What is Environmental Science?

Environmental science examines natural processes in our environment. It also looks at how society depends on nature, as well as our human impact on nature.

Environmental Science at Augustana

Students in this program will look at environmental issues from a variety of different perspectives. Developed with associations like the Canadian University Environmental Science Network and Environmental Career Organization Canada in mind, this program was designed to help students reach their environmental employment goals.

Program Information

Environmental Science is available as a:

  • Major in the Bachelor of Science degree program
  • Contributing Discipline in the Bachelor of Arts Sustainability Studies Major

Admissions Requirements

Academic Innovations

All programs at Augustana include a wide-ranging liberal arts and sciences core, taught within our unique “3-11” calendar.

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An undergraduate degree majoring in Environmental Science from Augustana will prepare you for careers where your “office” can be with or without walls!

  • Conservation Officer
  • Environmental Consultant
  • Environmental Health Officer
  • Park / Wildlife Official
  • and many more!

Environmental Science AlumnA

A portrait of Tamara Zembal
Tamara Zembal
Land Use Officer

“I didn't know my job existed when I graduated from University,” Tamara laughs, “I now realize that the environmental science program at Augustana set me up very well for this job.”


218 - Introduction to GIS

Introduction to fundamentals and applications of Geographic Information Systems. Topics include the nature of geographic data, geo-referencing systems, geographic modelling, data collection and management, and spatial analysis. Practical applications of GIS will be emphasized with the use of appropriate computer software.

320 - Parks and Wilderness

Examination of scientific principles and concepts underlying parks, wilderness and other protected area systems with emphasis on Canada. Topics include history, philosophy, conceptual frameworks, roles in sustainability, and types of biological and geographic designations.

330 - Ecology Field Studies

A 3-week field course that provides students an opportunity to develop skills in research and study design in the field of Environmental Science and Ecology. Students will live in a field camp to allow them to fully immerse themselves in their research projects, which could cover the range of ecology, botany, geography, environmental science and/or environmental studies. Course content also includes instruction in key aspects of conservation biology and resource management.

354 - Freshwater Ecology

Introduction to the biological, chemical and physical features of freshwater ecosystems, and how they relate to ecological processes in and adjacent to aquatic systems. The course will examine the role of ecological patterns in lakes, ponds, rivers and streams, with an emphasis on freshwater systems and their management in western Canada.

425 - Impact Assessment

History and theory of environmental impact assessment; legislative and policy frameworks; role in resource planning; methods and techniques for the assessment of impacts; future directions.

More courses in the .


Portrait of Glen Hvenegaard, PhD

Glen Hvenegaard, PhD

Dr. Hvenegaard's research interests include environmental interpretation, protected areas, ecotourism, bird biogeography, and rural sustainability.

Portrait of Greg King, PhD

Greg King, PhD

Dr. King's research interests include dendrochronology, forest ecology, urban ecology and northern ecosystems.


Mohammed Qasem, PhD

Mohammed Qasem teaches in the areas of computer science, including web design and development, parallel and distributed systems, algorithm design and analysis, computer architecture and operating system Concepts. His research centers mainly on computational intelligence.

Portrait of Elizabeth McGinitie, PhD

Elizabeth McGinitie, PhD

Elizabeth McGinitie teaches general, physical and inorganic chemistry courses. Her research focuses on catalyst development and continuous-flow chemistry.

Portrait of Anne McIntosh, PhD

Anne McIntosh, PhD

Dr. Anne McIntosh teaches in the areas of plant biology, biological diversity, and ecology. Her research focuses on the recovery of forested and grassland ecosystems after disturbance.