What is Psychology?

How do people form attitudes? How do people cope with stress and anxiety? Why do some people become addicted to drugs? How do children develop language? These are some of the questions psychologists ask and examine using the scientific method.

Psychology and Mental Health at Augustana

In this program, you’ll study different psychological topics and theories and will be able to understand and use psychological research. You will also learn how to think critically and present your ideas and arguments about psychology in a professional way.

Choosing to study psychology and mental health at Augustana will give you the chance to take a certificate in topics like brain research and community mental health, and spend time volunteering.

Program Information

Psychology and Mental Health is available as a(n):

  • Major in the Bachelor of Arts degree program
  • Contributing Discipline in the Bachelor of Arts Interdisciplinary Studies Law, Crime & Justice Studies Major

Admissions Requirements

Academic Innovations

All programs at Augustana include a wide-ranging liberal arts and sciences core, taught within our unique “3-11” calendar.

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An undergraduate degree majoring in Psychology and Mental Health from Augustana is great for people wanting a diverse selection of careers after graduation such as:

  • Clinical Psychologist
  • Forensic Psychologist
  • Social Worker
  • Speech Language Pathologist
  • and many more!


220 - Personality

An introduction to the study of personality. This course looks at relevant research and theoretical points-of-view.

256 - Developmental Psych.

Biological, cognitive, and social aspects of psychological development, with special emphasis on infancy, childhood, and adolescence.

338 - Relationships and Sexuality

A survey of research on intimate relationships and human sexuality from individual and interpersonal perspectives. Topics covered may include methods of sexuality/relationship science, attraction, gender identity, sex roles, sexual orientation, sexual attitudes and behavior, and relationship stresses.

477 - Neurobiology

Investigation of the neural mechanisms that underlie learning, memory, and addiction.

486 - Clinical and Counselling Psych.

Overview of the major approaches to counselling, providing the foundation for the counselling process. The student is involved in a variety of experiences in order to understand the basic concepts of each approach. Issues within the counselling profession such as ethical behaviour and career opportunities are also covered.


Portrait of Kathie Bailey

Kathie Bailey, PhD

Kathie Bailey is a developmental psychologist whose primary interest is in how children think. Kathie's research involves investigating language, social perspective taking and executive function in school-aged children.

Portrait of Ana Klahr, PhD

Ana Klahr, PhD

Ana Klahr is a neuroscientist whose main area of interest is stroke. Ana uses animal models to try to understand neuronal damage and identify therapies for stroke patients.

Portrait of Paula Marentette, PhD

Paula Marentette, PhD

Paula Marentette is a cognitive psychologist with a primary interest in how people think. Paula uses gesture and language as tools to explore symbolic thought in children.

Portrait of Sean Moore

Sean Moore, PhD

Sean Moore is a social-cultural psychologist with a primary interest in examining the causes and consequences of human emotions.

Portrait of Rebecca Purc-Stephenson PhD

Rebecca Purc-Stephenson, PhD

Rebecca Purc-Stephenson is an applied social psychologist whose primary area of research interest involves how people adapt to chronic illness.