Holger Wille
Ph.D, Universität Hamburg (Hamburg, Germany)
Director, Centre for Prions and Protein Folding Diseases
Office: 780-248-1712
The general focus of my work is the structure of amyloids and other disease-related, misfolded proteins. In particular, I am interested in the infectious prion protein (PrPSc) and the structure-function relationship underlying its infectious nature. In recent years, mounting evidence has implicated prion-like mechanisms in other neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and Lou Gehrig's disease. The mechanistic similarities and their molecular underpinnings represent interesting research avenues beyond the classical prion diseases. The scope of my current experimental approaches is centered on electron microscopy, three-dimensional reconstruction approaches, X-ray fiber diffraction, and other biochemical and biophysical methods.
Selected Publications:
Flores-Fernandez, JM, Pesch, V, Sriraman, A, Chimal-Juarez, E, Amidian, S, Wang, X, Duckering, C, Fang, A, Reithofer, S, Ma, L, Cortez, LM, Sim, VL, Tamgüney, G & Wille, H
Bioengineering & Translational Medicine (2024) 9, e10665.
The ultrastructure of infectious L-type bovine spongiform encephalopathy prions constrains molecular models.
Kamali-Jamil, R, Vázquez-Fernández, E, Tancowny, B, Rathod, V, Amidian, S, Wang, X, Tang, X, Fang, A, Senatore, A, Hornemann, S, Dudas, S, Aguzzi, A, Young, HS, Wille, H
PLoS Pathogens (2021) 17, e1009628
Spagnolli G, Rigoli M, Orioli S, Sevillano AM, Faccioli P, Wille H, Biasini E, Requena JR.
PLoS Pathogens (2019) Jul 11;15(7):e1007864. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1007864. eCollection 2019 Jul.
Wille H, Requena JR.
Pathogens. (2018) Feb 7;7(1). pii: E20. doi: 10.3390/pathogens7010020. Review
Zweckstetter, M, Requena, JR, Wille, H.
PLoS Pathogenss (2017) 13 Apr 13(4): e1006229.
Vázquez-Fernández, E, Vos, MR, Afanasyev, P, Cebey, L, Sevillano, AM, Vidal, E, Rosa, I, Renault, L, Ramos, A, Peters, PJ, Fernández, JJ, van Heel, M, Young, HS, Requena, JR, Wille, H. PLoS Pathogens (2016) Sep 8;12(9):e1005835
Lab Members
Graduate Students
Aishwarya Sriraman
Caleb Duckering
Postdoctoral Fellows
Aliza Borenshtein-Katz
Andrew Fang
Anthony Ness
Research Associate
Lyudmyla Dorosh
Xinli Tang
Serene Wohlgemuth
Brian Tancowny
Peace Okebugwu
Office: 110C BARB
Lab: 110 BARB