Research Areas

Computing Science covers a very wide range of topics. These research areas are very broad categories aimed at pointing you in a general direction according to your interests. Because of the interdisciplinary nature of CS, many of our research groups will fall under more than one research area. Learn more about some of our department's key research areas below:


Human-Computer Interaction

Human-Computer interaction research investigates interactions between humans and machines in natural and artificial environments.

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Algorithmics research identifies problems, categorizes the problem according to its complexity and searches for an efficient algorithm.

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Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence research involves both basic and applied research, leading to the development of computational theories of intelligence.

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Bioinformatics research involves the application of computing science techniques to solve problems in biological and medical science.

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Communication Networks

Communication networks research focuses on data communication.

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Computer Games

Computer games research produces high-performance, real-time programs for strategic game-playing.

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Computer Graphics

Computer graphics research ranges from investigation of algorithm complexity to the design and implementation of systems for algorithms.

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Computer Vision and Multimedia Communications

Computer vision and multimedia communications research includes 3D multimedia representations for efficient online visualization.

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Database Systems

Database systems research includes the organization and storage of data, information retrieval, and data management.

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Machine Learning

Machine learning provides tools and technologies for finding significant patterns in data. It is most appropriate in information processing situations where training data (such as a database of case studies) is available and it is difficult (or not cost effective) to "engineer in" the solution.

Graduate students may also be interested in a graduate specialization in Statistical Machine Learning (a joint program with Mathematics and Statistical Sciences).

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Privacy and Security

Privacy and security research investigates how to design and develop technologies to protect information, systems, and individuals.

Relevant research stories

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Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement learning research looks to remove some of the limitations on its widespread application and develop a model of intelligence that could approach human abilities.

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Robotics research involves collective robotics, visual robot navigation, , and .

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Software Engineering

Software engineering research investigates tools, methods, theories and techniques to support the development of software.

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Software Systems

Software systems research designs and develops transparent and efficient software systems.

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