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Why all Caps Lock? Completion of this course is mandatory as per Alberta OHS regulations. Deadline for completion is February 15, 2020.

Again to clarify the definition: anyone who is responsible for a work site (can include field site, research or teaching lab, office) or oversees the work of other is a supervisor.

Link to the online course here.

Working Alone Policy for DBS

Make sure that you have formulated and created a plan for anyone who is required to work alone. You can follow the Faculty of Science office document to guide you in preparing your own protocol. Remember that hazards are specific to your particular work area and must be addressed. Need help? Contact the Safety Officer.

Cold Weather Information

These documents are intended primarily for field research groups, but if you spend any amount of time outdoors for recreational or other purposes, then do read them.

EHS Cold Stress Program

EHS Cold Stress Assessment Form

Attention Chematix Users: Modified Waste Pickup Schedule

Environment Health and Safety has updated the pickup schedule effective January 2020. Please read this document for more information.

Safety Training Onboarding Document

A resource to identify online courses offered through EHS to meet minimum safety requirements for the Department of Biological Sciences. Find it here.

Field Activity Plans - Have You Completed Yours?

A Field Activities Plan (FAP) is a document that ensures you have met obligations and responsibilities under the 海角社区 Off-Campus Travel Policy and . Any work rated as medium, high or extreme risk (refer to of Travel Policy) must have a FAP. This document will outline the nature of the work, location(s), participants, assessed hazards and controls and emergency response protocols.

To get started, review the Field Research Pre-Planning guide. You can find online training for writing the plan and can access the template on the pre-planning guide.

To summarize the process:

1. Create a new plan from the template. This explains details for each section.

2. List tasks involved in the work. Complete the Hazard Assessment and incorporate this into the FAP.

3. Emergency Info forms must be completed by all participants. These are collected, stored in a sealed envelope and retained on site. In the event of an emergency, the documents are passed to first responders. At the end of the project, all forms are shredded.

4. If waivers are required for any participants, make an to Insurance and Risk Assessment. A customized form will be created for you. Turnaround time is about 15 days so apply early.

5. Submit an initial draft (efile please) to the Safety Officer for review and editing.

6. Amend document to reflect changes. Print hard copies, ensure all signatures have been obtained.

7. Deposit one copy with the Safety Officer and keep another copy in the field for the duration of the project. You may also give a copy to your document manager.

Updated Safety Information package available for download here. (DOCX, 323kb)

WCB Reporting Process Modified:

The method for reporting injury that requires medical attention or results in lost time from work has changed. Check the WCB Reporting page for more information.

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Hazardous Waste Treatment

All Hazardous Waste is processed via Chematix, not through the regular waste stream. This includes radiological, chemical and biological materials. If in doubt, contact the Safety Officer before disposal.

For further information on chemical waste disposal;

see the Waste Disposal page (section 5.2)
