
Computing and Research facilities

are excellent and comprehensive. A wide range of software packages is available including economics-oriented programs such as STATA, NLOGIT (Limdep), MATLAB, TSP, SHAZAM, and R. For graduate economics courses that require the use of a computer, students are provided with access to the Department's Computer Room which houses several personal computers (all with an extensive variety of software) and a printer.

Students also have access to a Virtual Lab, which enables certain site-licensed software to be run from their own computer without the need for their own copy of the software. As part of its extensive collection, the contains wide-ranging published , as well as both on- and off-site access to databases and electronic journals.

Employment search

Arts Work Experience offers undergraduate students the opportunity to gain 4, 8, 12 or even 16 months of paid work experience before graduation. Please visit the HUB Career Centre (8917 HUB Mall) or email for more information.

CAPS is a university student service and the source for career and employment information and expertise. They provide the essential link between those looking for work and those looking to hire.

Why study here