Mental Health Resources

Learn more about common mental health concerns by checking out our collection of resources.

Dear Maddi Advice Column

A psychologist-led advice column for students who have questions about their mental health.

Grad School Confidential Podcast

A documentary style podcast dedicated to breaking the silence over the academic and personal challenges of grad student life. Learn more.

Video Series: Attention & Concentration Challenges

Learn how to break down goals, prioritize tasks and make routines. Learn more.

Audio Relaxation

Prioritize your mental well-being with our audio resources focused on improving relaxation and stress reduction via guided exercises and meditation. Learn more.

Mental Health Topics

CCS Guide to Campus and Community Mental Health Resources [PDF]

Mental well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a far-reaching impact on the lives of millions of people. As we adjust to the ‘new normal’ of social distancing, we are also seeing many changes in our lifestyles and home life. Some people may experience fear, anxiety, depressed mood or other mental health symptoms. These reactions are natural responses to an unprecedented situation. Although these feelings are normal, there are steps you can take to promote wellness in your life during this difficult period.

A Student's Guide to Wellness During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Additional topics

Attention & Concentration Challenges

Making Routines
Making and establishing routines can be difficult for those with attentional challenges or ADHD. In this webinar participants will learn what routines are and why they are important for daily living. Concrete instructions for establishing and maintaining routines will provided.

Breaking Down Large Goals
Breaking down large goals can be challenging. Learn how to overcome this barrier by breaking things into concrete steps. Specific examples of how to break down essay writing and studying for exams will be reviewed.

Prioritizing, Time Management, & Scheduling
Having difficulty staying on top of things? Learn how to prioritize, schedule, and manage your time so you can get things done!

Your feedback is important. Your anonymous responses will be shared with CCS staff to help inform and improve our video workshops.

Depression and Grief
Isolation and Loneliness

Mental Health Resources translated in simplified Chinese

Other Campus Counselling Services

The following service providers are not affiliated with Counselling & Clinical Services and provide additional and/or complementary resources for the campus community.

Graduate Student Assistance Program

Graduate Student Assistance Program
780-428-7909 or 1-800-663-1142
Suite 240
Garneau Professional Building
11044 82 Ave NW

Services for Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry students
For students in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry:
Ryan Jacobson, Registered Psychologist
Sophia Park, Registered Psychologist
Soutien Psychologique en Fran莽ais
Pour obtenir du soutien psychologique en français, ou pour plus d'informations, veuillez contacter:
Josée Ouellette Conseillère-thérapeute

Wellness Supports
SUB 2-300

The Wellness Supports Social Work Team would be an excellent referral source for anyone wanting: 

  • supportive case management
  • system navigation (academic, justice, child welfare, healthcare, GOA, etc.)
  • personal development (recovery of all kinds, loss and grief, parenting, processing social violence, symptom management, life skills, wellness planning, relationships, coaching, etc.) and aspects of general daily functioning (finances, housing, practical problem solving, etc.)
  • crisis management