Dr. Stefano Muneroni
PhD (Theatre History and Performance Studies), University of Pittsburgh.
MA (Italian Literature), University of Pittsburgh.
Diploma in Public Service Interpreting (English/Italian), College of North West London, UK.
Laurea in Lettere (Theatre History) summa cum laude, Università "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy.
Career Achievements
Associate Professor, 海角社区 (since 2015).
Assistant Professor, 海角社区, 2009-2015.
Instructor for the 海角社区's Faculty of Arts' School in Cortona (Italy), Spring 2014.
Lecturer, Carnegie Mellon University, 2009.
Lecturer, University of Pittsburgh, 2008-2009.
Instructor for the University of Pittsburgh Summer Program at the MCAS (Mediterranean Center for Arts and Sciences) in Syracuse, Italy (2009 and 2010).
Grants and Fellowships
SSHRC Insight Development Grant (2020); Alberta Research Grant (2020); KIAS Research Cluster Grant. Collaborator (2015); Kule Institute for Advanced Studies (KIAS) Cluster Grant (2012); President Fund (2013, 2012, 2011, 2019, 2021); Killam Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund -Professional Development (2012); SAS Travel Grant (2010); Killam Conference Grant ((2010); Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS) Graduate Student Field Research Grant (University of Pittsburgh, 2008 and 2007); Andrew Mellon Predoctoral Fellowship (2007-2008); Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS) Travel Grant (2008)
Migration in Italian Theatre, Performance, and Public Art. IN PROGRESS.
Contemporary Jesuit Theatre and Performance: Radical Transformations at the Crossroads of Religion and the Arts. IN PROGRESS.
Sforza Pallavicino - Ermenegildo Martire (translation and critical edition). Toronto: Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies Press, 2019.
Hermenegildo and the Jesuits: Staging Sainthood in the Early Modern Period. New York: Palgrave, 2017.
Play Analysis: The Dramaturgical Turn. Kendall Hunt Publishing, 2014.
Articles and Book Chapters
(co-authored with Mia van Leeuwen) "Rediscovering Roswitha's Sapientia with Object Theatre" Contemporary Theatre Review. Vol 29.2 (Spring 2019) 152-165.
"Gianni Clementi's Finis Terrae: Shaping Transnational Subjectivities in the Mediterranean." In CeramellaNick and Umberto Gori (ed.) The Mythical Mediterranean Sea: Crossroads of Cultures, People, and Civilizations. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2019.
"Jesuit Theatre, History, and Spirituality: Jonathan Moore's Inigo." Religion and the Arts. Vol. 23. 3 (2019) 73-292.
The Absent One, Stirred Memories collection, part of the special issue on Translating Memory, TranscUlturAl: A Journal of Translation and Cultural Studies 8.1 (2016).
"Memorialization and Representation of Immigrants in Contemporary Italy: The Case of Mimmo Paladino's 'Gateway to Lampedusa/Gateway to Europe.' Crossings: Journal of Migration and Culture. Vol. 6.2 (2015). 233-245.
"Translational Eschatology, Death, and the Absence of God in Rajiv Joseph's Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo." International Journal of Comparative Literature and Translation Studies. Vol. 1.2 (July 2013). 1-10.
"Culture as Text and Performance: The Translation and Dramaturgy of Osvaldo Dragun's Tres historias para ser contadas." Translation Studies, Vol. 5.3 (2012). 296-311.
"The Cultural Politics of Translation: The Case of Voltaire's Mérope and Scipione Maffei's Merope." Transcultural: A Journal of Translation and Cultural Studies, Vol 4.1 (2011). 15-22.
"Teatro la Fragua and the Legacy of Jesuit Theatre." Ecumenica, Journal of Theatre and Performance, Vol. 4.2 (2011). 7-24.
"The Shoes I Don't Wear. The Polyglot: Subjective Fashion. Vol 1, 2 (2018)
"Bridging the Space between Dramaturg and Dancer in the Practice of Rewriting Distance" (co-authored with Guy Cools). Canadian Theatre Review, 155 (Summer 2013). 54-57.
"Bilingual Strategies and Homoeroticism in the Translation and Adaptation of Xavier Villaurrutia's El ausente." The Mercurian: A Theatrical Translation Review. Vol. 4.3 (2013). 101-112.
"The Mediterranean as Third Space and the Erosion of National Borders in Contemporary Italian Plays." Fulvio Orsitto, Sonia Massari, Giovanni Spani (eds.), Italy the Mediterranean and Beyond: Atti della Conferenza Echioltremare. Narcissus.me, 2013. 182-185.
"Intercultural Theatre for the 21st Century: Demolishing Epistemic Walls and Building New Glocalities." Stephen Andrew Arbury, ed. The Visual and Performing Arts: An International Anthology. Athens: Athens Institute for Education and Research, 2012. 61-70.
"Omofobia e autocensura in Camere Separate di Tondelli," L'Ancrage, N.4 (Spring 2005).
"The Politics and Theatre of Osvaldo Dragún," Visions of Latin America, N. 2 (Spring 2006).
Book Reviews
Carducci contemporaneo, by Giuseppe Manitta (ed.). Forum Italicum: A Journal of Italian Studies. Vol. 49.2 (2015).
Latina/o Canadian Theatre and Performance, by Alvarez, Natalie (ed.). alt.theatre: cultural diversity and the stage. Vol. 12. 2 (2015). 36-38.
Her Maestro's Echo: Pirandello and the Actress Who Conquered Broadway in One Evening, by Pietro Frassica. Annali d'Italianistica. Vol. 31 (2013). 700-702.
Come abbiamo letto Manzoni. Interpreti novecenteschi, by Luciano Parisi. Italian Culture, Vol. XXIX.1 (2011). 72-73.
Mistero Buffo, The Collected Plays (vol. 2) by Dario Fo, ed. by Ron Jenkins. Theatre Journal 60, N. 1 (March 2008).
Dramaturgical Notes for Playbills
Blood Wedding (2014).
Yerma (Spring 2009).
Angels in America: Millennium Approaches (Spring 2009).
The American Clock (Spring 2008).
A Toothache & A Plague & A Dog (Fall 2006).
Tales of the Lost Formicans (Spring 2006).
Old Times (Fall 2005).
The Absent One (translated and adapted from Xavier Villaurrutia's El ausente). The Mercurian: A Theatrical Translation Review. Vol. 4.3 (2013). 113-123.
Ermenegildo Martire by Sforza Pallavicino (Italian into English. Produced during the 2016 StageLAB Theatre Festival)
Translation of subtitles (Italian into English) for the documentary film La Contraddizione, directed by Laura Perini. This film was presented at the Climate Change Summit held in Paris in 2015.
El Ausente by Xavier Villaurrutia (Spanish into English and adapted as The Absent One. Produced during the 2012 Stage LAB Festival)
Historias para ser contadas by Osvaldo Dragún (Spanish into English as A Toothache & A Plague & A Dog -Staged by Pittsburgh Repertory Theatre in 2006)
A Ritual of Faith by Brad Levinson (English into Italian with the title Un rito della fede -2001)
Professional and University Theatre Credits
Dramaturgical credits
Raising a Ghost, University of Lethbridge Art Gallery (Lethbridge, July 2022)
The Crucible. OPERA NUOVA (Edmonton, July 2020).
Content Supervisor for the “Dig Deeper Dramaturgy Website,” a resource of the Dept. of Drama geared at providing easy access dramaturgy for the Studio Theatre’s plays. Edmonton (2020-2021).
A Slight of Mind, staged by Theatre Yes at the Citadel Theatre Edmonton (March/April 2019).
Yvette Nolan’s A Breathing Space and Caridad Svich’s A Letter from the Ocean. Climate Change Theatre Action, Second Playing Space, Edmonton (November 5, 2019).
Justified Sinners: A Romantic Duet written by Brittany Reid and staged by Imaginary Circumstances Company in Edmonton (August 30-September 1, 2017).
Kwe Kalyet - Luanda Magere, staged in Kisumo and Nairobi (Kenya) June 2017.
Frida y su Reflejo/Frida through the Looking Glass by Marina Mair-Sanchez, Nina Haggerty Centre for the Arts (Edmonton, June 2015).
Sapientia by Roswitha, Canoe Theatre Festival (Edmonton, 2014).
Plastic: The Musical (Dramaturgical consultant), composed by Leigh Riverbank, Tony LaPage, and Tania Breen (Edmonton, 2014).
Boundless Border, 海角社区, staged reading of Carlos Morton's Frontera sin fin (Edmonton, 2014).
Blood Wedding, 海角社区's Studio Theatre (Edmonton, 2014).
The Toxic Bus Incident, Theatre Yes (Edmonton, 2011).
The Mill on the Floss, Citadel Theatre's Young Companies (Edmonton, 2011).
The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, Citadel Theatre's Young Companies (Edmonton, 2010).
Yerma, Quantum Theatre (Pittsburgh, USA, 2009).
Angels in America, Millennium Approaches, Pitt Repertory Theatre, (Pittsburgh, USA, 2009).
Cymbeline, Pitt Repertory Theatre, (Pittsburgh, USA, 2008).
The American Clock, Pitt Repertory Theatre, (Pittsburgh, USA, 2008).
A Toothache & A Plague & A Dog, Pitt Repertory Theatre (Pittsburgh, USA, 2006).
Tales of the Lost Formicans, Pitt Repertory Theatre, (Pittsburgh, USA, 2006).
Old Times, Pitt Repertory Theatre (Pittsburgh, USA, 2005).
Public Outreach
Panel on Tragedy at Workshop West Playwright Theatre with Beth Graham and Heather Inglis (May 15, 2022).
Chair of "Lumumba on Stage: Panel on Postcolonialism" (March 16, 2022) Timms Centre for the Arts.
'海角社区 Theatre Talks: An Interview with Peter Hinton," director of All for Love. Timms Centre for the Arts' Lobby (February 4, 2019).
"The Canadian Dream" panel discussion following the Workshop West Theatre's production of Matara. The event was hosted by Mukonzi Musyoki and included Dr. Brian Karisa (December 9, 2018).
Panel Discussion with Dr. Elena del Rio to follow the screening of Paolo Sorrentino's film La Grande Bellezza for the English & Film Studies Undergraduate Association (November 29, 2018).
Conference Papers
"The Life and Death of Objects: Theatre, Performance, and Mourning." Conference of the Canadian Association of Theatre Research (CATR), (June 13, 2022).
“Retreating as Kenotic Experience: Radical Transformations in Religion and Theatre.” One-day symposium “What Does It Mean to Retreat? Business Retreats at the Crossroads of Religion and Performance.” Edmonton, June 15, 2022.
“Virility and Its Discontent: The Strange Case of Giulio Questi’s Se sei vivo spara.” NeMLA, Baltimore, USA (March 13, 2022).
"Worlds of Care: Medieval and Early Modern Drama and Why It Still Matters Today" Roundtable. NeMLA, Baltimore, USA (March 12, 2022).
“Food and Performance: Intercultural Culinary Paradigms in Italy.” CAIS -Canadian Association for Italian Studies (June 11, 2021).
“Marxism and Queerness in the Italian Western: Carlo Lizzani’s Requiescant.” NeMLA, (March 13, 2021).
“Vertical Borders and Fluid Subjectivities in Italian Plays about Mediterranean Migrations” FOOT Conference -Forum of Original Theatre, Theory, Thought. Toronto (February 25, 2021).
"The Isle of Death: Migration and Lampedusa." PSi (Performance Studies International), University of Calgary, Canada (July 5, 2019).
"Translation and Staging of Sforza Pallavicino's Ermenegildo martire." Invited seminar, University of Padova, Italy (June 4, 2019).
"La rappresentazione della donna nel teatro gesuitico del Cinquecento e Seicento" CAIS (Canadian Association for Italian Study), Orvieto, Italy (June 15, 2019).
"Antony and Cleopatra: Shakespeare, Dryden, and Beyond." Panel discussion with Dr. Corinne Harol and Dr. Carolyn Sale, Timms Centre for the Arts -Main Stage (February 11, 2019).
“Immigration and National Identity in the Plays of Gianni Clementi.” Tucci-Cornetti Lecture, University of Pittsburgh, USA (April 2018).
"Translating Race. Lina Prosa' staging of Lampedusa Way." Jerome Translation Conference, Edmonton (September 30, 2018)
"The Crisis of the Author/Performer in Carmelo Bene's Theatre." NeMLA, Pittsburgh, USA (April 2018).
"Immigration and National Identity in the Plays of Gianni Clementi." Tucci-Cornetti Lecture, University of Pittsburgh, USA (April 2018).
"Humanities and the Job Market." Panel hosted with Melissa Deiniger (University of Iowa) and Charles-Louis Morand Metiver (University of Vermont) for the graduate students of the Dept. of French & Italian at the University of Pittsburgh.
"Staging the Translation of Indigenous Languages and Cultures in Sor Juana's loa for El divino Narciso." St. Jerome Conference on Translation, Concordia University, Edmonton (September 2017).
"Immigration in the Plays of Lina Prosa and Gianni Clementi." Canadian Association for Theatre Research, Toronto, Canada (May 29, 2017).
"Theatrical Kenosis on the Jesuit Theatre of the Early Modern Period." Canadian Society Renaissance Studies. Toronto, Canada (May 27, 2017).
"On the Wall: Roundtable on Latin America Immigrants and the Trump Administration." 海角社区. Edmonton, Canada (March 8, 2017).
"Electra's Myth in Theatre and Opera." CKUA Radio Station-Edmonton Opera, Edmonton (Canada). February 27, 2017.
"Dramatic Transcendence as Path to Theological and Literary Orthodoxy: Sforza Pallavicino's Ermenegildo Martire." Renaissance Society of America. Boston, USA. (April 2016)
"Staging Sforza Pallavicino's Ermenegildo martire with Food." AATI, American Association for Teachers of Italian. Naples, Italy. (June 2016)
"Il Mondo alla Rovescia": Gianni Clementi's Clandestini and the Challenges of the Migrant Experience." Intersections Conferences, Florence, Italy. (June 2016)
"Gianni Clementi's Finis Terrae: Shaping Transnational Subjectivities in the Mediterranean." De Re Mediterranea Conference, Florence, Italy. (December 2015).
"Historicizing Latin American Colonization: An Analysis of Tambien la lluvia." Cinema/Storia: Tempo, Memoria, Identita' nell'Immaginario delNuovo Millenio. Rome, Italy. (December 2015)
"From Visual Art to Martial Art." Co-presenter with Odile Cisneros and Ann de Leon. International Week, 海角社区. (January 30, 2015).
"Memorialization and Representation of Immigrants in Contemporary Italy: The Case of "Gateway to Lampedusa/Gateway to Europe." Canadian Peace Research Association (CPRA), Ottawa, Canada (June 3, 2015).
"Food as Cultural and Intercultural Communication in Contemporary Italian Theatre and Performance." NeMLA, Toronto, Canada (May 3, 2015).
"Fernando de Zárate y Castronovo's Treatment of the Hermenegildo Trope and His Celebration of Spain's Christian Monarchy." Association Hispanic Classical Theatre (AHCT), El Paso, USA (March 19, 2015).
"Translating and Performing Poetry from the Mexico-US Border: Three Approaches to the Issue of Gender" (presented with Dr. Odile Cisneros and Dr. Ann De León. St. Jerome's Day Conference, 海角社区, Edmonton, Canada (September 30, 2014).
Public reading of my English translation of Xavier Villaurrutia's poem "Nocturno de Los Angeles." St. Jerome's Translation Readings. Stanley Milner Library of Edmonton (September 29, 2014).
"Translating Sixteenth Century Jesuit Drama for the North American Theatre History Curriculum." Mid-Atlantic Theatre Conference (MATC), Cleveland, USA (March 7, 2014).
"Teatro la Fragua: Jesuit Pedagogy and Social Change." Congreso Internacional de Literatura Hispánica, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia (March 13, 2014).
"Translational Eschatology and the Absence of God in Rajiv Joseph's Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo." ADSA (Australasian Association for Theatre, Drama, and Performance Studies), Adelaide, July 10, 2013.
"The Deconstruction of the El Paso/Ciudad Juárez Border in the Plays of Octavio Solis and The Cross Border Project," CALACS (Canadian Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies), Ottawa (Canada), May 3, 2013.
Chaired the Panel 7b (Disaster Capitalism and Precarious Populations) at the "Negative Cosmopolitanism Conference" (Edmonton, October 13, 2012).
"Bilingualism as Cultural Resistance: The Translation of Xavier Villaurrutia's El ausente." St. Jerome's Day Conference, 海角社区, Edmonton (September 30, 2012)
"God as Rhetorical Trope in Archibald MacLeish's JB". 4th International Conference on American Drama and Theater, Seville, Spain (May 28-30, 2012).
"Representation of Border Feminicidio in De Fuenteovejuna a Ciudad Juárez." International Conference on Chicano Literature, Toledo, Spain (May 23-26, 2012).
"Monarchical Authority and Jesuitism in Lope de Vega's La mayor corona" Association Hispanic Classical Theatre (AHCT), El Paso, USA (March 8-10, 2012)
"Translating as Cultural Subordination in the XVIII Century: Voltaire's "Quasi" Translation of Scipione Maffei's Merope." St. Jerome's Day Conference, 海角社区, Edmonton (September 30, 2011)
"Labor Unrest and Religious Transcendence: Teatro la Fragua and the Performance of Honduran Workers and Farmers." ATHE (Association for Theatre in Higher Education) Chicago, USA (August 13, 2011)
"The Elusive Immigrant: Guillermo Reyes Deconstruction of the Mexican-American Border." ATHE (association for Theatre in Higher Education) Chicago, USA (August 13, 2011)
"Listing Homophobia: Nichi Vendola's Intermedial Deconstruction of Berlusconismo." CSIS (Canadian Society Italian Studies) Venice, Italy (June 24, 2011)
"Displacing the Mediterranean Borders: The Challenges of Intercultural Theatre." Echi Oltre Mare International Conference, Rome, Italy (June 17-18, 2011)
"Voierismo e Omoeroticismo del Teatro Gesuitico: L'Ermenegildo martire di Sforza Pallavicino." AAIS (American Association for Italian Studies) Pittsburgh, USA (April 7-9, 2011)
"Bearing Witness to the Body in Dance Dramaturgy." ASTR (American Society for Theatre Research), Seattle (November 20, 2010)
"Intercultural Theatre for the 21st Century: Demolishing Epistemic Walls and Building New Glocalities." 1st International Conference on Fine and Performing Arts, Athens, Greece (June 7-11, 2010)
"Luca Outgrows His Homosexuality and Italy Cheers Him on: An Analysis of Giuseppe Povia's Luca era gay," CSIS (Canadian Society for Italian Studies) Montreal, (May 29, 2010)
"Incontri Interculturali nel Mediterraneo: La Stagione Teatrale dell'INDA." NeMLA (Northeast MLA) Montreal, (April 8, 2010)
"Journeying as Self-Discovery in Altri Libertini and Camere Separate di Pier Vittorio Tondelli." NeMLA (Northeast MLA) Montreal (April 9, 2010)
"Modern Jesuit Theatre: Teatro la Fragua." Mid-America Conference Hispanic Literature, Kansas City, USA (November 5-7, 2009)
"The Political and Religious Values of the Jesuit Theatre." MCAS (Mediterranean Center for Arts and Sciences) Syracuse, Italy (June 23, 2009)
"The Vilification of Pittsburgh and the Construction of Eleonora Duse's Myth." Lecture organized by the Società Dante Alighieri, Pittsburgh, USA (November 23, 2008)
"Pietro Aretino's Il marescalco and the Issue of Gay Marriage in Renaissance Italy." Pennsylvania Foreign Language Conference, Pittsburgh, USA (September 18-20, 2008)
"Sor Juana's El martir del sacramento as a Tool to Undermine Jesuit Orthodoxy," Congreso Internacional de Literatura Hispánica, Cusco, Peru (March 3-6, 2008)
Recent Graduate Supervision
Lebogand Disele, PhD Performance Studies, ongoing.
Ameley Quaye, PhD Performance Studies, ongoing.
Brandon Shalansky, PhD Performance Studies, ongoing.
Vida Khanbabaei, MA Course-based, ongoing.
Angela Ferreira, MA Course-based), completed in 2020.
Mahmoud Khosrowparast, MA Drama (Course-based), completed in 2018
Mukonzi Musioki, MA Drama (Thesis), completed in 2018.
Elise Lacroix, MA Drama (Thesis), completed in 2018.
Chee-Hann Wu, MA Drama (Thesis) completed in 2016.
Emily St. Aubin, MA Drama (Thesis) completed in 2014.
Melissa Cuerrier, MA Drama (Thesis) completed in 2013.
Simon Bloom, MFA Directing (co-supervision with Sandy Nicholls) completed 2013.
Yared Mahzenta, MA Drama (Thesis) completed 2012.
Delaram Khayatan, MA Drama (course-based) completed 2012.
Christopher Stilson, MA Drama (course-based) completed 2012.