Dr. Reyes has published 21 papers (18 since his PhD in 2010) in leading venues for geomorphology research, including first authored papers in Nature, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Quaternary Science Reviews, and Journal of Quaternary Science. His nomination was based on the following 3 publications:
- R​eyes, A.V., Wiles, G.C., Smith, D.J., Barclay, D.J., Allen, S., Jackson, S., Larocque, S., Laxton, S., Lewis, D., Calkin, P.E., Clague, J.J. (2006). Expansion of alpine glaciers in Pacific North America in the first millennium A.D. Geology 34: 57-60.
- Reyes, A.V., Froese, D.G., Jensen, B.J.L. (2010). Permafrost response to last interglacial warming: field evidence from non-glaciated Yukon and Alaska. Quaternary Science Reviews 29:3256-3274.​
- Reyes, A.V., Carlson, A.E., Beard, B.L., Hatfield, R.G., Stoner, J.S., Winsor, K., Welke, B., Ullman, D.J. (2014). South Greenland ice sheet collapse during Marine Isotope Stage 11. I 510: 525-528.​