Approved for Accommodations
Throughout the intake process, students meet with Accessibility Advisors and other Accommodations Service Providers to determine which course, exam, and campus accommodations are appropriate. Students who are already approved for accommodations have responsibilities each semester to ensure that their accommodations remain active.
Student Guidelines
At the beginning of each term
- Activate your accommodations for each of your classes to ensure your instructors are aware of your accommodations. See PDF instructions for activating your accommodations »
- Select the Activate Accommodation + Letter Download icon in the ClockWork .
- Save a copy of your Letter(s) of Accommodation for your reference.
- Contact your course instructor(s) early to discuss your accommodations if necessary.
- Register all eligible exams (including quizzes, tests, midterms, and finals) as soon as you receive your course outlines in order to be able to access your exam accommodations. This includes exams that are administered remotely as well as those written in the Learning Assessment Centre (LAC). See PDF instructions for registering accommodated exams »
- Apply for government funding to defray the costs of accommodations services.
Throughout each term
- Confirm details of your exam including proctored location with your instructor.
- Contact our administrative team at if you need to make any changes in exam registrations
- Contact your advisor at if you need to make any changes in your accommodations.