Operations Management
Operations Management (OM) professionals provide a critical function for organizations, analyzing data and behaviour to optimize processes, manage resources, and improve profitability and service.
What problems can I solve with a major in OM?
- How many express checkout lines should a supermarket have?
- How can you make a car sharing service work?
- After a snowstorm, which city roads should be plowed first?
- Should a fast food restaurant have one line or multiple lines for customers waiting to order?
A foundation in OM is an asset in any area of business
In studying Operations Management, you'll learn to use computer models, mathematics, process analysis, and business analytics to interpret data and make business decisions. You'll also develop analytical and problem solving skills that are useful in a wide variety of everyday situations, learning to ask "how," "why," and "why not" to find the most efficient answers to seemingly complicated questions.
Understanding OM makes a manager in any area of business a stronger asset. OM graduates often pursue careers as operations managers, supply chain managers, consultants, and business analysts.
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Prospective Students
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Current Students
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Approved Operations Management Electives
Operations management electives may include any 400-level OM course and/or chosen from this list of additional approved OM electives.
- EAS 221 - Introduction to Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing
- EAS 351 - Environmental Applications of Geographical Information Systems
- ENG M 401 - Financial Management for Engineers
- ENG M 402 - Project Management and Entrepreneurship
- ENGG 404 - Industrial Safety and Risk Management – Leadership in Risk Management
- ENGG 406 - Industrial Safety and Risk Management – Methodologies and Tools
- FIN 413 - Risk Management
- FIN 322 - Capital Investments
- MGTSC 405 - Forecasting for Planners and Managers
- MGTSC 488 - Topic is: Multivariate Data Analysis
- BTM 412 - Managerial Support Systems
- BTM 415 - Data Base Design and Administration
- BTM 424 - Introduction to Information Systems Project Management
- BTM 426 - Technology-Enabled Business Process Management
- CMPUT 174 - Introduction to the Foundations of Computation I *
- CMPUT 175 - Introduction to the Foundations of Computation II *
- CMPUT 201 - Practical Programming Methodology
- MATH 102 or MATH 125 or MATH 127 - Linear Algebra *
- MATH 101, 118, 136, 146, 156 - Calculus II *
- MATH 214 - Intermediate Calculus I **
- MATH 373 - Introduction to Optimization
- STAT 265 - Probability and Statistics
- MARK 468 - E-Commerce and Retailing
- SEM 420 - Strategic Decision Making with Management Analytics
- SEM 441 - Strategy and Innovation
- BUS 488 - Voices and Perspectives in Data Collection and Usage
This list of courses is reviewed every year. Suggestions for changes to the list should be sent to Armann Ingolfsson.
* 100-level courses will not be approved as electives if a student has already reached the limit on allowable junior level electives in their program - see 64.1.4(1) in the University Calendar.
** These and possibly other courses on this list may require prerequisites that are not listed here or in the description of the Operations Management major.