Celebrating the 2020 Augustana Student Life Award winners

Congratulations to the students and staff from across the 海角社区's Augustana Campus who have been recognized for their contribution to student life on campus: in leadership, academics and athletics.

Tia Lalani - 16 April 2020

For the last few years, Augustana has looked forward to an event that celebrates student and staff achievement across campus. The Student Life Awards were set to take place on March 31 this year but had to be cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Although we are not able to provide a public ceremony at this time, we would like to recognize the hard work of each of the following individuals over the last year-over all of their time spent at Augustana, in fact-who deserve to be recognized for their achievements.

While certificates have been sent to all of our award winners, and details of a future physical awards presentation are being worked out, we wanted to also offer a public congratulations to these award winners. These individuals and groups have contributed to Student Life at Augustana Campus in some form or another, and their efforts have made Augustana a better place-to study, to work and to live. Congratulations!

Onesimus Award Winners

The Onesimus Award is presented to a select group of third and fourth-year students in recognition of their significant contribution to the welfare of Augustana Faculty, 海角社区. The award takes its namesake from the servant of the Apostle Paul and Philemon. In a letter to Philemon, Paul says that Onesimus is his "very heart." At the "very heart" of Augustana's life are those persons who freely offer their time, energy and talents in service to this community. This award is given to students selected by faculty, staff and students, who have exemplified faithful, dedicated service to the well-being of Augustana Faculty, 海角社区.

Lukas Biensch
Matthew Caffaro
Katherine Corrigan
Nathalie Hewa Dewage
Parker Dean
Braeden Kelly
Joshua Lawal
Abigail Lee
Leah Marshall
Jennae Matzner
Francesca Middleton
Amara Onyia
Sara Paulgaard
Kylie Peake
Kristen Reiswig
David Salmon
Curtis Skip
Aurora Tupechka

Augustana Leadership Award

The Augustana Leadership Award was created in 2013 to recognize students who demonstrate outstanding dedication and leadership to fellow students and to their community through involvement in student government, student associations, clubs and or organizations. Recipients of this award receive a certificate along with a $500.00 award from the Augustana Students' Association.

Amielle Christopherson
Emily Peterson
Omotayo Segun-Omosehin
Curtis Skip

Betty Ostenrud Award

This award was created by the Students' Association to recognize both a member of the faculty and of the staff who have given of themselves tirelessly to the benefit of students and the institution as a whole. The award is named after Betty Ostenrud who was a longtime staff member of the University and who truly demonstrated outstanding service to the Augustana community. Two award recipients is a difficult choice to make as all the nominees are extremely deserving.

Mark Fulton & Hutch (Library Dog)
Rosanna Heise

Heather Roxanne Huber Memorial Award

This award, established by the Augustana Students' Council, is in honour and memory of Heather Roxanne Huber, a student who contributed greatly to the life and community of Augustana. In her time at Augustana, she was involved in many activities on and off campus, and her vibrant and energetic personality was felt by all. This award is given annually to a third or fourth-year student who has contributed greatly to the Augustana Students' Association by way of leadership either in clubs/committees, councils, fine arts or athletics.

Jennae Matzner

Roger Epp Award

The Roger Epp Award was created in 2011 in appreciation of former Augustana Dean Roger Epp's commitment to service in the Camrose and campus communities. It was developed to recognize third or fourth-year students who have both contributed to the development of the campus community as well as stepped off of campus to become involved in community initiatives and programs. Students receiving this award are known for their active and ongoing volunteering or leadership within community-based organizations. Award recipients are very difficult to choose as all the nominees are extremely deserving and each individual's activities can vary significantly.

Meghan Loutit

Club Awards

Every year, clubs have the opportunity to win three awards. Best New Club recognizes a new club that has made a visible impact on campus as evidenced by events and student engagement. The Most Improved Club award goes to a club that has improved in club membership, number of events, student engagement, etc. And finally, the Best Overall Club award is given to a club with second-year status that has a large presence on campus, not necessarily in membership, but in recognizability and engagement with the campus community.

Best New Club: Augustana Biology Club.

Most Improved Club: Augustana Earthwise

Best Overall Club: Augustana Outdoors Club

Residence Life Professional Association (RLPA) Leadership Society

The Residence Life Professional Association acknowledges the important and significant contributions that student leaders make to the residence environment. Each year, the RLPA honours outstanding student leaders and inducts them into our own Residence Hall of Fame. The RLPA recognizes that these students have made a difference by displaying commitment and superior leadership skills within their residence community.

Matthew Caffaro
Nathalie Hewa Dewage
Connor Munday
Omotayo Segun-Omosehin

Augustana Athletics Awards

Our athletes are impressive both within and outside of the sport they play in. These awards have been given for athleticism, leadership and academic success.

Female Athlete Leadership Award
Samantha Dargis
Rae Metrunec

Male Athlete Leadership Award
Curtis Skip

Female Athlete of the Year
Rae Metrunec

Male Athlete of the Year
Nathan Bowie

Female Rookie of the Year
Reese Bendiksen
Megan Hebert

Male Rookie of the Year
Quintin Sudom

Dr. Roger Epp Scholar-Athletes of the Year

Anne Mirejovsky, Cross Country Running
Noah Day, Cross Country Running

Team GPA Award


Team MVP Awards

Men's Volleyball: Duncan McDonald
Women's Volleyball: Rae Metrunec
Hockey: Travis Mayan
Curling: Dustin Rupertus and Nikki Smith
Men's Basketball: Nathan Bowie
Women's Basketball: Tegan MacKinnon
Cross Country Running: Reese Bendiksen and Michio Green
Indoor Track: Catherine Alcorn and Nathanael Tabert
Men's Soccer: Johnny Johnson
Women's Soccer: Cari Kilmartin
Golf: Michael Harrison