Peter Jacyk Centre Publications
The English-Language Monograph Series-CIUS Press
Ukraine between East and West: Essays on Cultural History to the Early Eighteenth Century
Ihor Ševčenko
Ihor Ševčenko's Ukraine between East and West explores the development of Ukrainian cultural identity under the disparate influences of the Byzantine Empire and western Europe, mediated through Poland. Byzantium was the source from which Kyivan Rus′ received Christianity and a highly developed literary and artistic culture, which stimulated Kyiv's own achievements in those fields. Professor Ševčenko shows how the prestige of Byzantine civilization was reinforced by the activities of …
Voluntary Brotherhood: Confraternities of Laymen in Early Modern Ukraine
Iaroslav Isaievych
The study of the confraternity movement in early modern Ukraine is vital for our understanding of the unique place Ukrainian culture and society have occupied between Eastern and Western Christianity. Ukraine and Belarus were the only countries where Orthodox lay confraternities came into being. Their activities coincided with a period of crucial social and cultural change. Although structurally similar to their western European counterparts, the Eastern-rite confraternities developed their …Ukrainian Drama and Theater in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
Paulina Lewin
Written and performed during a time of political upheaval and fierce religious polemics, early modern Ukrainian plays both entertained their audiences and helped to educate and shape a national and religious identity. This rich body of serious, mostly religious, dramas and of comic intermedia was remarkable for the original ways it elaborated on and transformed the models of the European Renaissance and Baroque theater. Paulina Lewin's Ukrainian Drama and Theater in the Seventeenth and …Western Ukraine in Conflict with Poland and Bolshevism, 1918-1920
Vasyl Kuchabsky
Vasyl Kuchabsky's Western Ukraine in Conflict with Poland and Bolshevism, 1918-1923 is devoted to one of the most complex periods of twentieth-century history, when the defeat of the Central Powers in the First World War and the collapse of the Russian Empire made it possible for the "non-historical nations"" of Central and Eastern Europe to undertake the creation of independent states. Kuchabsky, whom the renowned specialist on modern Ukraine Ivan Lysiak-Rudnytsky considered the most …Making Ukraine
Zenon E. Kohut
The making of modern Ukrainian identity is often reduced to a choice between "Little Russia" and "Ukraine." In this collection of essays Making Ukraine: Studies on Political Culture, Historical Narrative, and Identity, Zenon E. Kohut shows that the process was much more complex, involving Western influences and native traditions that shaped a distinct Ukrainian political culture and historiography. The author stresses the importance of the early modern period, in which the Ukrainian elite adapted the legacy of Kyivan Rus′ into its conception … []New Contributions to the History of the Ukrainian Language
Michael Moser
Michael Moser’s New Contributions to the History of the Ukrainian Language is a collection of scholarly essays that examine the development of Ukrainian from its beginnings to the present. In 1863 the imperial Russian minister of the interior, Petr Valuev, issued a directive according to which Ukrainian is “a language that did not, does not, and cannot exist,” but time has not borne out his verdict... []Gente Rutheni, Natione Poloni: The Ruthenians of Polish Nationality in Habsburg Galicia
Adam Świątek
Polish historians and political leaders have often used the term gente Rutheni, natione Poloni to characterize figures of Ruthenian/Ukrainian descent who viewed themselves as part of a Polish political or national community. The duality and hybridity of theses figures’ identity have excluded them from traditional Polish and Ukrainian national narratives... []Ivan Mazepa and the Russian Empire
Tatiana Tairova-Yakovleva
One of the famous European statesmen of the late 17th and early 18th century, Hetman Ivan Mazepa ruled the Ukrainian Hetman state from 1687 to 1709. Mazepa was a firm supporter of a pan-Ukrainian Cossack polity, and his main goal as hetman was to unite all Ukrainian territories in a unitary state that would be modeled on existing European states but would retain the features of the traditional Cossack order... []
Fashioning Modern Ukraine: Selected Writings of Mykola Kostomarov, Volodymyr Antonovych, and Mykhailo Drahomanov
Ed. Serhiy Bilenky
The collection Fashioning Modern Ukraine: Selected Writings of Mykola Kostomarov, Volodymyr Antonovych, and Mykhailo Drahomanov presents for the first time in English a number of seminal texts by three major nineteenth-century scholars and leaders of the national movement in Ukraine. The first and third sections of the book feature …Ivan Franko and His Community
Yaroslav Hrytsak
In this Ukrainian bestseller, now available in English for the first time, Yaroslav Hrytsak examines the first three decades (1856–86) in the life of Ivan Franko, a prominent writer, scholar, journalist, and political activist who became an indisputable leader in the forging of modern Ukrainian national identity...[]In the World of Stalinist Crimes
Robert Kuśnierz
The monograph In the World of Stalinist Crimes: Ukraine in the Years of the Purges and Terror (1934‒1938) from the Polish Perspective deals with Soviet Ukraine during the Stalinist purges and Great Terror of 1934–38 as seen from the perspective of Polish diplomats then working there... []
The Ukrainian-Language Ukrainian Historiography in the West Monograph Series-CIUS Press
Україна між сходом і заходом
Ihor Ševčenko
Published in Ukraine in conjunction with the Institute of Church History of the Lviv Theological Academy, the Ukrainian translation of Ukraine Between East and West presents twelve essays by the distinguished Byzantinist Ihor Sevcenko that explore the development of Ukrainian cultural identity under the disparate influences of the Byzantine Empire and Western Europe (mediated through Poland). For Kyivan Rus′, Byzantium was the source of the Christian religion, as well as of a highly developed literary and artistic culture that stimulated … []
Російський централізм i українська автономія: Ліквідація Гетьманщини, 1760-1830
Zenon E. Kohut
The territorial expansion that transformed Russia into a huge, multinational empire was characterized by a thirst for centralism and a unitary form of government. At the same time, circumstances forced Russia to permit a certain amount of autonomy to the lands on the western periphery of the empire. The Ukrainian Hetmanate, having found itself under the suzerainty of the Russian tsar, in 1654, managed to maintain separate military, administrative, financial, and court systems for another century. Strained relations between the centralizing …
Коріння ідентичности
Zenon E. Kohut
This collection of fifteen articles written by Zenon E. Kohut between 1977 and 2002 is a fourth book in the series of Ukrainian-language historical monographs of the Peter Jacyk Centre for Ukrainian Historical Research at the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies. It was published in Kyiv in cooperation with the Krytyka publishers. Although these essays were not written to form a single volume, they have a common thread that unites them. Whether dealing with fundamental problems of political history, historiography, or questions of …
Наливайкова віра
Serhii Plokhy
Published by Krytyka (Kyiv) in association with the Peter Jacyk Centre for Ukrainian Historical Research at the CIUS, this is a Ukrainian translation of Serhii Plokhy's The Cossacks and Religion in Early Modern Ukraine (2001, winner of the 2003 Book Prize of the American Association for Ukrainian Studies), a pioneering study of the Ukrainian Cossacks religious attitudes and policies, recognized as 'the first serious synthetic study of the relationship between the Cossacks and the Orthodox Church.' The Ukrainian Cossacks, often compared in …
Історичні есе: Два томи
Ivan L. Rudnytsky
These two volumes contain a rich collection of historical essays by the late Ivan L. Rudnytsky, a leading historian of modern Ukraine noted for his original interpretations.
Українська Греко-Католицька Церква і радянська держава (1939-1950)
Bohdan R. Bociurkiw
Published by the Ukrainian Catholic University Press in association with the Peter Jacyk Centre for Ukrainian Historical Research at the CIUS, this is a Ukrainian translation of Bohdan R. Bociurkiw's Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church and the Soviet State, a pioneering study of the suppression of this Ukrainian church under Stalinist rule. Dr. Bociurkiw's book is the fruit of a lifetime of painstaking research.
Archival Materials
Документи російських архівів з історії України
Borys Floria, Iaroslav Isaievych, Frank Sysyn, Arkadii Turylov, Leontii Voitovych, Lev Zaborovs′kyi
This unique triligual book (Ukrainian, English, and Russian) is a collection of documents on Ukrainian history preserved in Russian archives pertaining to the history of the Zaporozhian Cossacks between 1613 and 1620. []
Publications of the Jacyk Program for the Study of Modern Ukrainian History and Society - CIUS Press
Mykhailo Zubrytsky
Volume 1 of the three-volume edition of the collected works of Father Mykhailo Zubrytsky (1856-1919), the historian and ethnographer of the Boiko region in Western Ukraine, is a 609-page book containing Zubrytsky's scholarly works. The volume contains an introduction "Father Mykhailo Zubryts′kyi: The Nestor of the Ukrainian Village," both in English and Ukrainian,...
Неприборкане різноголосся: Друга світова війна і суспільно-політичні настрої в Україні, 1939 - червень 1941 рр.
Vladyslav Hrynevych
This book, based on a thorough research of a wide variety of archival sources, convincingly refutes the official Soviet propagandistic dogma about the alleged "moral and political unity of the Soviet people at the outset of the Second World War." The book documents and presents a well-researched picture of the Soviet Ukrainian society in 1939-41 as diverse and ideologically divided.
Other Books Supported by the Peter Jacyk Centre - CIUS Press
Історія України-Руси: Географічний та етнічний покажчик
Mykhailo Hrushevsky
Published by the Lviv Institute of Archeography and Source Studies at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Peter Jacyk Centre for Ukrainian Historical Research at the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, this book is a comprehensive index of toponyms and ethnonyms appearing in the 10-volume (in 11 books) Ukrainian-language edition of Mykhailo Hrushevsky's Istoriia Ukraїny-Rusy (History of Ukraine-Rus′) (as printed in New York by Knyho-Spilka between 1954 and 1958 and reprinted in Kyiv in the early 1990s). This meticulously …
Трагедія волинських сіл, 1943-1944 рр.
Yaroslav Tsaruk
This publication deals with the Polish-Ukrainian armed conflict in the Volodymyr-Volynskyi raion (Volhynia oblast, Ukraine) under Nazi occupation. Lists of Ukrainian and Polish victims of the conflict are based on the memoirs of local villagers. The Introduction describes the historical background of the conflict provoked by the desire of the local Polish minority to re-establish Polish rule in a region inhabited predominantly by Ukrainians. This book was published in Lviv by the I. Krypiakevych Institute of Ukrainian Studies, National …
Інстутут української археографії та джерелознавства ім. М. С. Грушевського НАН України (1991-2011)
Pavlo Sokhan, Yaroslav Fedoruk
Co-published by the Petro Jacyk Centre of Ukrainian Historical Research at the CIUS, this 415-page hardcover edition is dedicated to the history and current activities of the Mykhailo Hrushevsky Institute of Ukrainian Archeography and Source Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, headed by a prominent historian Pavlo Sokhan. This institute is one of Ukraine's most important institutions dealing with archival research and source studies. This collection of articles is divided into three chapters, the first of which contains …
Wygnani na stepy
Roman Kabaczij
Published by the Association of Ukrainians in Poland with the financial support of the Peter Jacyk Centre for Ukrainian Historical Research at the CIUS and the Kowalyk family, this Polish-language monograph is a thorough study of a series of deportations of Ukrainians from their native territories in today's eastern Poland (such as the Lemko region) to the southern regions of Soviet Ukraine (mainly, Kherson, Mykolaiv, Odesa, and Donetsk oblasts) in 1944-1946. Organized by the Soviet and Polish Communist authorities, these deportations …
Віленський договір 1656 року: Східноєвропейська криза і Україна у середині XVII століття
Yaroslav Fedoruk
This 620-page richly illustrated Ukrainian-language monograph analyses one of the most important events in the central- and eastern-European diplomatic history of the mid 17th century, the Vilnius negotiations between Muscovy and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth that took place from 22 August to 3 November 1656. In particular, …
Вірмено-українські історичні зв'язки / Armenian-Ukrainian Historical Contacts
Frank Sysyn, Andrii Yasinovskyi, Kevork Bardakjian
Co-published by the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies and the Department of Classical, Byzantine and Medieval Studies of the Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv, this book is a collection of multilingual and multidisciplinary scholarly papers presented at an international conference entitled Armenian-Ukrainian Historical Contacts …
Холмщина і Підляшшя в першій половині XX століття
Yuri Makar
This title explores the historical and political problems faced by Ukrainians living in the Kholm and Podlachia regions (on the left bank of the Buh river) during the first half of the 20th century. Includes summaries in both English and Polish. Published in Lviv by the I. Krypiakevych Institute of …
Other Books Supported by the Peter Jacyk Centre and Distributed by Other Publishers
Незвичайні долі звичайних жінок: Усна історія двадцятого століття
This volume contains interviews with twenty-one Ukrainian women from both Ukraine and the diaspora, who together represent sixteen oblasts of Ukraine. Many of the interviews focus on the interwar period and World War II, when these women lived through remarkable historical events. The published interviews were selected from a database of 250 interviews in the collections of the Ukrainian Canadian Research and Documentation Centre (Toronto) and the Institute for Historical Research of the Ivan Franko National University (Lviv). The volume includes a preface by Yaroslav Hrytsak and an introduction by Iroida Wynnyckyj. It is accompanied by a CD recording …