Indigenous History in Canada Prerequisite
Indigenous History in Canada
The Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders at the 海角社区 has implemented a new entrance requirement beginning with admissions.
All students admitted to the MScSLP program are required to complete a course focused on Indigenous History in Canada. This requirement may be fulfilled through the certificate version of the 海角社区 Indigenous Canada MOOC for a modest fee.
For students who have not met the requirement at the time of acceptance, a condition of admission would be to complete the Indigenous Canada MOOC by August 1 of their admission year.
This is considered a program prerequisite. Indigenous history in Canada requirement is only for students accepted into the Master's in Speech-Language Pathology.
Additional Information
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission's (TRC) Call to Action #24 recommends that medical and nursing schools require that all students take a course dealing with Aboriginal health issues that includes:
- Treaties and Aboriginal rights
- Indigenous teachings and practices
- The history and legacy of residential schools
- The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
The Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSD) believes this knowledge is critical to speech-language pathology students' understanding of the health and social challenges facing Indigenous Peoples in Canada. Students require this foundational knowledge to appropriately navigate the issues facing Indigenous people and apply this knowledge in academic and clinical environments to best serve Indigenous patients.
The Indigenous Canada MOOC, a survey course on Indigenous history in Canada, covers the content recommended by the TRC and is easily accessible. With this foundational knowledge, content related to the health issues facing Indigenous peoples can be covered more effectively in the CSD curriculum.
Below is a list of courses that cover the content described above and may be used as a credit course rather than the certificate version of the Indigenous Canada MOOC:
List created July 2018
Athabasca University
HIST/INST 369 - Indigenous Studies
Red Deer College
HIST 373 - Canada to 1867
Simon Fraser University
FNST 201 - Canadian Aboriginal People's Perspectives on History
PSYC 106 - Indigenous Peoples and Psychology
AUHIS 369 - History of Canada's Aboriginal Peoples
AIIND 201 - Introduction to Indigenous Studies
EDU 211 - Aboriginal Education and Contexts for Professional and Personal Engagement
NS 110 - Historical Perspectives in Indigenous Studies
NS 111 - Contemporary Perspectives in Native Studies
NS 161 - Countering Stereotypes of Indigenous People
NS 200 - Aboriginal Canada: Looking Forward/Looking Back (in-person)
NS 201 - Aboriginal Canada: Looking Forward/Looking Back (online)
University of Calgary
INDG 201 - Introduction to Indigenous Studies
University of British Columbia - Okanagan
HINT 408 - Cultural Safety in Health: Indigenous Perspectives
INDG 100 - Introduction to Colonization: Indigenous Studies
University of Manitoba
NATV 1200 - The Native Peoples of Canada
NATV 1220 - The Native Peoples of Canada Part 1
NATV 1240 - The Native Peoples of Canada Part 2
Both NATV 1220 & 1240 must be taken in sequence to receive credit.
University of Northern British Columbia
FNST 100 - The Aboriginal Peoples of Canada
University of Ottawa
EAS 2101 - Colonialism and Indigenous Peoples
University of Regina
INDG 100 - Introduction to Indigenous Studies
University of Saskatchewan
INDG 262 - Aboriginal Narratives of Historical Memory
LING 253 - Indigenous Languages of Canada
University of Victoria
IS 100 - Responsibilities and Reciprocities to the Place You Are Now
IS 101 - Indigenous Foundations
York University
AP:HIST 3546 - History of Indigenous Peoples in Canada