Photo courtesy of EDHEC

EDHEC Business School


Lille / Nice, France


Operating from campuses in Lille, Nice, Paris, London and Singapore, EDHEC is one of the top 15 European business schools. Fully international and directly connected to the business world, EDHEC commands a strong reputation for research excellence and the ability to train entrepreneurs and managers capable of breaking new ground. EDHEC functions as a genuine laboratory of ideas and produces innovative solutions valued by businesses. The School's teaching is inspired by its research work and a focus on "learning by doing", all with the aim of equipping people with the skills to succeed in business.

EDHEC Business School is home to more than 8,000 students in 18 degree programmes (BBA, Master in Management, MSc, MBAs, PhD, etc.) and has over 40,000 alumni in 125 countries. It was one of the first business schools worldwide to hold the triple crown of accreditations from AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA.

Exchange students may choose to attend either the school's campus in Lille or Nice based on their area of study. The Nice Campus offers the Financial Economics Track which is designed for students pursuing careers in corporate finance, market finance, auditing or management control. The Lille Campus is home to the Business-Management Track which is designed for students pursuing careers in marketing, entrepreneurship, management, strategy, consultancy, law or the management of cultural or non-profit organizations. |

Academic Areas of Expertise/Focus:

Finance, Strategy, Data Analytics & Artificial Intelligence, Entrepreneurship, Marketing Analytics, Financial Engineering


BCom, MBA or Dual Degree

Available Spots:

6 semester spots + 4 Dual Degree spots/academic year

Special Admission Requirements:


Approximate Term Dates:

Semester 1: September - December
Semester 2: January - May

Summer Program Option:

EDHEC Summer Courses (Nice)


Full-time Course Load: 30 ECTS/semester (equivalent to 15 UofA credits)

Language(s) of Instruction: English only

Course Restrictions: EDHEC is a specialized business and management institution. No courses are offered in other areas


(see course list links under the "Academic" section on page 4)


  On-Campus Student Residences
  Off-Campus Housing Assistance
  Buddy Program
  Pre-Semester Orientation Program
  Language Courses
  Airport Pick-up Service
  Mandatory Insurance Program
  Internship Placement Program
  Host Family/Home Stay Program

Special Funding:


Student Feedback:

(requires login with UofA CCID)

Destination Overview (averages based on 21 total reviews by past participants from both Lille & Nice campuses):

Academic Quality compared to ASB
  Lille Campus
  Nice Campus

Lower Higher
Academic Difficulty compared to ASB
  Lille Campus
  Nice Campus

Difficult Easy
Need for Second Language
  Lille Campus
  Nice Campus

Essential Unnecessary
Extracurriculars & Social Options
  Lille Campus
  Nice Campus

Nonexistent Excellent
Cost of Living compared to Edmonton
  Lille Campus
  Nice Campus

High $$$ Low $
Housing Options
  Lille Campus
  Nice Campus

Poor Excellent
Recommended to Other Students
  Lille Campus
  Nice Campus

No Yes


"If you're looking for innovation, Europe is the place to learn! Highly recommended to have some fluency in French as many of the extracurricular activities are in French, unless it's under the international student associations." (Lille)

"Terrific place to be immersed in finance, MSc in Finance program is ranked #5 worldwide. Good group of dedicated students and a beautiful place to live." (Nice)

"I found that the school made a genuine effort to assist and integrate its international students. I thought that the guidance offered by the international student's office was excellent. The school also had a student association called Open Up who organized various social events as well as trips specifically targeted towards international students." (Lille)

"One thing that I found very inconvenient was how often the class schedule changed. The class time, day and length were often different week to week. The level of participation and interest among the French students enrolled in the program was very poor. I also found that the examinations were not very challenging." (Lille)

"Nice is a very beautiful city, situated in an amazing region - the Cote d'Azur. While it is a wonderful place to live in so many ways, I will say that the southern French culture and way of life took some adjusting to. Though a prestigious post-­secondary institution, EDHEC is certainly not exempt from the practices of French culture." (Nice)

"My time spent in Lille, France was amazing - but I was rather disappointed in my academic experiences at EDHEC. I am someone who is an extreme planner, and type-A in almost every way, which does not mesh well with the French way of doing things." (Lille)

"Overall it is a great experience to start living in a different country from scratch. Lille is a young city with lots of international students and it is easy to make international friends but quite hard to make French ones." (Lille)