Courtesy of Gary Liang

Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (SWUFE)


ChenDu, China


The Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (SWUFE) is a top university specialized in finance, economics, and business. It is known for its entrepreneurial character and unremitting endeavours to address the needs of the people and society through academics, research, and influence on alumni, drawn from the legacy of its founders and generations of excellent alumni. The Research Institute of Economics and Management (RIEM), with which the ASB has a direct partnership, was established in 2006. RIEM is dedicated to high-quality teaching and research in economics, finance and management.

SWUFE is located in Chengdu, the engine-city for the development of Western China and the fourth-largest aviation hub in China.

Academic Areas of Expertise/Focus

Finance, Economics, Business Administration and Accounting


BCom or MBA

Available Spots

4 semester spots/academic year

Special Admission Requirements


Approximate Term Dates

Semester 1: September - early January
Semester 2: late February - end of June


Full-time Course Load: 4-6 courses/semester

Language(s) of Instruction: English

Course Restrictions: Exchange students are permitted to take non-business courses from other faculties


Course Options

Housing Information


  On-Campus Student Residences
  Off-Campus Housing Assistance
  Buddy Program
  Pre-Semester Orientation Program
  Language Courses
  Airport Pick-up Service
  Mandatory Insurance Program
  Internship Placement Program
  Host Family/Home Stay Program

Student Feedback

(requires login with UofA CCID)

Destination Overview (averages based on 1 review by past participants):

Academic Quality compared to ASB ||||||||||
Lower Higher
Academic Difficulty compared to ASB ||||||||||
Difficult Easy
Need for Second Language ||||||||||||||||||||
Essential Unnecessary
Extracurriculars & Social Options | |
Nonexistent Excellent
Cost of Living compared to Edmonton ||||||||||||||||||||
High $$$ Low $
Housing Options ||||||||||
Poor Excellent
Recommended to Other Students ||||||||||
No Yes


"It is very important to have the coordinator's contact before you get to Chengdu. I suggest you add them on Wechat and ask them any questions you might have before arriving. The coordinator will add you into a Wechat group with other international students, and share important announcements in the Wechat group."