Important Policies and Procedures for Student Groups
These are the policies and procedures which are most often applicable to student groups. All º£½ÇÉçÇø policies are available on the º£½ÇÉçÇø Policies and Procedures Online (UAPPOL) site.
*This procedure pertains to recognition granted by the º£½ÇÉçÇø. Please note that in addition to university recognition, most groups are also eligible for UASU or GSA recognition, which are governed by and ‘Section N: GSA Graduate Student Groups’ of the GSA Bylaw and Policy respectively. If student groups are recognized by both the university and UASU or GSA, they must follow all applicable policies.
Students groups must review this procedure, which explains the relationship between the university and recognized student groups:
- responsibilities and benefits
- registration requirements
- registration procedures
- denial, revocation or temporary suspension of student group recognition
- event planning and student group activities
This policy and related procedures outline:
- the expectations of all students at the university
- behaviours that constitute misconduct
- the complaints process and potential outcomes
While the actions of a student group may impact the group’s recognition status, the actions of individuals may be addressed under the Student Conduct Policy.
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Policy »
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Disclosures Procedure »
This policy:
- defines sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV)
- acknowledges the university’s responsibility to take preventative measures to reduce SGBV on campus and to respond to disclosures of SGBV with a survivor-driven approach.
Student groups should be aware of this policy and procedure so they can help foster a safe and inclusive environment and understand support and response options available to students.
Student groups are encouraged to learn about sexual and gender-based violence and understand how group culture, attitudes or norms may normalize sexual and gender-based violence.
Student groups are also encouraged to learn about resources and support. If a group/members of a group receive a disclosure of SGBV, there are services on campus to help support survivors and/or those who received the disclosure.
Discrimination, Harassment and Duty to Accommodate Policy »
This policy describes the university’s responsibility and commitment to creating a work, learning, and living environment free from discrimination and harassment, and guided by principles of equity, responsibility, and academic freedom. All members of the university community should treat others respectfully.
This policy helps student groups understand what constitutes discrimination and harassment and learn about available avenues for addressing instances of discrimination and/or harassment.
This policy outlines the university’s responsibility to allocate and manage space. This policy also references the relevant procedures that student groups must be aware of when booking space.
Outdoor Site Booking Procedure »
This procedure outlines the process for recognized student groups to request outdoor space bookings on North Campus, South Campus, Augustana Campus, and Campus Saint-Jean as well as the responsibilities of users to meet risk management requirements.
While student groups can request outdoor space through the Outdoor Site Booking Team, groups must receive event approval from the Office of the Dean of Students to utilize the space. Booking outdoor space does not guarantee an event application will be approved.
Short-Term Casual Event Booking Procedure »
As one of the procedures under the Space Management Policy, this procedure outlines the process and requirements to book centrally-scheduled spaces (i.e. spaces managed by the Registrar’s Office rather than Faculties or Departments) for events.
Recognized student groups, along with faculty and staff, are eligible to book most spaces at no cost.
To receive approval for a space booking, student groups must have the event approved by the Office of the Dean of Students, with the exception of regular meetings, annual general meetings, and elections attended exclusively by group members.
Registered Student Group Alcohol Event Procedure »
This policy focuses on safe alcohol consumption and the expectations of all members of the university community to ensure responsible consumption of alcohol. Student groups hosting events with alcohol must be especially familiar with the procedure which outlines the process for obtaining event approval.
Student groups hosting an event for which they wish to bring animals on campus are to be familiar with this procedure. Additional approvals may be required beyond event approval.
Waiver and Release of Liability Procedure and Informed Consent Procedure »
This procedure outlines important information on why waivers and informed consent forms may be required for student group events and how to administer them.
If waivers and/or informed consent forms are required for a student group event, they will be created by the Office of the Dean of Students and issued to the group with instructions for administration.
Off-Campus Activity and Travel Policy »
Risk Assessment for Off-Campus Travel Involving Students »
This Policy, Procedure, and Appendix (Risk Matrix) outline requirements and resources to help student groups plan for safe travel and off-campus activities.
Student groups should be familiar with the requirements and approval process articulated in the policy and procedure and be able to assess the risks of their activity using the Risk Matrix tool. Please note international travel requires additional risk management measures that will be reviewed and approved by º£½ÇÉçÇø International, in addition to those required through the BearsDen submission process.
Trademarks and Licensing Policy »
This policy outlines what trademarks are the exclusive property of the university. Recognized student groups are permitted to use university trademarks in their names, logos, and merchandise, in accordance with the Trademarks and Licensing Guidelines for Student Groups. Please note, in some instances, student groups will need to obtain a license agreement with the Trademarks & Licensing Office.
Posting Announcements, Notices and Banners Procedure »
Student groups looking to advertise their events via posters, notices, or banners on campus should be familiar with this procedure. Only designated poster boards can be used.
Student groups must obtain event approval on BearsDen prior to advertising.
Statement on Freedom of Expression »
Student groups should be aware of the university’s statement and commitment to freedom of expression and the limitations of that expression. For example, freedom of expression cannot violate Canadian law or university policies. Please read the statement thoroughly.