Guidelines for Postdoctoral Fellows and Visiting Scholars
The Department of East Asian Studies encourages applications for postdoctoral fellowships to be held in the Department. Possible funding sources include:
Killam Postdoctoral Fellowships, through the 海角社区
For forms and application details, please click here. For general information regarding postdoctoral fellows at the 海角社区, please click here.
Externally funded postdoctoral fellowships or visiting scholar positions
Applications for an externally funded postdoctoral or visiting scholar appointment should include the following:
- a current curriculum vitae
- a graduate transcript (for postdoctoral appointments; established scholars can omit this)
- a short proposal (2 pages) of the research you will undertake during the postdoc or visiting scholar appointment
- two confidential letters of recommendation sent directly by the recommender to the address below (signed PDF files by email are acceptable)
The department evaluates applications based on academic record, academic quality of the research proposal, and fit with the research interests of the department.
A postdoctoral fellow or visiting scholar is expected to reside in Edmonton for the term of the appointment/fellowship and to participate actively in the activities of the Department of East Asian Studies. A postdoctoral fellow is permitted to teach up to one course per term in the department (dependent on department needs and the fellow’s qualifications), for additional salary at the University's salary rates. A postdoctoral fellow will present his/her research in the department's seminar series once during the year. A postdoctoral fellow may not undertake paid employment outside the University without the prior approval of the Department of East Asian Studies.
Medical insurance and all travel costs (including passport and visa fees) are the responsibility of the applicant. If you need additional information, please contact