.
  5. Use of abusive language to parking officers towing company employees or parking officers will result in disciplinary action.

An Appeal of a parking citation may be submitted via email to Appeals which are not submitted within thirty (30) days from the date of violation will not be considered.

Augustana’s Traffic and Parking Regulations are strictly enforced at all times, including long weekends, breaks, holidays, final exam periods, and spring/summer.