The 2024 Student Life Awards
Sydney Tancowny - 16 April 2024
On April 4, students, staff, faculty and community members celebrated how they contribute to student life on campus.
Congratulations to all 2024 Student Life Awards nominees and recipients:

Onesimus Award
Nominees: Jessica Andreas, Anika Briscoe, Makayla Clarke, Paulina Dias Afonso, Frank Dion, Belle Dodds, Logan Driedger, Timothy Dueck, Nate Goetz, Casey HartmanIsca Irangwe, Adrian Lam, Emmanuella Loomis, Rylee MacLennan, Hannah Nichol, Joanna Nicolas, Meet Prakashkumar Panchal, Nicole Roy, Hannah Taplin, Stanislav Vasyliuk
Recipients: Anika Briscoe, Makayla Clarke, Frank Dion, Belle Dodds, Logan Driedger, Timothy Dueck, Nate Goetz, Casey Hartman, Isca Irangwe, Adrian Lam, Emmanuella Loomis, Rylee MacLennan, Joanna Nicolas, Meet Prakashkumar Panchal, Nicole Roy
Best New Club
Recipient: Augustana Drama Club
Most Improved Club
Recipient: Augustana South Asia Club
Best Overall Club
Recipient: Augustana Biology Club
ASA Student Recognition Award
Nominees: Jessica Andreas, AC Capper, Saim Khokhar, Rylee MacLennan, Sarah Nagel
Recipients: Jessica Andreas, Sarah Nagel
Vikings Volunteer Coach of the Year
Nominees: Lauren Cardinal (Women’s Basketball), Dan Johnson (Men’s Volleyball), Bryan Laskosky (Women’s Volleyball), Robert Renman (Cross-Country Running & Indoor Track)
Recipient: Robert Renman (Cross-Country Running & Indoor Track)
Vikings Coach of the Year
Recipient: Steve Enright (Women's Volleyball)

Betty Ostenrud Award
Nominees: Faculty— Andrea Korda, Brandon Alakas, Paula Marentette, Craig Wentland
Staff— Kyra Thompson, Linnea Velikonja, Dave Hamilton
Recipients: Paula Marenttete (Faculty), Linnea Velikonja (Staff).
Vikings Volunteer of the Year
Recipient: Jon Hironaka (Men's Hockey)
Roger Epp Award
Nominees: Adachukwu Chimoabi, Makayla Clarke, Nate Goetz, Isca Irangwe, Rylee MacLennan, Sarah Nagel, Joanna Nicolas, Nicole Roy, Stanislav Vasyliuk
Recipient: Rylee MacLennan
Heather Huber Memorial Award
Nominees: Jessica Andreas, Makayla Clarke, Belle Dodds, Casey Hartman, Isca Irangwe, Rylee MacLennan, Sarah Nagel, Thanhhai Nguyen, Hannah Taplin
Recipient: Thanhhai Nguyen
Moncrieff Ford Memorial Award
Recipient: Rylee White (Men's Volleyball)
Team GPA Award
Recipients: Vikings Curling, Vikings Women's Soccer
Horseshoe Hero Award
Nominees: Samantha Abbott, Priscilla Adebanji, Nolan Dixson, Sarthak Kaushik, McKenzee Olsen, Jake Tuazon
Recipient: Sarthak Kaushik
Rookie of the Year Award
Nominees: Men— Colby Anderson (Basketball), Jayven Leslie (Hockey), Owen Rasmunson (Volleyball)
Women— Randi Cameron (Curling), Hannah McCarroll (Basketball), Kiara Periard-Endel (Soccer), Taryn Watson (Volleyball)
Recipients: Jayven Leslie (Men's Hockey), Hannah McCarroll (Women's Basketball)
Athlete of the Year Award
Nominees: Men— Jack Hamly (Hockey), Ewan Schellenberg (Cross-Country Running & Indoor Track), Jack Smilski (Basketball)
Women— Shae Boyes (Volleyball), Sidney Cusack (Cross-Country Running & Indoor Track), Sofia Ovcharenko (Basketball)
Recipients: Jack Hamly (Men's Hockey), Shae Boyes (Volleyball)

Augustana Leadership Award
Nominees: Jessica Andreas, Anika Briscoe, Adachukwu Chimaobi, Makayla Clarke, Frank Dion, Belle Dodds, Nate Goetz, Casey Hartman, Berenda Helmus, Isca Irangwe, Adrian Lam, Emmanuella Loomis, Rylee MacLennan, Sarah Nagel, Hannah Nichol, Joanna Nicolas, Meet Prakashkumar Panchal, Nicole Roy, Hannah Taplin, Stanislav Vasyliuk
Recipients: Jessica Andreas, Adachukwu Chimoabi, Adrian Lam, Sarah Nagel
Vikings Leadership Award
Nominees: Sydnee Dallyn (Women’s Soccer), Ryan Degner (Men’s Basketball), Owen Lamb (Men’s Hockey), Emily Peterson (Women’s Volleyball), Josie Zimmerman (Curling)
Recipient: Owen Lamb (Men’s Hockey)