
Photo courtesy of the Universidad Pontificia Comillas, ICADE Faculty of Economics & Business Administration

Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid ICAI-ICADE


Madrid, Spain


The Universidad Pontificia Comillas's Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (ICADE) is one of the leading institutions in Europe in the education of business professionals and has a long academic tradition both domestically and internationally. ICADE belongs to the Universidad Pontificia Comillas, a university that was originally founded as a seminary in 1890 and is now a private multi-disciplinary academic institution under the direction of the Society of Jesus.

The University combines a long history of experience in education, characterized by academic excellence and a humanistic tradition in teaching, with a constant desire for modernization, stimulated by constant social change. It is one of the top Universities in Spain.

The total number of students in all Faculties, Schools and Institutes at the University is 10,490, of which 1,890 are international students. The Universidad Pontificia Comillas is located in central Madrid, the Spanish Capital.

Academic Areas of Expertise/Focus:

Economics and Business Administration, Law, Engineering, Humanities and Social Sciences and Health Studies.


BCom only

Available Spots:

4 semester spots/academic year

Special Admission Requirements:


Approximate Term Dates:

Semester 1: September - December
Semester 2: January - May

Summer Program Option:



Full-time Course Load: 30 ECTS/semester (equivalent to 15 UofA credits)

Language(s) of Instruction: Spanish and/or English
*Assuming sufficient language skills, exchange students are able to take a mix of English & Spanish taught courses

Course Restrictions: Exchange students are not allowed to take non-business courses from other faculties except in special cases and only after the student is in Comillas



  On-Campus Student Residences
  Off-Campus Housing Assistance
  Buddy Program
  Pre-Semester Orientation Program
  Language Courses
  Airport Pick-up Service
  Mandatory Insurance Program
  Internship Placement Program
  Host Family/Home Stay Program

Student Feedback:

(requires login with UofA CCID)

Destination Overview (averages based on 6 reviews by past participants):

Academic Quality compared to ASB |||
Lower Higher
Academic Difficulty compared to ASB ||||||||||
Difficult Easy
Need for Second Language |||
Essential Unnecessary
Extracurriculars & Social Options | |
Nonexistent Excellent
Cost of Living compared to Edmonton |||||
High $$$ Low $
Housing Options ||||||||
Poor Excellent
Recommended to Other Students ||||||||||||||||||||
No Yes


"Going on exchange has been an absolutely amazing experience that I think everyone should try to participate in. The School of Business was amazing in regards to helping the whole process run smoothly. Overall, my experience was live changing and I am extremely happy with how everything worked out."

"Although the classes at Comillas were easier, I can honestly say that I learnt more in them than I have in much harder courses at the UofA. Course difficulty is not a determinant of learning outcomes."

"Madrid is the most beautiful, culturally rich, exciting, EPIC city that I've ever visited, and it is the PERFECT location to study abroad."

"Truly life changing. One of the best experiences I had during univeristy."

"Comillas is definitely geared towards exchange students and is prepared to ensure a wonderful experience for foreign students that allows them to focus on learning from Spanish culture and experiences that you can't have back home."