Christianity is a monotheistic religion, with many sects, which believes that:
- The world was created by God.
- All things within that world were designed to have meaning and purpose.
- The Bible, which offers guidance for how humans are to live their lives, is a gift from God, inspired by God.
- Jesus Christ was/is the Messiah and is the way back to God.
Christian Denomination Contacts:

Baptist Chaplain:
Mel Cruikshank
Bachelor of Science (º£½ÇÉçÇø)
Master of Divinity (North America Baptist Divinity School)

Baptist Chaplain:
Joshua Smith
- Bachelor of Christian Studies (Canadian Baptist Theological Seminary & College)
- Pursuing Masters of Arts in Biblical Leadership from the Bullock Institute through Northwestern Seminary
August 2023
I believe that the most important thing I can do in life is to love God and others. Jesus Himself told His followers and adversaries that the most important thing they can do is to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these” (Matthew 12:30-31). I truly believe that university students are in in need of this Christlike love and that is why I am a Chaplain. Students are at a significant stage in life and in their faith journey. I hope to help meet their spiritual needs so that they will be successful students, joyful people, and people who love God and others themselves.
I enjoy many things. A good board game, fun social activities with friends, an exciting fiction novel, and of course a relaxing tv show or youtube video. I am passionate about supporting people who have disabilities, traveling to foreign countries, learning new languages, and trying new things. Having lived in 5 provinces and 3 states, I have experienced a lot of new things that have helped me grow in character, compassion, and courage. I thank the Lord for all of them.

Christian Reformed Minister:
Rick Mast
My interest is developing communities of faith, rooted in prayer, guided by God and by the community's weakest members - through whom God's presence is revealed (case in point: Jesus Christ). Each member discovers and deepens in their spiritual life and lives it according to their particular faith and tradition. Communities can be like the holy temple in the vision of Ezekiel (ch. 47), from which living waters flow that heal and give life. From within community we discover the mystery we are living and are helped to be faithful to our vocation - invited continually to "launch out into the deep" (Luke 5:4). My aim and focus is to create a brave space - for students, faculty and staff. Those who have no religious affiliation are also welcomed and respected in their freedom of conscience.
For the past twenty years, I have led a group of students and adults on spiritual pilgrimages, living alongside the religious community on the remote Isle of Iona, Scotland. I also serve on The King's University's Board of Governors, and the Board of Trustees at Calvin College.
I have four daughters with my wife Aileen of thirty-six years. In my downtime I enjoy downhill, cross-country and backcountry skiing; hiking in the summer months; and reading. I would also refer to myself as 'Folkie,' and I drive a Westy.

Christian Reformed Minister:
Christy Harper
- B.A. in Christian Studies (Ouachita Baptist University)
- M.Div. in Theology (Beeson Divinity School)
I believe that each person is deeply loved and created with a purpose by a good God--even if the world seems to be in a crazy place and life is anything but certain. My hope is to provide ways for you to know that you are not alone, and to be a bridge that can help you find strong community and support during your time at university. You can find me Friday mornings outside the HUB with hot chocolate and (usually) muffins to help start your day! I also host a games table at PLH residence on Fridays for anyone to pop by for a game, a chat, or both. And I'm a big fan of getting together over a cup of coffee or going for a walk around campus.
I would not be who I am today without the mentors God brought into my life while I was in university and graduate school. They provided a safe place for me to wrestle with doubt, grief, and confusion, while also being people who celebrated and called out the gifts and callings inside my heart. Their faith was embodied, joyful, and constant, and I want to provide that same presence for students, regardless of faith background or what season of life they find themselves in.
I love getting lost in a good book (fiction, theology, poetry, biographies--pretty much anything!), playing music with others, getting a good workout in, doing Taekwondo with my family, and opening up our home to people. Cris and I have two kids in elementary school and a bernedoodle named Chewie (yes--that is short for Chewbacca and we are big Star Wars fans).

Lutheran Chaplain:
Richard Reimer
- Bachelor of Arts, º£½ÇÉçÇø
- Diploma in Christian Studies, Regent College, Vancouver
- Master of Divinity, Lutheran Theological Seminary, Saskatoon

Mennonite Chaplain:
Kevin Guenther Trautwein
- B.A.Rel., Ambrose University (2005)
- M.T.S., University of Waterloo, Conrad Grebel University College (2014)
I spent years working as frontline support for organizations serving street-involved communities and at-risk youth. Recently, I've been proud to be involved with the Edmonton Ecumenical Peace Network's annual Prayer Walk for Peace, and the John Humphrey Centre for Peace and Human Rights' Festival of Faiths. I serve on the Board of Directors for the Edmonton Mennonite Centre for Newcomers.
I am married with two young children, and these days I enjoy going to the park, canoeing on the North Saskatchewan, and catching live music whenever possible. Also, coffee.
169D HUB Chaplains' Centre

Presbyterian Reformed Chaplains
Bryan and Lisa Clarke
Bryan has been serving at the º£½ÇÉçÇø with Lisa since 2005. He completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Windsor, in Ontario, Canada and his graduate studies, earning a Master's of Divinity at Reformed Theological Seminary. Bryan Clarke has a Ph.D. (Secondary Education) from the º£½ÇÉçÇø. His current research interests include ongoing interaction with Deleuzian scholarship as well as a focus on ethics, popular culture, and philosophical hermeneutics. He has most recently taught in the faculty of Education at the º£½ÇÉçÇø and at St. Joseph's College while also serving as a university chaplain. He has several ongoing projects including a textbook for his course on Harry Potter and spirituality.
Lisa has studied Home Economics and Women’s Studies at the University of Windsor and received a certificate in early childhood education, St. Clair College, Windsor.

Presbyterian Reformed Chaplain
Julia Schmidtke
Diploma in Christian studies (Mount Carmel Bible College)
Bachelor of Arts, Religious Studies (º£½ÇÉçÇø)
169A HUB Chaplains' Centre

Pentecostal Chaplain
Spencer Wills
Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada
B.A. in Theology, Vanguard College
My main goal right now is to build real connections with students on campus and create a strong, supportive community where everyone looks out for each other. No matter where you are in your faith journey, you don’t have to face it alone! I’d love to help you find your people—whether that’s through a campus group, a local church, or just grabbing a coffee and chatting. So if you ever need a listening ear, a good conversation, or just a break from studying, I’m here!
Simply put, I love people, and I truly believe that there is God who is actively seeking after you! My hope is that I can create a place where that love is expressed through community and connection–it’s pretty well summed up in 1 Peter 3:8: “Finally all of you, have unity of spirit, sympathy, love for one another, a tender heart, and a humble mind. “
When I'm not on campus, I enjoy spending time with my wife and my two young boys (if you ask, I will show you a thousand photos haha) or reading a good book both for personal growth or fantasy. Or I will be playing Dungeons and Dragons–if you’re ever up for a game let me know; I love to run and play the game!

Orthodox Chaplain:
Timothy Chrapko
- B.Th. - St. Andrew’s College (Winnipeg)
- M.T.S. - Newman Theological College (Edmonton)
- D. Min. - St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary (Yonkers, NY)

Roman Catholic Chaplain:
Mona-Lee Feehan
- Bachelor of Education (º£½ÇÉçÇø)
- Masters of Education (º£½ÇÉçÇø)
- Masters of Theology (St. Stephen's College)
- Doctor of Ministry (St. Stephen's College)