Research Certificate in Science

Research Certificate in Science: A Research Certificate in Science will provide an opportunity for undergraduate students to engage in authentic and focused research in their discipline and acquire skills beyond what a normal research experience in an Honors or Specialization program may allow.

Research Certificate in Science (Biological Sciences)


This certificate is open to undergraduate students in the Faculty of Science with preference given to BSc Honors and Specialization students in the Department of Biological Sciences and BSc General students (Biological Sciences major). Consent of the Department of Biological Sciences is required. Normally, a student will be able to fulfill the requirements for this certificate as part of a BSc program; some students may need to complete more than the minimum number of credits required in order to qualify for both the degree and the certificate.

Students wishing to pursue the Research Certificate in Science (Biological Sciences) must apply for acceptance into BIOL 298 using the form provided on the BIOL 298 Webpage. Application for this course does not guarantee a position in this program or the awarding of a certificate.

Students may pursue the Research Certificate in Science (Biological Sciences) by fulfilling the existing requirements for their program and by completing *21 as follows:

1) BIOL 298 (*3)
2) BIOL 399 (*6) or BIOL 398 (*3) and BIOL 498 (*3)
3) BIOL 499 (*6)
4) *3 from a list of 300- and 400-level approved options in data handling courses in Biological Sciences
5) *3 from a list of 300- and 400-level approved options in practical skills and techniques courses in Biological Sciences
6) Presentation at a conference either on or off campus

Students wishing to receive the Research Certificate in Science (Biological Sciences) must apply through Undergraduate Student Services in the Faculty of Science by the application deadline for convocation (see §11). Please log into the to access the form.

Proof of completion of requirement (6) Presentation at a conference either on or off campus should be submitted by email to

*3 Analysis, Data Handling and Interpretation - approved options in Biological Sciences. A number of courses will be considered for this requirement, however project courses (BIOL 298, BIOL 299, BIOL 398, BIOL 399, BIOL 490, BIOL 498 and BIOL 499) may not be used. Note: a student may not use a single course to satisfy the course requirement for both the *3 Analysis, Data Handling and Interpretation and the *3 Practical Skills and Techniques requirements.

Approved options:

BIOIN 301, BIOL 330, BIOL 331, BIOL 335, BIOL 380, BIOL 391, BIOL 392, BIOL 395, BIOL 430, BOT 332, GENET 375, IMIN 410, MA SC 410, MA SC 412, MA SC 430, ZOOL 344.

*3 Practical Skills and Techniques - approved options in Biological Sciences. A number of courses will be considered for this requirement, however project courses (BIOL 298, BIOL 299, BIOL 398, BIOL 399, BIOL 490, BIOL 498 and BIOL 499) may not be used. Note: a student may not use a single course to satisfy the course requirement for both the *3 Analysis, Data Handling and Interpretation and the *3 Practical Skills and Techniques requirements.

Approved options:

BIOIN 301, BIOIN 401, BIOL 333, BIOL 335, BIOL343, BIOL 391, BIOL 392, BIOL 395, BIOL 471,BOT 308, BOT 332, BOT 340, ENT 427, GENET 375,  IMIN 372, MMI 352, PALEO 400, ZOOL 303, ZOOL 344, ZOOL 351, ZOOL 354, ZOOL 370, ZOOL 371, ZOOL 450, ZOOL 452.

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