Department of Medicine Annual Celebration Awards









This event holds a special place in our hearts. It's a time when we come together to honour the stars of our Department.
You are the people who continually push the boundaries of healthcare excellence. Your remarkable contributions to education, research and clinical care raise the bar of excellence in the medical community. Congratulations!
- Dr. Vijay Daniels, Associate Chair, Education and Faculty Development, Department of Medicine


Education and Career Development Awards  |  ME2 Majumdar Research & QI Day Awards  |  Faculty Research Awards | Leaving a Leadership Role | Chair's Faculty Award and Retirements | J. Charles Morrison Award | Teaching Awards | Academic Promotions | Clinical Promotions 


Jonathan B. Meddings Clinical Innovation Award

Med-OpS Team

This award recognizes scholarly clinical activity that provides enhanced patient care. 

The Med-OpS Team, led by Dr. Sheri Koshman, successfully demonstrated timely optimization of medications with improvement in patient symptoms, by utilizing a prescribing pharmacist and nurse team embedded in a specialty heart failure clinic. Notably, the Med-OpS approach has been disseminated provincially and nationally, and it is being adopted in other centres. It was also recognized with a national award.

Members of the Med-Ops Team

Thomas J. Marrie Mentorship Award

Portrait of Dr. Karen Kroeker

This award recognizes the qualities of role modeling with integrity, generosity to others, and contributions to career and program development.

Several individuals contributed to Dr. Karen Kroeker's nomination. They illustrated her “extraordinary commitment to fostering excellence”, “honest and objective guidance”, “kindness and support”, “encouragement”, “advocacy”, her generosity and the profound impact she has had on their careers and lives.

“I was amazed that her only priority was my success, even if it meant her own success was delayed as a result.” 

“She has taken the time to help me understand my core values, and how these values can be used to guide me in choosing a career. She has...helped me to learn more about where my strengths lie and how to use them”.

“Dr. Kroeker is not just a mentor; she is a catalyst for growth, inspiration, and a true advocate for professional development.“

Cooperation, Collaboration and Teamwork Award 

Edmonton Diabetes and High-Risk Foot Clinic
Edmonton Diabetes and High-Risk Foot Clinic Team

This award recognizes groups who have been successful in creating environments where these professional characteristics (cooperation, collaboration and teamwork) are effective for teaching, research, patient care and/or administration, thus representing operational role models in the academic environment and/or the larger community.

The Edmonton Diabetes & High-Risk Foot Clinic, led by Dr. Daniel Shafran, is a one-stop shop clinical model has dramatically reduced wait times for specialized diabetes care and treatment. This clinical model has enabled a superior level of cooperation, collaboration and teamwork which has led to improved clinical outcomes and has elevated the patient and caregiver experience.

Team Members: Dr. Antonia Barnes, Dr. Randeep Birdi, Kayla Chorley, Juhlii Fehr, Cathy Girard, Dr. Zandra Johnston, Dr. Kayla Lowen, Debra Luciak, Krystin Minns, Dr. Shiva Nandiwada, Freda Orr, Tawnya Perry, Dr. Daniel Shafran, Anna-Marie Van Oene

Med-Ops Team

Evangelos Michelakis, Vijay Daniels

Jennifer Ringrose, Fraulein Morales, Terra Arnason

Aldo Montano-Loza, Donald Morrish

Brenda Hemmelgarn, Pam Mathura, Andrea Cliff


Quality Improvement (QI) Awards

First Prize QI Oral Presentation

Portrait of Dr. Kyle Moxham

Dr. Kyle Moxham is an internal Medicine Resident (PGY2) in the Division of General Internal Medicine. His supervisor is Dr. Darren Lau. 

Award Oral Presentation: Optimizing Point-of-Care Glucose Chemstrip Utilization in Hospitalized Patients: A Quality Improvement Initiative

Authors: Kyle Moxham, Pamela Mathura, Darren Lau


Kyle Moxham and Elaine Yacyshyn

First Prize QI Poster Presentation

Dr. Kaylin Bechard

Dr. Kaylin Bechard is a Senior Subspecialty Resident (R4) in the Division of Dermatology. Her supervisor is Dr. Marlene Dytoc.

Awarded Poster Presentation: Improving Patient Outcomes in the Vulvar Dermatology Clinic

Authors: Kaylin Bechard, Anita Truong, Samuel Lowe, Pamela Mathura, Reidar Hagtvedt, Marlene Dytoc

Kaylin Bechard and Elaine Yacyshyn

Research Awards

First Prize Graduate Student Scientific Oral Presentation

Maria-Areli Lorenzana Carrillo

Maria-Areli Lorenzana Carrillo is a PhD Graduate Student in the Division of Cardiology. Her supervisor is Dr. Gopinath Sutendra.

Awarded Oral Presentation: Nuclear Versus Cytoplasmic/ Mitochondrial TRIM35 Signaling in Cardiomyocytes may Predict Irreversible Versus Reversible Cardiac Dysfunction and Chemotherapy-Induced Cardiotoxicity


Authors: Maria Areli Lorenzana-Carillo, Saymon Tejay, Farah Eaton, Michelle Mendiola Pla, Dawn E Bowles, John R Ussher, Evangelos Michelakis and Gopinath Sutendra

First Prize Postdoctoral Fellow Scientific Oral Presentation

Jiyuan Piao

Jiyuan Piao is a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Division of Cardiology. His supervisor is Dr. Evangelos Michelakis.

Awarded Oral Presentation: A novel small molecule synthesized based on a snail hibernation model, induces hibernation in mouse fibroblasts and perfused hearts

Authors: Jiyuan Piao, Yongneng Zhang, Yuan-Yuan Zhao, Patrick Hannington, Amir Tabatabaei-Dakhili, John Ussher, Gopinath Sutendra, Evangelos Michelakis


Jiyuan Piao and Dr. Evangelos Michelakis

First Prize Resident/Senior Subspecialty Resident Scientific Oral Presentation

Megan McCreary

Megan McCreary is an Internal Medicine Resident (PGY2) in the Division of General Internal Medicine. Her supervisor is Dr. Darren Lau.

Awarded Oral Presentation: SGLT-2 Inhibitor Use in Adults (Age ≥ 65) with Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease is Lower in Alberta and Manitoba than in Ontario: A Cross-Sectional Study

Authors: Megan L. McCreary, Roseanne O. Yeung, Donna P. Manca, Michelle Greiver, Alexander G. Singer, Darren Lau


Megan McCreary and Dr. Evangelos Michelakis

First Prize Postdoctoral Fellow Scientific Poster Presentation

Kleouforo-Paul Dembele

Kleouforo-Paul Dembele is a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Division of Cardiology. His supervisor is Dr. Evangelos Michelakis.

Awarded Poster Presentation: Nanotubes mediated mitochondria transfer from normal to cancer cells promotes Mesenchymal-to-Epithelial Transition (MET) needed for the establishment of metastasis in cancer


Kleouforo-Paul Dembele and Dr. Evangelos Michelakis

First Prize Graduate Student Scientific Poster Presentation

Noorossadat Seyyedi

Noorossadat Seyyedi is a PhD Graduate Student in the Division of Hematology. Her supervisor is Dr. Nadia Jahroudi.

Awarded Poster Presentation: p53 associated de novo activation of VWF expression in tumor cells




Noorossadat Seyyedi and Dr. Evangelos Michelakis

First Prize Core Internal Medicine/Senior Subspecialty Resident Scientific Poster Presentation

Rojin Kaviani

Rojin Kaviani is a Senior Subspecialty Resident R5 in the Division of Preventive Medicine. Her supervisor is Dr. Ellina Lytvyak.

Awarded Poster Presentation: Prevalence of metabolic-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD) and its impact on adverse liver outcomes in patients with primary biliary cholangitis (PBC)


Ballermann Translational Research Fellowship Award

Lamia Khan


This award provides $24,500 to a trainee who has published an influential high-impact paper in a translational research journal.

Lamia Khan is a PhD Graduate Student in the Division of Rheumatology. Her supervisor is Dr. Mohammed Osman.

Awarded Poster Presentation: (Journal of Autoimmunity)

Authors: Lamia Khan, Tahlia Derksen, Desiree Redmond, Jan Storek, Caylib Durand, Robert Gniadecki, Benjamin Korman, Jan Willem Cohen Tervaert, Ana D'Aubeterre, Mohammed S. Osman, Lisa M. Willis

Lamia Khan and Dr. Evangelos Michelakis



Orlene Brow, RaeAnne Barkhouse

Donald Morrish


 Ibrahim Bader

Department of Medicine Faculty Research Awards

Clinical Investigation Publication Award

Portrait of Dr. Carrie Ye

This publication award is given to a scientist for a clinical investigation research publication in a top ranked journal, with the work completed at the º£½ÇÉçÇø in the previous calendar year.

Dr. Carrie Ye is an Assistant Professor in the Division of Rheumatology.



Awarded Publication:  

Cite: Ye C, Leslie WD, Morin SN, Lix LM, McCloskey EV, Johansson H, Harvey NC, Lorentzon M, Kanis JA. Adjusting FRAX Estimates of Fracture Probability Based on a Positive Vertebral Fracture Assessment. JAMA Network Open. 2023 Aug 1;6(8):e2329253-.

Clinical Faculty Research Award

Portrait of Dr. Soori Sivakumaran

This award recognizes a part- or full-time clinical faculty member who is the senior or first author on a published work. This work could be original research, basic or clinical, reports on clinical trials or drug studies, or a major review article on papers published electronically and/or in hard copy in the previous calendar year.

Dr. Soori Sivakumaran is an Associate Clinical Professor in the Division of Cardiology at the º£½ÇÉçÇø Hospital. 


Dr. Soori Sivakumaran and Dr. Evanglos Michelakis

Basic Science Publication Award

Dr. Jason Plemel

This award recognizes a publication in a top-ranked journal, with the work having been completed at the º£½ÇÉçÇø and where the award winner is the prinicipal investigator.

Dr. Jason Plemel is an Assistant Professor in the Division of Neurology. 



Awarded Publication:


Cite: Baaklini CS, Ho MF, Lange T, Hammond BP, Panda SP, Zirngibl M, Zia S, Himmelsbach K, Rana H, Phillips B, Antoszko D. Microglia promote remyelination independent of their role in clearing myelin debris. Cell Reports. 2023 Dec 26;42(12).

Paul W. Armstrong Excellence in Research Award

Portrait of Dr. Aldo Montano-Loza

This award recognizes exemplary research work that demonstrates creativity, imagination, and dedication.

It honours excellence in outstanding research contributions in scientific research and medicine.

Dr. Aldo Montano-Loza is a Professor in the Division of Gastroenterology. 



Dr. Aldo Montano-Loza and Dr. Evanglos Michelakis

Translational Research Award

Portrait of Dr. Mohammed Osman

This award recognizes a member who has conceived and developed innovative products or processes, and achieved excellence in applied clinical scientific research. This member is actively engaged in research involving population or clinical epidemiology, health outcomes/health services research, or randomized control trials testing interventions or new discoveries.

Dr. Mohammed Osman is a Professor in the Division of Rheumatology. 


Dr. Mohammed Osman and Dr. Evanglos Michelakis

Paul Man Award

Portrait of Dr. Jiyuan Piao


The Paul Man Award was named in honour of Dr. Paul Man, Division Director of Pulmonary Medicine from 1986 to 2001, for his exceptional contribution to translational research.

Jiyuan Piao is a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Division of Cardiology. His supervisor is Dr. Evangelos Michelakis.

Publication: A novel small molecule synthesized based on a snail hibernation model, induces hibernation in mouse fibroblasts and perfused hearts

Authors: Jiyuan Piao, Yongneng Zhang, Yuan-Yuan Zhao, Patrick Hannington, Amir Tabatabaei-Dakhili, John Ussher, Gopinath Sutendra, Evangelos Michelakis


Dr. Jiyuan Piao and Dr. Jason Weatherald


Brenda Hemmelgarn

Rebecca Lee, guest, William Gibson

Fraulein Morales

Robert Gniadecki, John Elliot, Mo Osman

Leaving a Leadership Role

Portrait of Dr. Joseph Brandwein

Dr. Joseph Brandwein and Dr. Vijay Daniels

Dr. Joseph Brandwein steps down from his role as Division Director and Zone lead for the Division of Hematology after an impactful tenure beginning in 2013.

Dr. Brandwein, a brilliant and respected leader, has profoundly influenced the Division. His career, marked by distinguished academic and clinical achievements, includes over 150 peer-reviewed publications and leadership in numerous clinical trials and national guidelines for leukemia treatment. 

Dr. Brandwein’s dedication to advancing clinical research in acute leukemias and hematologic malignancies has been pivotal. He has led the Adult Hematology Clinical Research Program and established the Marshall Eliuk Fund in Hematology, fostering innovation and fellowship training. His recruitment of exceptional faculty has significantly elevated the Division’s scholarship and research.

Dr. Brandwein's quiet brilliance and effective leadership will be missed, but his legacy will continue to inspire and guide the Division of Hematology. 

Dr. Elaine Yacyshyn

Dr. Elaine Yacyshyn and Dr. Vijay Daniels

Dr. ​Elaine Y​acyshyn served as the Deputy Zone Clinical Department Head for the Department of Medicine from February 1, 2021 to March 31, 2024.

​During her tenure, she fostered strong academic partnerships​ and played a vital role in enhancing communication ensur​ing that important information was shared effectively, promoting transparency and engagement among department ​and zone members.

Dr. Y​acyshyn has been a dedicated educator, earning numerous awards for her teaching excellence​, including most recently, the Rheumatology residents Mentor of the Year Award.

Dr. Y​acyshyn is now serving as the Vice-Dean of Faculty Affairs, where she will continue to provide leadership and guidance for faculty and staff development, building on her legacy of service and excellence in the Department of Medicine.

The following leaders also stepped down from their roles but could not attend the celebration. Their dedication and contributions have been invaluable to the DoM​, and we thank them for their unwavering commitment and exceptional service.

Dr. Janis Miyasaki

Dr. Janis Miyasaki
Director, Division of Neurology, and ZCDSC
Term: 2022 - 2023

Dr. George Elleker

Dr. George Elleker
Interim Director, Division of Neurology, and ZCDSC
Term: 2023 - 2024


Dr. Branko Braam

Dr. Branko Braam
Director, Division of Nephrology, and ZCDSC
Term: 2018 - 2024

Dr. Vivian Mushahwar

Dr. Vivian Mushahwar
Interim Director, Division of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Term: 2022 - 2024

Levinus (Leo) Dieleman

Dominic Mudiayi

Lamia Khan

Soori Sivakumaran, Harald Becher

Chair's Faculty Award

Dr. Jacques Romney

The Chair's Faculty Award is the highest honour given by the Department of Medicine, recognizing outstanding service from faculty members in administrative leadership roles. This prestigious award is not given annually but is awarded at the Chair's discretion to acknowledge truly extraordinary contributions.

This year's recipient is Dr. Jacques Romney (Clinical Professor, Division of Endocrinology), whose remarkable dedication to the department has been exceptional. Jacques has consistently gone above and beyond to ensure the operational needs of the department are met. His enthusiasm, collegiality, dependability, steady hand and vast knowledge have significantly contributed to the positive atmosphere within the department.   

Dr. Jacques Romney and Dr. Vijay Daniels


Dr. Harald Becher

Dr. Harald Becher and Dr. Michelle Graham

2010 was an important year. At the Vancouver Olympics, Team Canada won Hockey Gold. At the º£½ÇÉçÇø, we won gold by recruiting Dr. Harald Becher (Professor Emeritus, Division of Cardiology).

Dr. Becher obtained his MD from the University of Heidelberg, followed by training in Hamburg and Bonn. He worked in Bonn and then moved to Oxford University where he was Professor of Cardiac Ultrasound until we convinced him to move to Alberta.

Dr. Becher is a world-renowned echocardiographer, and he has helped the echo lab at the Mazankowski stay on the cutting edge in Canada. He is a pioneer in contrast echocardiography, cardio-oncology and 3D echo. More recently, he is exploring automated echo interpretation and robotic echocardiography. To date, he has 190 publications and 34 book chapters, not to mention the Handbook of Echocardiography, which has rested in many a lab coat pocket over the years.

Dr. Becher is a humble man, who is always ready and willing to help, no matter what time of day or night. The trainees speak so highly of him — he is well known for teaching with kindness and positive reinforcement. He is, simply stated, "A wonderful human and colleague."

Although he is retiring, he will be continuing his research.

"Thank you, Harald, and we wish you the best as you spend more time with your family. Your footprint is enormous, and will never be filled. We are — and always will be — grateful for all you have done."

— Dr. Michelle Graham

Dr. John Elliot

Dr. John Elliot and Dr. Robert Gniadecki

Dr. John F. Elliott (Professor Emeritus, Division of Dermatology) has left an indelible mark on the world of immunology and dermatology, as well as on the many lives he has touched through his dedication and mentorship.

Dr. Elliott began his illustrious academic journey with a summer research scholarship at the º£½ÇÉçÇø in 1978. From these humble beginnings, he ascended to great heights, receiving numerous awards and distinctions.

A cornerstone of Dr. Elliott’s career has been his commitment to research and innovation. His career can be described in two distinct yet interconnected stages.

The first stage was his groundbreaking work in immunology, where his basic research fundamentally advanced our understanding of the immune regulation of hepatitis and type I diabetes. This phase included significant contributions from institutions such as the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute in Melbourne to the Wellcome Trust Centre for Stem Cell Research at the University of Cambridge​​. His work on autoimmunity and the underlying mechanisms of immune response earned him substantial research grants and resulted in amazing publications comprising three papers in Nature and three papers in Science, not to mention journals like Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), Journal of Experimental Medicine, and Journal of Clinical Investigation.​​

In the second stage of his career, Dr. Elliott transitioned to clinical dermatology, applying his deep knowledge of immunology to practical, patient-focused outcomes. He embraced and dominated the field of patch testing for contact allergy. Very few people succeeded in having two successful, yet very different careers: basic immunology and clinical dermatology, which makes Dr. Elliot the exception among giants in medicine.

However, Dr. Elliott’s impact extends beyond his research. His excellence in teaching has been recognized repeatedly, earning him accolades such as the Teacher of the Year and the Block of the Year awards for his innovative course designs. He could turn a complex immunology lecture into a captivating story that even the sleepiest student couldn’t resist. He could make T-cell receptors sound as thrilling as a thriller novel!

"Dr. Elliott, thank you for your unwavering commitment, your pioneering spirit, and your infectious enthusiasm for science and education. Your contributions have enriched us all, and we wish you a retirement filled with joy, relaxation, and perhaps a few more papers to write!"

— Dr. Robert Gniadecki

Dr. Levinus (Leo) Dieleman

Dr. LLeo Dieleman and Dr. Juan Abraldes

Dr. Levinus (Leo) Dieleman (Professor Emeritus, Division of Gastroenterology) received his MD from Catholic University Nijmegen, followed by a PhD from the Free University of Amsterdam. His first academic position was at Chapel Hill, North Carolina in 1996. 

In 2003, Dr. Dieleman was recruited to the º£½ÇÉçÇø and  promoted to professor in 2013. In his more than 20 years at the º£½ÇÉçÇø, he had a fantastic career and became a giant in the field of IBD, with a special interest in dietary treatment, with landmark studies in the use of pre-biotics and probiotics for IBD. He was extensively funded and was on the leading teams of the big Canadian consortiums, such as GEM IMAGINE, with a focus of understanding the relationship between environment, diet, microbiota health, and disease.

His long clinical and solid training as a scientist allowed Dr. Dieleman to be a great example of a physician-scientist. He is a team player, a fantastic colleague to work with, and an inspiration for many by holding his position at the wet labs.

Outside of academia, Dr. Dieleman and Anne have done marvelous work on fundraising for many cause, including the CASA Foundation (mental health for kids). He used  his immense talent as a pianist and his exceptional physical fitness as a cyclist for fundraising purposes over the years.

"I think that he probably felt he had so many things to do in life that as soon as his twins graduated from college he started to make plans for retirement. He makes me very envious of his retirement, by seeing him going from the Netherlands and the mountains. Our best wishes for you and Anne. It was been a great joy working with you."

— Dr. Juan Gonzalez Abraldes

Dr. Donald Morrish

Dr. Donald Morrish and Dr. Terra Arnason

Dr. Donald Morrish (Professor Emeritus, Division of Endocrinology) is retiring from the Division of Endocrinology after 43 years as an academic. He ran an active molecular wet bench research laboratory at the º£½ÇÉçÇø for almost 35 years. He completed his MD, PhD, and Endocrine subspecialty training at UCLA. 

Dr. Morrish's research concentrated on basic science, with near continuous funding for 29 years from MRC, CIHR, and Heart & Stroke. His focus was on the unique area of placental growth regulation and diseases of pregnancy, including preeclampsia. He discovered four novel growth regulator genes in the placenta using a subtraction library, and he also defined the role of adrenomedullin and the immune system in placental function.

As a true inquisitive mind, Dr. Morrish also engaged in clinical research, principally in osteoporosis. He took part in Alberta Heritage Foundation-funded studies assessing the benefits of case manager involvement in improved diagnosis and management in fracture patients. His findings contributed to the development of the orthopedic clinical guidelines used in hip fracture patients in the Edmonton Zone.

Dr. Morrish's clinical interests focused on endocrine-oncology, which became the majority of his clinical practice. He was the Endocrine Tumor Group leader at the Cross Cancer Institute since the development of tumor-specific groups in the 1980s. He was active in leading the clinical management of thyroid cancer in Edmonton for over 40 years and neuroendocrine tumors for about 15 years. He managed a significant proportion of Northern Alberta’s complex thyroid cancer and NET patients.

Dr. Morrish regularly had students, at all levels, who wanted to attend his clinic because he was a great mentor and educator. He has trained almost every Endocrinologist in Edmonton, where they have been the recipients of his patient, pragmatic and comprehensive mentorship in thyroid and neuroendocrine tumors. He is an icon and an enduring example of how to successfully balance doing basic research with outstanding clinical care. 

What you may not know about Dr. Morrish is that he has a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, is an avid cyclist and backcountry skiier, is also an amazing artist, and his dry wit was appreciated by all. 

"I would like to express that we will not only miss you falling asleep at case rounds, but we will truly miss you on the ninth floor and in the clinic. The highlights I’ve shared come from the entire Division, who appreciate the amazing contributions you have made over your career to molecular Endocrine research, dedicated clinical
service, and clinical education. Please be proud of the 
work you have done, and know that you’ve had a profound influence on the next generation of Endocrinologists. We wish you all happiness in the future."

— Dr. Terra Arnason

The following members also have retired from their positions but could not attend the celebration. Their exceptional commitment, expertise, and dedication have profoundly influenced the success of our department.

Dr. Sandra Cockfield

Dr. Sandra Cockfield
Professor Emeritus
Division of Nephrology
July 1, 1989 - March 31, 2024

Dr. Alan McMahon

Dr. Alan McMahon
Professor Emeritus
Division of Nephrology
July 1, 1997 - March 31, 2024

Dr. Sander Van Zanten

Dr. Sander Van Zanten
Professor Emeritus
Division of Gastroenterology
October 1, 2006 - October 1, 2023

Vijay Daniels

Eunice Chow, Parbeer Grewal

Joseph Brandwein


J. Charles (Chuck) Morrison Award

Giselle Prosser

Giselle Prosser and Francois Bouman

Affectionately called the “Chuck Morrison Award”, this award recognizes a support staff member who brings the best of themselves to work every day and continually provides exceptional service to their colleagues. This individual has an innovative and enthusiastic approach to work and is an ambassador who contributes to a positive culture within the Department of Medicine. This award was named in honour of the decades of service that Chuck Morrison provided to the DoM as the former Director of Administrative Services.

Among several deserving nominees, this year’s recipient, Giselle Prosser, was nominated by a member of the administrative services team and the nomination was supported by several members of the DoM, who noted the following:

  • She has consistently proven herself to be an invaluable asset during our collaborative efforts. Her helpful nature shines through, particularly when working with our team.
  • She conducts herself with the utmost integrity in all her interactions, earning the trust and respect of her colleagues.
  • As a team player, she actively engages with her colleagues, fostering a collaborative environment.
  • Her unwavering commitment to the Division of Pulmonary Medicine stands as a shining example of true citizenship and team spirit. In a world where loyalty and belonging are increasingly rare commodities, her devotion to her team is a beacon of hope and inspiration.
  • She consistently brings the best of herself to her role, and her commitment to excellence is evident in every task she undertakes.
  • During challenging times and periods of significant transition, she goes above and beyond by taking on additional responsibilities, showcasing her dedication to the success of the division.


Teaching Awards

Undergraduate Medical Education (UGME) Teacher of the Year Award

Every year, the undergraduate students vote and select a “Teacher of the Year” and “Honourable Mention” for each of the institutions in the Undergraduate program.  The UGME Teacher of the Year Award recognizes outstanding teaching to medical students.

Dr. Virgil (Vasile) Captan

Dr. Vasile Captan and Dr. Rebecca Lee

Dr. Mowad Benguzzi

Dr. Mowad Benguzzi and Dr. Rebecca Lee

Dr. Ainslie Eberhart

Dr. Ainslie Eberhart and Dr. Rebecca Lee

Postgraduate Medical Education (PGME) Teacher of the Year Award

Each year, the residents in Internal Medicine vote and select a "Teacher of the Year" and “Honourable Mention” for each of the institutions participating in the Postgraduate Program. The PGME Teacher of the Year Award recognizes outstanding teaching to residents.

Dr. Peter Ao

Dr. Peter Ao and Dr. Thirza Carpenter

Dr. Caitlyn Collins

Dr. Caitlyn Collins and Dr. Thirza Carpenter

Dr. Jayant Varghese

Dr. Stuart Rosser

Honourable Mentions


Dalton Sholter, Mo Osman

Aldo Montano-Loza, Jennifer Ringrose

Pam Mathura, guest, Eunice Chow

Evangelo Michelakis, Anoop Mathew

Academic Promotions

Promotion to Associate Professor with Tenure

Dr. William Gibson

Dr. William Gibson, Division of Geriatric Medicine, is a clinician investigator best known for his research on incontinence in older adults, with a special focus on the association between incontinence and falls.

Dr. Gibson has contributed to clinical innovation by leading the development and implementation of a novel “in-reach” consultation model in Geriatric Medicine, which enables the proactive identification of Family Medicine patients for whom a rapid geriatric assessment would be valuable. His rural outreach geriatric service has had a positive impact on the care received by a frail and vulnerable population in the Vegreville area.

He has participated in international guideline development for incontinence in frail older adults and is an elected member of the International Continence Society’s Scientific Committee. He has a national and emerging international reputation for his research and clinical expertise.

Dr. William Gibson and Dr. Evangelos Michelakis

Dr. Mohammed Osman

Dr. Mohammed Osman, Division of Rheumatology, is a Clinician Investigator who developed a highly relevant and impactful research program that spans basic and translational/clinical science. His focus is identifying the underlying molecular basis of rare but serious immunological diseases (systemic sclerosis, dermatomyositis and myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome) to develop appropriate novel patient‐oriented therapies and better diagnostics. He has established national and emerging international recognition for his research, with an outstanding publication and funding record.

Dr. Osman established the first Microvascular clinic in Western Canada for prognostication of patients with systemic sclerosis and connective tissue diseases through the use of nailfold video capillaroscopy, for which he received our Jonathan B. Meddings Clinical Innovation Award. He established a translational research clinic for systemic sclerosis and the Clinical Immunology Service call group at the UAH, which he leads. He is also Director of the Systemic Sclerosis and Microvascular Clinics at the º£½ÇÉçÇø.

Dr. Mohammed Osman and Dr. Evangelos Michelakis

Dr. Jason Plemel


Dr. Jason Plemel, PhD, Division of Neurology, is a Scientist whose research focuses on MS, specifically the brain’s immune cells (microglia) and understanding their beneficial and detrimental roles in MS and neuropathic pain. He received our Basic Science Publication Award for his senior author paper in the journal Molecular Neurodegeneration.

Dr. Plemel holds a Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Glial Neuroimmunology and has an impressive funding and publication record. His work is consistently well-cited.
He has been invited to teach at the national and international level and serves on organizing committees for national and international education programs, including the Americas School of Neuroimmunology Course.

Dr. Farhad Peerani


Dr. Farhad Peerani, Division of Gastroenterology, focuses on real-world efficacy of IBD treatments, mental health and IBD, IBD in the elderly, and patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis and IBD. He is the Lead for IBD Clinical Trials.

Dr. Peerani collaborated with a colleague to implement a novel Online Stress Reduction Intervention for IBD patients which has demonstrated positive impacts. He created an Elderly IBD Research and Consultation Clinic and was formally recognized by patients for his excellence as a clinician – he has received a University Hospital Foundation Champions of Care Award and a “Shine a Light” distinction from the Alberta Medical Association, recognizing physicians who go "above and beyond" in the care of their patients.

He is the Director of the IBD Fellowship Training Program and a recipient of the Division of Gastroenterology’s Teacher of the Year Award.

Promotion to Professor

Dr. Jennifer Ringrose

Dr. Jennifer Ringrose and Dr. Evangelos Michelakis

Dr. Jennifer Ringrose, Division of General Internal Medicine, is best known for her research in the area of blood pressure measurement, which has had international impact despite only having 20% protected time for research!

Her work led to changes in the international standard protocol for oscillometric blood pressure device validation, and international teaching and presentation opportunities.

Dr. Ringrose served as the inaugural Program Director for the GIM Subspecialty Residency Training Program and instituted a number of innovations, including introduction of a Point-of-Care-Ultrasound rotation as a core requirement of training. She received the GIM Program Mentorship Award for this work.

During her tenure, the GIM program remained the number one ranked Medicine Subspecialty in CaRMS, filling all available positions. Nationally, she helped to define Competency by Design requirements for GIM.

Dr. Ringrose has also made major contributions to clinical and administrative leadership. A couple of years ago she was appointed Division Director for GIM after a national search and selection.

Dr. Ringrose is Treasurer for the Canadian Society of Internal Medicine and will become President in 2025.


Dr. Patrick Pilarski

Dr. Patrick Pilarski and Dr. Evangelos Michelakis

Dr. Patrick Pilarski, PhD, Division of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, is a Scientist who developed an internationally recognized research program utilizing AI to improve the functionality of upper limb robotic prosthetic devices, with the ultimate aim of making continual machine learning during human-prosthesis interactions a clinical and commercial reality.

Dr. Pilarski has many distinctions. For example, he helped to produce a new gold-standard for evaluating human use of prosthetic technologies; the Gaze and Movement Analysis (GaMA) protocol and related software, which has been used by the US Food and Drug Administration, industry, research organizations and clinics, and it is the basis for a spin-off company. He co-founded and co-led the first international research office of DeepMind, one of the most important research organizations in AI globally. Open-source releases from his laboratory are being used by research groups, rehabilitation hospitals and industry all over the world.

Dr. Pilarski held the Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Machine Intelligence for Rehabilitation, and he currently holds a Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR) Chair in Artificial Intelligence.

He is a Senior Member of IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), the leading international organization for engineers, scientists and students in the computing/electronic sciences. His impact and influence extend beyond academia, e.g., he helped to present the award for Rock Album of the Year at the 2023 Juno Awards while wearing a robotic device from his laboratory. He is a founding member of the International Consortium on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR) and Senior Research Advisor for DeepMind UK. He provides world-class developmental opportunities to his trainees who have secured prestigious awards, competitive internships and positions with top employers.

Dr. Karen Kroeker

Dr. Karen Kroeker, Division of Gastroenterology, is a Clinician Educator and leader who has made excellent contributions to educational leadership and innovation for which she is nationally recognized. She served as Program Director for the Gastroenterology Residency Training Program at the º£½ÇÉçÇø and helped to develop the national curriculum for Competence by Design for Gastroenterology. She received the Division of Gastroenterology Resident Appreciation Award and the Alberta Society of Gastroenterology Distinguished Educator Award.

Dr. Kroeker is Vice Chair of the Postgraduate Medical Education Academic Review Board at the º£½ÇÉçÇø and Vice Chair of the Royal College Specialty Committee in Gastroenterology (she will become Chair in 2024).
She developed a special interest and expertise in the transition of care for those diagnosed with IBD in childhood/adolescence to adult gastroenterology. She has completed research projects, published articles, and developed clinics and programs in this area of interest. She also co-developed an IBD Combined Medical-Surgical Clinic to provide timely access for complex patients with IBD who may require surgery and/or post-operative care.

Dr. Frank Hoentjen

Dr. Frank Hoentjen, Division of Gastroenterology, came to the º£½ÇÉçÇø from The Netherlands in 2021. He is a Clinician Investigator who is known for his exceptional clinical and translational studies on IBD, which have changed IBD practice worldwide. A recent example includes his senior author paper in Lancet Gastroenterology and Hepatology, based on the first randomized controlled trial investigating dose de-escalation for anti-TNF (tumour necrosis factor) therapy in Crohn’s disease – this work is contributing to more cost-effective and safer disease management.

Dr. Hoentjen is a member of the Canadian IBD Research Consortium’s Scientific Committee and is Vice-Chair of Clinical Research for Crohn’s and Colitis Canada. Locally, he is Director of the IBD Unit at UAH and IBD Lead for the Edmonton Zone. In his short time at the º£½ÇÉçÇø, he established himself as a leader and collaborator locally, provincially and nationally. In addition, he is an engaged and effective teacher and an excellent clinician.

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Lamia Khan, Mo Osman, Levinus (Leo) Dieleman



Betty Lee, Shaba Qureshi, Becky Neek, Ashley, Eleni Karageorgos

Clinical Promotions

Promotion to Assistant Clinical Professor

Dr. Christopher Lyddell

Dr. Christopher Lyddell, Division of Rheumatology, is a community Rheumatologist with special interest and expertise in point-of-care Musculoskeletal Ultrasound in inflammatory joint diseases, as well as pharmacotherapy of Rheumatoid Arthritis and rehabilitation in musculoskeletal disability.

Dr. Lyddell received the 2023 Rheumatology Residency Program’s Mentor of the Year Award. He co-authored “Expert Consensus Recommendations for Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Education in Canadian Rheumatology Residency Training Programs”, which was presented at the 2023 American College of Rheumatology meeting.

Dr. Christopher Lyddell and Dr. Fraulein Morales

Dr. Anoop Mathew

Dr. Anoop Mathew, Division of Cardiology, is an Interventional Cardiologist who specializes in the emerging area of Structural Heart Interventions. He has made significant contributions to clinical innovation. In 2021, Dr. Mathew pioneered the transcatheter repair of sinus venosus atrial septal defect (first in Western Canada and second in Canada) and transcatheter closure of coronary sinus atrial septal defect (first in Canada), among other innovations.

Dr. Mathew is Research Lead for the AFC Adult Congenital Heart Disease Fellowship Program and Interventional Cardiology Lead for the Edmonton TAVR Program. He has nine peer-reviewed papers, three abstracts, a QI grant from the UHF, and many more contributions in research.

Dr. Anoop Mathew and Dr. Fraulein Morales

Dr. Dominic Mudiayi

Dr. Dominic Mudiayi, Division of General Internal Medicine, is a General Internist who is passionate about QI research and education.

Dr. Mudiayi is Co-PI on a multi-year research project on GIM CaRMS and bias awareness. This work has resulted in presentations and publications. He is Co-PI of a second research project on Hospital Capacity Challenges.

He is the Liaison for the GIM Division on the Edmonton Zone Medicine Quality Council’s Strategic Clinical Improvement Committee.

Dr. Dominic Mudiayi and Dr. Fraulein Morales

Dr. Justin Okeke

Dr. Justin Okeke, Division of General Internal Medicine, is a Geriatrician and General Internist who provides clinical care at the Red Deer Regional Hospital Centre. He serves as the Site Lead for Geriatric Medicine and is the AHS Central Zone Medical Director for Seniors Health.

Dr. Okeke is Lead Preceptor for Core Geriatric Clerkship for º£½ÇÉçÇø Year Four Medical Students and Lead Preceptor for º£½ÇÉçÇø Family Medicine residents completing their core geriatric rotations at the Red Deer site. He has served as a peer reviewer for a leading international clinical geriatric medicine journal.

Dr. Justin Okeke and Dr. Fraulein Morales

Dr. Kenneth Quadros

Dr. Kenneth Quadros, Division of Cardiology, is a Cardiologist with a special interest and expertise in Cardiac Electrophysiology (EP). He has advanced the complex ablation program for atrial and ventricular arrhythmias and device therapy care at the º£½ÇÉçÇø Hospital/Mazankowski Alberta Heart Institute and he is gaining a national reputation for his clinical skill.

He initiated and manages the Leadless Cardiac Pacing Program in Northern Alberta. He and his team successfully performed the first Micra AV leadless pacemaker implant in western Canada.

Dr. Quadros has four peer-reviewed papers and one abstract. He is the UAH Site Lead/Co-Director for the Edmonton Cardiac Arrhythmia Trials Group and Site PI for several grant-funded multicentre randomized controlled trials.

Dr. Kenneth Quadros and Dr. Fraulein Morales

Dr. Sarah Chapelsky


Dr. Sarah Chapelsky, Division of General Internal Medicine, is a General Internist with a special interest and expertise in obesity medicine. 

She established and serves as Medical Director for the Women’s Preoperative Weight Loss Clinic at the Lois Hole Hospital for Women.

Dr. Chapelsky has developed a regional and national reputation, with invited speaking engagements and membership on provincial and national committees. She was a member of the international Faculty for the Global Obesity Training Centre Programme. She published two peer reviewed papers and four abstracts.

Dr. Stephen Hung


Dr. Stephen Hung, Division of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, is a community-based Physiatrist who has a special interest and expertise in musculoskeletal medicine, interventional ultrasound and fluoroscopic guided electrodiagnostics and sports medicine.

Dr. Hung identified cancer rehabilitation as a clinical gap in Edmonton and initiated a clinical pathway between cancer rehabilitation and Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. 

He is President-elect of the Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Section of the Alberta Medical Association.

Dr. Jordan Marit

Dr. Jordan Marit, Division of General Internal Medicine, is a General Internist with special interest and expertise in Obstetric Medicine. 

He has leadership roles at the Royal Alexandra Hospital, including

  • Physician Lead for the Diabetes in Pregnancy Program and
  • Interim Resident Rotation Director for the Obstetric Medicine Program.

Dr. Marit received an Honourable Mention for UME Teacher of the Year Award in 2021.

Dr. Monika Oliver

Dr. Monika Oliver, Division of Hematology, is a Hematologist with a special interest and expertise in complement mediated disorders and Apheresis Medicine.

She is leading two large quality improvement projects and has made contributions to clinical innovation. She developed and implemented a leukopheresis protocol which has been used to successfully treat multiple patients with acute leukemia.

Dr. Oliver has four peer-reviewed publications, two abstracts, one book chapter, and is PI for three clinical trials. She is one of two provincial members of the Canadian PNH Network.

Dr. Zain Rajabali

Dr. Zain Rajabali, Division of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, is a Physiatrist who is known for his musculoskeletal rehabilitation and interventional community-based practice.

Dr. Rajabali is part of a team of Physiatrists, orthopedic surgeons and physiotherapists who developed an interdisciplinary musculoskeletal shoulder program to reduce the assessment wait times for patients with shoulder concerns and to provide a range of management options.

Dr. Daniel Shafrane

Dr. Daniel Shafran, Division of General Internal Medicine, is a General Internist who specializes in treating patients with diabetes. He co-founded and is Medical Director for the Edmonton Diabetes & High Risk Foot Clinic - a “one-stop shop” for patients with diabetes and the only clinic in Alberta designated as both a High Risk Foot Team and an Insulin Pump Therapy Program site.

Dr. Shafran received the 2020 PGME Teacher of the Year Award (Misericordia). He is an invited member of the provincial Diabetes Working Group under the Chronic Care (Adult) Subcommittee, established by the Minister of Health.

He published an invited review, serves as Site PI for a multicentre randomized controlled trial and has obtained grant funding from JDRF Canada.

Dr. Sana Vahidy

Dr. Sana Vahidy, Division of Pulmonary Medicine, is a Respirologist with a special interest and expertise in Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD).

She is a member of the clinical team that established a new one-of-a-kind Sarcoidosis Clinic in Edmonton and she facilitated the inclusion of Edmonton as a site for the Canadian Registry for Pulmonary Fibrosis.

Dr. Vahidy is a member of the Canadian Thoracic Society’s ILD Assembly. She has three peer-reviewed papers, one book chapter, one editorial, and one abstract.

Dr. Ashley Whidden

Dr. Ashley Whidden, Division of Pulmonary Medicine, is a Respirologist who developed a special interest and expertise in Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD).

Dr. Whidden is the Associate Program Director and Competence Committee Chair for the Core Internal Medicine Residency Program and was involved in developing the Program’s approach to Competence by Design implementation. 

At the provincial level, she is a member of the Alberta Medical Association’s Healthy Working Environments Advisory Committee.





Promotion to Associate Clinical Professor

Dr. Ibrahim Bader


Dr. Ibrahim Bader, Division of Cardiology, is an Interventional Cardiologist and Co-Founder of the Heart Therapy Optimization Clinic at Edmonton Cardiology Consultants. This clinic has reduced wait times for guideline-directed heart failure therapy.

Dr. Bader provides treatment to patients in various Libyan cities while providing mentorship to young physicians — devoting between nine and 15 weeks to this work annually — a remarkable contribution to global health, in a context of humanitarian crisis and political and military instability.

He is Co-Chair of the Cardiology Medical Education Committee at the Royal Alexandra Hospital and was a member of the organizing committee for the Ninth Libyan Cardiovascular meeting.

Dr. Ibrahim Bader and Dr. Fraulein Morales


Dr. Thirza Carpenter

Dr. Thirza Carpenter, Division of General Internal Medicine, has made significant leadership contributions to the General Internal Medicine and Core Internal Medicine (CIM) residency programs at the º£½ÇÉçÇø. Most recently, she was appointed Program Director for CIM Residency Training Program where she oversees the second largest residency program at the º£½ÇÉçÇø. Her teaching excellence was recognized with the 2021 UME Teacher of the Year Award.

Dr. Carpenter is a member of the provincial Perioperative Hyperglycemia Management Pathway Working Group.

Dr. Thirza Carpenter and Dr. Fraulein Morales

Dr. Keysun Ranjbar

Dr. Keysun Ranjbar, Division of Cardiology, is a Cardiologist who has made important contributions to clinical innovation. He is the Co-Founder and Co-Director of the first Renal Artery Denervation Program in Western Canada and the first community-based Heart Function Clinic in Alberta. He also developed a fully percutaneous Mitral Valve Replacement System for which he holds a patent.

Dr. Ranjbar received the 2019 UME Teacher of the Year Award and served as an interviewer for MD Program admissions. He has provided CME workshops and lectures. He served as Site PI for two multicentre clinical trials and is a peer-reviewer for an international journal.

Dr. Keysun Ranjbar and Dr. Fraulein Morales

Dr. Nikhil Shah

Dr. Nikhil Shah and Dr. Fraulein Morales

Dr. Nikhil Shah, Division of Nephrology, is a Nephrologist who has a special interest and expertise in Home Dialysis.

He is Co-Director and Medical Lead for the Peritoneal Dialysis Unit in Alberta Kidney Care—North.

He is Co-Chair of the Provincial Working Group for Home Dialysis Therapies and Co-Lead of the Provincial Renal Connect Care Working Groups.

He is the main Clinical Knowledge Expert in Alberta Kidney Care—North for establishing Provincial Practice Direction Documents for Home Dialysis.

Dr. Shah has established local and provincial clinical innovations, including provincial Home Dialysis Connect Care workflows. He is a member and leader of several committees at the local, provincial, national and international level.

Dr. Shah received the 2021 PGME Subspecialty Teacher of the Year Award. He has six peer-reviewed papers, two abstracts, two book chapters and QI grants. He is Local PI for two CIHR-funded studies.

Dr. Fadi Khadour


Dr. Fadi Khadour, Division of Cardiology, is a Cardiologist with expertise in Echocardiography. He has made significant contributions in administrative leadership.

Dr. Khadour is Site Chief for Cardiac Sciences at the Sturgeon Community Hospital. Under his leadership and advocacy, a Transesophageal echocardiogram service was recently introduced and this has positively impacted patient care. He also serves as Medical Director of the Cardiac and Device Clinics. He has seven peer-reviewed papers and has collaborated with colleagues on clinical research projects.

Dr. Elliott Sprague


Dr. Elliott Sprague, Division of General Internal Medicine, is a General Internist whose excellence as an educator is ‘’’legendary’’’. He was recognized with five teaching awards in the past three years!

Dr. Sprague has had such a profound impact as an educator, that the Grey Nuns Hospital named a teaching award after him - the ‘’Dr. Sprague Esprit De Corps Award’’; given to the Senior Resident who best exemplifies his Spirit of Excellence, his enthusiasm for Internal Medicine, and his ability to bring energy and exuberance to the profession.

He has made outstanding leadership contributions as Chair of the Medical Education Committee and as the Principal Teaching Physician for residents at the Grey Nuns Hospital.

Promotion to Clinical Professor

Dr. Eunice Chow

Dr. Eunice Chow, Division of Dermatology, is a Dermatologist with recognized expertise in medical hair loss, melanoma and contact dermatitis. She was recognized for her commitment and excellence in patient care with a Dermatologist of the Year Award from the Canadian Skin Patient Alliance in 2019.

Dr. Chow established a new Hair Loss Clinic and co-developed a Multidisciplinary Melanoma Care Pathway. She is Director for the Medical Hair Loss Clinic and the Pigmented Lesion Clinic and Co-Director of the Patch Test Clinic at the University Dermatology Centre. She created the ‘’Dermatology for Family Medicine Residents’’ course and served as Program Director for the Dermatology Residency Training Program for two years. She is an active member of several provincial and national committees. She has three peer-reviewed papers and one abstract.

Dr. Eunice Chow and Dr. Fraulein Morales

Dr. Parbeer Grewal

Dr. Parbeer Grewal, Division of Dermatology, is a Dermatologist whose practice focuses primarily on Medical Dermatology. He participated in several national expert panels and co-authored Consensus Statements regarding the assessment/management of psoriasis, Prurigo Nodularis, Atopic Dermatitis and Plaque Psoriasis. He has developed proprietary products and has become one of the key opinion leaders in Canada for systemic therapy.

In his career so far, Dr. Grewal has participated in 89 clinical studies, including Phase 2, 3 and 4 clinical trials, for a range of conditions. He served as PI for 25 clinical studies (15 of which are currently active) and published 11 peer reviewed publications, a book and a book chapter. He is also an outstanding teacher.

Dr. Parbeer Grewal and Dr. Fraulein Morales

Dr. Dalton Sholter

Dr. Dalton Sholter and Dr. Fraulein Morales

Dr. Dalton Sholter, Division of Rheumatology, is a Rheumatologist whose work reflects a legacy of outstanding, patient-centred care and a dedication to improving the quality of care for rheumatology patients in underserved areas.

For 22 years, Dr. Sholter provided regular outreach clinics in Yellowknife NWT where he served patients from across NWT and Western Nunavut. In addition, he provided outreach clinics in Red Deer, Fort McMurray and Peace River, and numerous education sessions for physicians and allied health. 

His excellence as an educator was recognized with several awards, most recently the Certificate of Merit from the Canadian Association of Medical Education in 2024. He was a member of the Canadian Rheumatology Association’s Education Committee for seven years and served on the Board of Examiners for the Medical Council of Canada for 17 years.

Dr. Sholter received the Alberta Medical Association Section of Rheumatology Distinguished Rheumatologist Award in 2022 for his outstanding contributions. He has seven peer-reviewed papers, three invited reviews/editorials and 75 abstracts.

To date, he has been PI for 23 clinical trials. He has given invited local/regional and national presentations.

Dr. Po Kee Cheung


Dr. Po Kee Cheung, Division of Cardiology, is an Interventional Cardiologist who served as Co-Director of the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory at the Royal Alexandra Hospital for more than 20 years.

Dr. Cheung has promoted global health, both locally and internationally. He established local Cardiology Clinics in the First Nations communities of Enoch, Maskwacis and Frog Lake. He established the Multicultural Heart Health Program which promotes community heart health in Edmonton’s Chinese, South Asian and Indigenous populations. He established the first Septal Alcohol Ablation Program in Alberta and the first Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Program in Western Canada. He helped to establish the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory at Aga Khan University Hospital in Kenya and served as a visiting consultant both in Kenya and in China.

Dr. Cheung was the Director of the Interventional Cardiology Fellowship Program at Royal Alexandra Hospital where he trained more than 20 fellows from around the world. He also co-led development of the first Royal College “Area of Focused Competency” Interventional Cardiology Fellowship Program at the º£½ÇÉçÇø.

Dr. Cheung has five peer-reviewed papers, 56 abstracts and he has held grant funding. He is currently Local PI for two clinical trials and has served as PI for 13 clinical trials.

Dr. Michael Knash


Dr. Michael Knash, Division of Neurology, is a Neurologist with a special interest and expertise in Headache Medicine. His contributions are helping to optimize care, improve access to care and decrease mobidity and disability for patients with headache disorders.

Dr. Knash established a Rapid Access Epidural Blood Patch Program at the Royal Alexandra Hospital so that Spontaneous Intracranial Hypotension patients can be diagnosed and treated within days (previously, it would have been months or even years). He was the Topic Lead for a standardized status migrainosis treatment protocol for AHS facilities in Alberta. More recently, he significantly contributed to the development of novel Spontaneous Intracranial Hypotension diagnosis and treatment recommendations/guidelines for Alberta.

Dr. Knash created and initiated a novel Headache Medicine Rotation for Neurology residents, for which he is Rotation Lead and Supervisor. He is an Executive Member, Exam Developer, Exam Reviewer and Examiner for the Royal College, Specialty of Pain. He is the former Vice-President, and current Board Member and Chair of the Fellowship Committee for the Canadian Headache Society. He was Site PI for a Phase Four clinical trial for the use of a biologic medication in the treatment of migraine.

Dr. Brian Rambaransingh


Dr. Brian Rambaransingh, Division of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, is a community Physiatrist with expertise in MSK medicine and interventional pain medicine. He uses bedside Neuromusculoskeletal Ultrasound for diagnostic, therapeutic and prognostic purposes enabling him to provide a full spectrum of care in a single visit. This multidisciplinary outpatient clinic is considered unique in North America for its integration of rehabilitation services, utilization of diagnostic and interventional ultrasound, and knowledge acquisition paradigms for learners and staff.

Dr. Rambaransingh developed the first Canadian fellowship program in Neuromusculoskeletal Ultrasound. He serves as Director for the program and has trained nine fellows from AB, BC, MB and QC. He served on the º£½ÇÉçÇø PM&R Residency Training Program’s Competency Based Learning Committee and participated in the Pain Medicine Residency Training Committees at the University of Calgary and University of British Columbia. He is an Examiner for the Royal College PM&R Examination Board.

Dr. Rambaransingh served as President and Past President for both the Alberta Physiatry Association and the AMA Section of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. He organized and served as Scientific Chair for two national conferences. He has four peer-reviewed papers and is a journal peer reviewer.