Business and Restructuring

As the 海角社区 begins a new era of transformation and transition, the Alberta School of Business is prepared to be transparent, clear, and authentic to ensure all stakeholders remain informed during the reorganization process.

College Model

As part of the academic restructuring, the Alberta School of Business became part of the new College of Social Sciences and Humanities on July 1, 2021. This college brings together the combined strength of the faculties of arts, business, education and law, representing a total of 510+ faculty members and 15,000 undergraduate and graduate students.


People of the College

Dr. Joseph Doucet (Interim College Dean)
Kerrie Johnston (College General Manager)
Jasmine Irvine (Executive Assistant)
Stacey Brennan (HR)
Sara Horseman (Finance)
Tony Kurian (Finance)
Rob Washburn (IT)
Sarah Peterson (Recruitment)
Jennifer Alabiso (enrolment)
Kristofer Connor (Communications)

Faculty & SET Administrative Updates

Administrative restructuring at the university is facilitated by the Service Excellence Transformation (SET) program, and includes a review of six key functional areas known as workstreams. Updates specific to the Alberta School of Business will be posted as SET progresses.

People of the Faculty

Acting Dean, Alberta School of Business

Dr. Kyle Murray

Faculty General Manager

Christine Froment

Finance Support

Jolene Martin

Faculty HR Partner

Evan Ramage

Other Faculty Partners


Consultation Activities

The university has held several community town halls and Ask SET Anything sessions to share how and where services and processes are best delivered within the new model. You can watch past sessions and view upcoming opportunities on the 海角社区 For Tomorrow Consultation page.


Career Opportunities

SET has identified that some new positions and structures are necessary for the operating model to be successful. A listing of new, upcoming position opportunities can be viewed on the Positions Opportunities page. Apply for any posted position through the university's Careers site.

Careers at the 海角社区