Economics Welcomes Richard Boampang Post-Doctoral Research Fellow

Richard's research focuses on the response of energy consumers to energy prices and rebates.

David Brown - 20 September 2017

has a bachelor's degree in Economics and Mathematics from the University of Ghana, a master of Business Economics from the University of South Florida, and a Ph.D. in . Richard previously held a position as a postdoctoral scholar at the Hilton Center for the study of Economic Prosperity and Individual Opportunity at Florida State University.

Richard's primary research fields are Energy Economics, Applied Economics, and Industrial Organization. His research focuses on the response of energy consumers to energy prices and rebates. This research responds to questions such as: are there substantial energy savings from demand-side management (DSM) programs, do consumers increase their energy consumption after learning of their energy cost savings from DSM programs, and how automatic bill payments affect consumers' price responsiveness? In addition, he has carried out other research projects that analyze the effects of Renewable Portfolio Standards on employment, and an analysis of the market and regulatory environment for the deployment of renewable energy in developing countries.

Richard has recently joined the Department of Economics as a postdoctoral research fellow working on research related to regulation and integration of renewable generation capacity in electricity markets as part of the Future Energy Systems Research Initiative. For additional details on the .