MBA Pharmacy Combined Program

The combined MBA / PharmD program targets a select group of pharmacy students who recognize the value of combining pharmacy studies with management skills and expertise. The combined degree program is designed for students aspiring to a management role, or for future pharmacist entrepreneurs.

Program Structure


This program combines a PharmD degree with the Master of Business Administration degree. There are no changes to the Pharmacy requirements other than adding an extra year to the overall program (during which students would complete MBA requirements). The MBA requirements are 42 credits.

This five-year combined degree program begins with the first three years at the Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. In year four, students would spend their time at the Alberta School of Business completing our MBA program requirements. The last year of this combined program ends at Pharmacy where students would complete their pharmacy program.

Each student must first apply to the Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences for admission into the PharmD. Students in their third year of the PharmD who have completed their classroom courses, can apply to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research (for admission into the MBA program).

MBA/Pharmacy applicants would follow the same application process as all other MBA applicants, with one key difference:

  • Combined applicants can be considered for admission without two years of post-graduation work experience.

MBA Admission Requirements

During the MBA year, students are assessed MBA tuition. Tuition is assessed on a per course basis. Domestic student tuition for 2024/25 for a 3-credit MBA course is currently ~$2,597.64*. The cost to complete the entire MBA portion of this combined degree is approximately $36,500 plus non-instructional fees.

Combined degree students are eligible for scholarships and awards in the MBA program during their MBA year. 

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