The Department of Marketing, Business Economics, and Law

The Department of Marketing, Business Economics, and Law (MBEL) is one of four departments in the Alberta School of Business at the 海角社区.

Members of the department are internationally known for basic and applied research in Marketing, International Business (IB), and Natural Resources and Energy (NRE). We offer courses in quantitative, behavioural and managerial areas of marketing; in international business and natural resources and energy from a business economics perspective; and business law. The department supports a PhD program in Marketing, specialized MBA programs in International Business and Natural Resources and Energy, and BCom majors in Marketing, Retailing and Services, International Business, and Business Economics and Law.

Interested in Marketing Management?

Effective marketing management is crucial for any business.  from the Department of Marketing, Business Economics, & Law provide students with: (a) a sound understanding of consumer behaviour and customer decision making, (b) an understanding of how to collect and use information about the marketplace, and (c) an ability to integrate the components of a marketing mix to solve marketing problems. Optional courses enable students to obtain greater depth in functional areas of marketing such as promotion, selling, and channel management, or exposure to such exchange environments as , services, and international trade.

Interested in Business Economics?

The Department of Marketing, , & Law offers a wide variety of courses concerning business economics. Some subjects offered include Business Economics, Organizations and Management, Energy Industries and Markets, and much more. International Business and Natural Resources & Energy are particularly popular areas of study.

Interested in Business Law?

The Department of Marketing, Business Economics, & Law offers a selection of courses in the area of . Students will have the opportunity to study a variety of subjects including: Legal Foundations of the Canadian Economy, Natural Resource and Environmental Law, Energy International Business Law, and more. The Business Economics and Law major is unique in Canada, and is one of the most popular majors in the Alberta School of Business.

Interested in Real Estate Economics, Finance, or Development?

The Department of Marketing, Business Economics, & Law offers a selection of courses focused on real estate. Students will have the opportunity to study a variety of subjects centred on real estate, including economics, development, finance and investment, and legal issues.

Introduced in 2011, the Real Estate Program at the School of Business has become a central hub for connecting students with industry professionals. Many students choose to augment other majors with selected real estate courses.

Faculty in the program and other related departments pursue research addressing issues and challenges in this important sector of the economy.