Association des universitaires de la faculté Saint-Jean (AUFSJ)

AUFSJ represents the students of Campus Saint-Jean. They assist the various student groups and clubs, host a number of events, and ensure the well-being of the students on Campus. Members of AUFSJ will also sit on academic boards and committees at CSJ to advocate for student issues.

It is the duty of AUFSJ to ensure that the students of Campus Saint-Jean are pleased with their university experience. The association maintains that it should be the first outlet for students with any inquires and ideas, as well as those having any kind of difficulty, be it social or academic.

AUFSJ also aims to work with SU to provide a coherent means of communication between the two campuses.

AUFSJ represents the students of Campus Saint-Jean. They assist the various student groups and clubs, host a number of events, and ensure the well-being of the students on Campus. Members of AUFSJ will also sit on academic boards and committees at CSJ to advocate for student issues.

It is the duty of AUFSJ to ensure that the students of Campus Saint-Jean are pleased with their university experience. The association maintains that it should be the first outlet for students with any inquires and ideas, as well as those having any kind of difficulty, be it social or academic.

AUFSJ also aims to work with SU to provide a coherent means of communication between the two campuses.

8406, rue Marie-Anne-Gaboury (91 Street)
Room 2-12F, Pavillon McMahon
Edmonton, AB
T6C 4G9