Community Engagement and Public Outreach
Ukrainian Language Education Consortium
The Ukrainian Language Education Consortium (ULECON), established in 1997 with the goal to address common needs in Ukrainian language education, consists of the following members: Alberta Ministry of Education, Ukrainian Language Education Centre (Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, 海角社区), Edmonton Catholic Schools, Edmonton Public Schools, Elk Island Public Schools, Elk Island Catholic Schools, and (since 2013) the Alberta Teachers' Association.
The objectives of the Consortium are: a) to facilitate communication and networking among Consortium partners and with other bodies interested in Ukrainian language education (community and parental groups; business, provincial, federal and foreign governments); b) to maximize the most efficient use of limited financial and human resources and avoid duplication services; c) to facilitate the raising and administration of funds for carrying out mutually beneficial projects; d) to facilitate the formation of partnerships for carrying out mutually beneficial projects which will address the following Ukrainian language education needs - learning resource development, publication and acquisition, curriculum development, student assessment, student and educator exchanges, and professional development of educators.
Canadian Foundation for Ukrainian Studies
(CFUS) supports the advancement of Ukrainian studies by funding research, scholarly contacts and publications, development of educational resources, and higher education, particularly in Canada. CFUS's aims and objectives are: to support the initiation, development, and implementation - particularly in Canadian universities - of Ukrainian Studies in the form of scholarly teaching and research pertaining to Ukraine and/or the Ukrainian community in Canada; to support the development, coordination, and financing of research and scholarly publication in the field of Ukrainian Studies at Canadian universities and elsewhere; as well as the preparation, production, and dissemination of materials of an instructional nature needed in Ukrainian Studies; to support the development and implementation of post-secondary professional studies and development of resources related to the education and training of teachers of Ukrainian subjects on the elementary and secondary level; to assist in the establishment and maintenance of contacts among individuals active in the field of Ukrainian Studies by encouraging and supporting conferences, and other similar activities, including exchanges related to Ukrainian Studies both within Canada and between Canada and other countries; to cooperate with and assist in programs and activities designed to encourage and prepare students at all levels for participation in Ukrainian Studies at post-secondary institutions; and, to encourage students in Canadian post-secondary institutions to participate in Ukrainian Studies courses; to collect and administer funds in support of the above aims and objectives, and to enter into any arrangement with universities, government authorities or other bodies conducive to the Foundation's aims and objectives; and to obtain from any such body or authority any financial assistance, rights, privileges or concessions that the Foundation may think it desirable to obtain.
National Ukrainian Education Council (Rada)
(Rada) is to facilitate communication between Ukrainian language schools in order to enable sharing of resources and information and to continue the work of the networking project undertaken at the initiative of the UCC. The Rada will continue, through a national advisory council of educators to: continue to enhance the website by maintaining the database of Ukrainian bilingual, heritage and Saturday schools and teachers in Canada, teaching resources, etc; create public awareness of Ukrainian schools in Canada and promote enrolment in them; and continue the dialogue with teachers in these Ukrainian schools to encourage exchange of ideas, teaching plans and assignments, curricula, resources, development of new courses and programs and innovation in teaching, etc.
Ukrainian Canadian Foundation of Taras Shevchenko
The Ukrainian Canadian Foundation of Taras Shevchenko is a national, chartered philanthropic institution dedicated to the preservation, promotion and development of Ukrainian Canadian cultural heritage and to the advancement of a flourishing Ukrainian community for the enrichment of Canada by providing leadership in building and sustaining a permanent endowment fund. Since its founding in 1963 the Shevchenko Foundation has allocated 10 million dollars in support of arts, education, heritage, and community development projects across Canada. It especially recognizes the importance of disseminating knowledge of the Ukrainian language, culture and history through traditional and non-traditional educational programming, and makes available funding for a great variety of educational and academic projects, as well as providing bursaries and scholarships for individual study. The Shevchenko Foundation has proudly supported the work of the Ukrainian Language Education Centre at the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, 海角社区 since 1991. ($67,000) Further information on the work of the Shevchenko Foundation, and regarding applications for scholarships, bursaries, or educational projects can be obtained by visiting
ULEC Advisory Committee
The Ukrainian Language Education Centre (ULEC) Advisory Committee, established in 2013, meets approximately twice per year, and provides a forum for discussion about strategic planning of ULEC's activities in the development of Ukrainian language education in Canada and abroad. The members of the Committee are representatives of organizations who have an interest in the success of the Centre and its mandate. Advisory committee is responsible for providing information, advice, assistance and engagement on matters of the Centre's work, and facilitating liaison between the Centre and other organizations in Alberta and across Canada, involved in Ukrainian education at both secondary and post-secondary levels.
The Ukrainian Knowledge Internet Portal Consortium Association (UKiP-Ca)
The Ukrainian Knowledge Internet Portal Consortium Association (UKiP-Ca) is a consortium of organizations and individuals interested in the development and deployment of on-line resources for learning the Ukrainian language and culture. Headquartered in Edmonton, Alberta, UKiP-Ca coordinates an inter-provincial network that develops and provides bilingual (Ukrainian-English) on-line learning resources to Canadian schools and post-secondary institutions, as well as to an extended audience worldwide.
Canada Ukraine Foundation-Consortium of Educators
The (CUF) was established at the 18th Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) in order to coordinate, develop, organize and deliver assistance projects generated by Canadians and directed to Ukraine. Its vision is to assist in the development of a democratic nation with a civil society that maintains and develops culture, tradition and language in Ukraine by strengthening strategic partnerships in Canada and Ukraine. Its mission is to attain the vision by supporting, funding and managing humanitarian, economic development, governance and rule of law projects that focus on Ukraine.
Alberta-Ukrainian Commemorative Society
The Alberta Ukrainian Commemorative Society (AUCS) was incorporated on Jan 8, 1980. It began it existence in order to erect a monument to Ukrainian Pioneers (Settlers) in Alberta and support the activities of the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village.
The objective of AUCS is to provide financial support to a range of unrelated arms-length organizations, which provide charitable, educational and cultural programs in Alberta and Canada. AUCS is eligible for gaming licenses in accordance with AGLC Charitable Gaming Policy. AUCS can only support organizations with a valid charitable number.
KULE Folklore Centre
The Kule Centre for Ukrainian and Canadian Folklore at the 海角社区 is dedicated to the study of Ukrainian and Canadian folklore. "Folklore" includes the traditional beliefs, customs, skills, arts and stories of a community, passed on from person to person, in living context. Some lore is old, while other examples are very new. Five strategic priorities of the Kule Folklore Centre are support of undergraduate and graduate teaching in the field; developing internet materials, including course delivery and resource banks; conducting fieldwork and maintaining a growing archive; reaching out to the community with publications and by other means; and supporting researchers and students with scholarships and assistantships.
Numerous scholarships and awards administered by the 海角社区 for the Kule Folklore Centre are available for students of Ukrainian and Canadian Folklore. These scholarships and awards have been sponsored by our numerous, generous donors and can be viewed at:
Ukrainian Resource and development Centre (URDC)
The (URDC) is an endowed institution within Grant MacEwan University. Launched in 1988, it has received ongoing support from the Ukrainian Canadian community, the governments of Alberta and Canada, and MacEwan. URDC is engaged in a number of initiatives promoting community development and intercultural dialogue. URDC does not offer courses; rather, it develops and carries out provincial, national, and international projects linking MacEwan, the Ukrainian Canadian community and universities in Ukraine and Eastern Europe.
Ukrainian Foundation for College Education (UFCE)
UFCE) is a non-profit society established in 1994. Its overall purpose is to raise funds to carry out Ukrainian education projects, particularly in cooperation with Grant MacEwan University. UFCE organizes the annual Kyiv Konnection Banquet and Ukrainian Open Golf Tournament, among other events.
In addition to fundraising activities, UFCE structures and funds a variety of educational programs and materials for students in Alberta and Ukraine in areas such as: business education and management, health care, performing arts and English as a second language. The organization also promotes the exchange of students, professionals and staff between post-secondary educational institutions in Canada and Ukraine.
UFCE also funds scholarship and bursary programs for students studying abroad. Developing and fostering an awareness of the importance of Ukrainian language, culture and heritage among its members and the general public is a central goal of UFCE.
The UFCE Trust
The Ukrainian Foundation for College Education Trust (UFCE Trust) is a fund management trust responsible for administering the permanent funds of UFCE.