Books and Edited Volumes
Tonry, M. and Bucerius, S. (eds.) (forthcoming): Crime and Justice: Prisons. Chicago: Chicago University Press.
Bucerius, S. & Ricciardelli, R. (2022). Correctional Services during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Special Issue. Canadian Journal of Sociology.
Adler, Freda, Gerhard O.W. Mueller, William S. Laufer, and Jana Grekul. 2022. Criminology. Third Canadian Edition. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson. Link:
Bucerius, S., Haggerty, K.D., & Berardi, L. (eds.) (2021). The Oxford Handbook of Ethnographies of Crime and Criminal Justice. Link:
Obi, C. & and Oriola, T.B. (eds.) (2018). The unfinished revolution in Nigeria’s Niger Delta: Prospects for environmental justice and peace. New York & London: Routledge. Link
Bucerius, S. (2014). Unwanted: Muslim immigrants, dignity, and drug dealing. Oxford University Press. Link:
Bucerius, S. & Tonry, M. (eds.) (2013). The Oxford Handbook of Ethnicity, Crime, and Immigration. Oxford University Press. Link:
Ericson, R.V. & Haggerty, K.D. (1997). Policing the risk society. University of Toronto Press. Link: