Required Accommodation Documents
Updated: September 14, 2022
All students who apply for accommodations based on medical or non-medical protected grounds need to provide supporting documentation in their applications that explains and verifies the basis of their applications. Specific accommodation decisions are made in accordance with the º£½ÇÉçÇø’s Discrimination, Harassment and Duty to Accommodate Policy, and are based on: verification of disability information; other supporting and verifying documentation; essential competencies required in students’ programs of study; and, case-by-case factors. Verifying documentation also ensures fair and equivalent accommodation assessment and provision for all students.
Specific types of medical and non-medical documentation must be included in students’ applications, depending upon the protected ground(s) identified in their applications. Documentation criteria for different types of medical and non-medical accommodation applications are detailed below.
PLEASE NOTE: Supporting documentation that is completed by third-party individuals (e.g., community group members, faith/religious group leaders, healthcare practitioners, political party representatives) cannot be completed by individuals to whom you are related and/or with whom you share your primary residence.
If you have questions or require assistance, please email
Medical Documentation
For accommodation applications based on medical protected grounds (i.e., physical or mental health conditions), you need to provide medical documentation completed by qualified healthcare practitioners involved in your care.
When determining whether medical conditions are considered to be disabling, health care practitioners are encouraged to explore whether "functional limitations [are] caused by a physical or mental impairment that restricts the ability" of a student "to perform the daily activities necessary to participate in studies at a post-secondary level…". (DD. Gov. of Can. Section 4.5, 2003).
Your report or verification of disability documentation must:
- outline the nature of your diagnosis (i.e., specific diagnosis);
- indicate how long the condition has been present and is expected to persist (i.e., permanent, persistent/prolonged, temporary);
- describe the impact of barriers in the environment and/or your diagnosis(es) on your ability to manage demands in the university environment;
- be completed by a qualified professional (e.g., physician, psychologist, nurse practitioner); and,
- be less than five (5) years old.
Qualified healthcare practitioners may complete the º£½ÇÉçÇø Verification of Disability Form . Alternatively or in addition, healthcare practitioners may provide detailed written reports that fulfill these requirements.
All medical documentation must include:
- the full date on which the document was completed (including the day, month, and year).
- the student’s full name.
- the healthcare practitioner’s full name, contact information (including mailing address, telephone number, and email address), registration or license number, and/or office stamp.
Please refer to the ‘Documentation Required for Different Medical Conditions’ section below for details regarding the specific documentation required for different types of physical and mental health conditions, as well as the types of health practitioners who must complete documentation.
Documentation Required for Different Medical Conditions
Full psychoeducational or neuro-psychological assessment report or º£½ÇÉçÇø Verification of Disability Form completed by a chartered psychologist, psychiatrist, physician or nurse practitioner trained to test for and diagnose the condition. Clear diagnosis and details of impacts upon the post-secondary experience are required.
Full psychoeducational or neuro-psychological assessment report or º£½ÇÉçÇø Verification of Disability Form completed by a qualified psychologist, psychiatrist, physician or nurse practitioner trained to test for and diagnose the condition. Clear diagnosis and details of impacts upon the post-secondary experience are required.
Report or º£½ÇÉçÇø Verification of Disability Form completed by a qualified healthcare specialist (e.g., physician, nurse practitioner, optometrist or ophthalmologist) trained to test for and diagnose the condition. Clear diagnosis and details of impacts upon the post-secondary experience are required.
A copy of a Canadian National Institute for the Blind card is not sufficient, as it does not indicate the degree of impairment and how functional impacts relate to required supports.
Full neuro-psychological or psychoeducational assessment report or º£½ÇÉçÇø Verification of Disability Form completed by a qualified healthcare practitioner (e.g., psychologist, psychiatrist, physician or nurse practitioner) trained to test for and diagnose the condition. Clear diagnosis and details of impacts upon the post-secondary experience are required.
Audiologist report or º£½ÇÉçÇø Verification of Disability Form completed by a licensed healthcare professional (e.g., audiologist, physician or nurse practitioner) trained to test for and diagnose the condition. Clear diagnosis, explanation of the degree of hearing loss, and details of impacts upon the post-secondary experience are required.
Full psychoeducational or neuro-psychological assessment report completed by a qualified professional (e.g., psychologist, psychiatrist) trained to test for and diagnose the condition. Clear diagnosis and details of impacts upon the post-secondary experience are required.
A physician’s diagnosis of a learning disability is not acceptable.
The assessment report should be no older than five years if conducted before the age of 18. Exceptions may be made depending on the situation and level of detail.
Report or º£½ÇÉçÇø Verification of Disability Form completed by a qualified healthcare practitioner (e.g., physician or nurse practitioner) trained to test for and diagnose the condition. Clear diagnosis and details of impacts upon the post-secondary experience are required.
A functional assessment is preferred as it describes the degree of functional limitation(s) and appropriate supports.
Report or º£½ÇÉçÇø Verification of Disability Form completed by a licensed healthcare professional (e.g., psychiatrist, psychologist, physician or nurse practitioner) trained to test for and diagnose the condition. Clear DSM diagnosis and details of impacts upon the post-secondary experience are required.
Speech language pathologist report or º£½ÇÉçÇø Verification of Disability Form completed by a qualified healthcare practitioner (e.g., speech pathologist, physician or nurse practitioner) trained to test for and diagnose the condition. Clear diagnosis and details of impacts upon the post-secondary experience are required.
Report or º£½ÇÉçÇø Verification of Disability Form completed by a qualified healthcare practitioner involved in the student’s care (e.g., physician, audiologist, optometrist, ophthalmologist, psychologist, psychiatrist or nurse practitioner) who is trained to test for and diagnose the condition. Clear diagnosis and details of impacts upon the post-secondary experience are required
.Non-medical Documentation
For accommodation applications based on non-medical protected grounds, you need to provide supporting documentation that explains and verifies the circumstances related to the protected ground(s) you identify in your application.
For the Application for Accommodations Based on Non-medical Protected Grounds, you need to complete and/or collect two types of documentation:
- Complete the Non-medical Accommodation Application.
- Download the Non-medical Accommodation Application fillable PDF .
- Follow the instructions on page 1 of the Non-medical Accommodation Application PDF to complete this document.
- PLEASE NOTE: You must complete part 2 (the Statutory Declaration) in person with a Commissioner of Oaths/Notary Public. You can obtain a Commissioner of Oath services at the university's Student Service Centre (located at 2-180 University Commons on North Campus) or with any other Commissioner of Oaths/Notary Public in your community.
- Collect your supporting documentation: Please refer to the ‘Documentation Required for Different Non-medical Protected Grounds’ section below for details regarding the specific documentation required for different types of non-medical protected ground applications..
PLEASE NOTE: Any supporting documentation completed by other individuals (e.g., faith/religious group leaders, community members) must include all of the following information:
- the full date on which the document was completed (including the day, month, and year).
- the student’s full name.
- the writer’s full name and contact information (including mailing address, telephone number, and email address).
Documentation Required for Different Non-medical Protected Grounds
In addition to your completed Non-medical Accommodation Application (including Part 2: Statutory Declaration), you must provide all of the following:
- If your application relates to your child/children, a copy of the birth certificate(s) of your child/children.
- If your application relates to an individual(s) with whom you share your primary residence, any documentation that verifies your relationship to the individual(s) (e.g., a copy of a utility bill or lease for your shared residence that includes both of your names).
- If your application relates to the physical or mental disability (i.e., medical condition) of an individual(s) with whom you share your primary residence, arrange for the individual(s) to obtain medical documentation that has been completed by a qualified healthcare practitioner involved with the care of the immune-compromised individual(s).
- Any other relevant documentation.
- If you provide documentation that includes an identification or account number(s), please mask or block out the identification or account number(s) on the copy provided in your application.
- If you are requesting remote course access accommodations related to the immune-compromised status of an individual(s) with whom you share your primary residence, please email to request detailed instructions regarding required documentation.
In addition to your completed Non-medical Accommodation Application (including Part 2: Statutory Declaration), you must provide all of the following:
- Documentation that verifies your membership in a political party or organization. Examples include (but are not limited to): current membership card, receipt for membership dues paid, meeting attendance records, or other documentation of membership or participation.
- Any other relevant documentation.
In addition to your completed Non-medical Accommodation Application (including Part 2: Statutory Declaration), you must provide all of the following:
- Documentation that verifies your participation in your faith/religious group and how long you have been a member of the faith/religious group.
- It is highly recommended, but not required, that you provide a statement from a leader of your faith/religious group.
- If you chose not to provide a letter from a leader of your faith/religious group, provide other supporting documentation. Examples include (but are not limited to): attendance records, baptismal or marriage certificate, bar/bat mitzvah records, membership card or certificate, letter from a non-family member in your faith/religious community.
- If you are requesting accommodations related to scheduled academic activities or assessments that conflict with the schedule of faith/religious group practices and/or events, documentation of your faith/religious group’s schedule of faith/religious group practices and/or events for the current academic year. Examples include: your faith/religious group annual calendar; if you choose to provide a letter from a leader of your faith/religious group, a detailed description of the faith/religious group practices or events for the current academic year may be included in the letter.
- Any other relevant documentation.
In addition to your completed Non-medical Accommodation Application (including Part 2: Statutory Declaration), you must provide all of the following.
- Documentation that explains and verifies specific circumstances you identify in your application. Required documentation varies depending on the specific protected grounds you identify in your application and on your specific circumstances. If you require assistance, please email .
- Any other relevant documentation.