MA Drama
A program offering a strong foundation of historical and contemporary critical and theoretical approaches to theatre and performance.
- A unique performance studies approach which relates performance to the broader field of cultural studies and encourages students to complement their research with an understanding of the complex dynamics of the creative process.
- Opportunities for practical involvement
- Opportunities to study a variety of periods, genres, philosophies and styles examined from comparative, historical, Brechtian, feminist, intercultural, post-colonial and critical perspectives including gender studies, audience reception, semiotics, phenomenology, and discourse analysis
Opportunity to do a Thesis-based MA with 2-year residency
Opportunity to pursue a Course-based MA full time (2 or 3 terms), or part time (multiple terms, up to 4 years).
A Range of Research Options covering:
- Dramaturgy
- Theatre History
- Dramatic Theory and Criticism
- Performance Studies
Please note: The application deadline for Master of Arts (Course Based ONLY) in Drama has been extended to May 30th, 2025.