DoM ACB Guiding Principles and Strategies
A recent survey of faculty, trainees, and employees identified areas of priority that need to be addressed concerning access, community, belonging (ACB) and anti-racism in the Department of Medicine (DoM) clinical workplace.
The following guiding principles and strategies were developed to guide the DoM in its commitment to achieving equity, access, psychological safety, and building an inclusive, diverse community.
- Implicit bias training should be required for all Search and Selection, CaRMS selection committees, faculty members, researchers and employees. Implicit bias training can be performed in various ways. Options include, but are not limited to, completing at least one module of the Implicit Bias modules from Harvard or the CIHR unconscious bias video module.
- Anti-racist and bias education should be included in the curriculum for all residency programs in the DoM.
- For the Department of Medicine Grand Rounds, at least one presentation will be done yearly on the language surrounding ACB, intersectionality of bias, and the impact on health.
- DoM members applying for leadership positions/committee membership must complete the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry (FoMD) Anti-Racism Tools and Thoughts eClass Course and provide evidence of completion with their application.
- All DoM members should complete the FoMD Anti-Racism Tools and Thoughts eClass Course. This could be done in a staged approach.
- Collect demographic data of speakers at Medicine Grand Rounds, Department award recipients, and general award nominees. Data should be reviewed annually to assess diversity of speakers and award recipients and nominees.
- The DoM Steering Committee will endorse the value of ACB and participate in ACB activities. This is crucial for recruitment, retention, the best possible research, education and clinical care.
- Policies, guidelines, hiring procedures and CaRMS selection should be reviewed to ensure inclusive language.
- Track time to promotion (both academic and clinical) and demographics/self-identification.
- Ensure graduate and post-doctoral trainees are included in education efforts and DoM events.
- Develop an award for ACB and/or anti-racism research, education or advocacy in the DoM.