Graduate Studies Application Procedure

For application deadlines, please check your specialized program within your area of interest. Applications are reviewed by faculty members in the program area to which the student has applied. The faculty members independently review the application, then rank order the applications and make recommendations for admission to the Admissions Committee.

Apply online at

Supporting documentation required

  1. Curriculum Vitae (Resume) Current CV is required when applying for admission.
  2. Statement of Intent (2 pages) The main purpose of the statement of intent is for you to outline your research or interests and goals. Secondly, include a personal statement that briefly outlines why you want to go to graduate school, your academic career so far, and your tentative career plans. You may also include any additional information that you feel would be helpful to the Admissions Committee.
  3. Supplementary Application required for the following programs only:

Applicants from other countries must provide (scanned copies):

  • Original language marksheets/transcripts, or attested true copies, directly from each institution;
  • Original language final degree certificates, or attested true copies, directly from each institution;
  • Original English translation of marksheets/transcripts directly from each institution or an official translator and;
  • Original English translation of final degree certificates directly from each institution or an official translator.

If admitted to the program, original documentation will be required by the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research.

4. Three Letters of Reference Please provide the system with electronic addresses of your 3 referees. The system will then send an electronic invitation to each referee requesting a letter of reference that they will upload only after the applicant has submitted their application.

5. Proof of English Language Proficiency Students whose previous baccalaureate academic work was done in a language other than English must provide proof of proficiency in the English language. Applicants to TESL must provide proof of proficiency in both written and spoken English.

MEd in School Counselling Only

Letter of Intent not required.

  • Must provide letter of support from school system that guarantees one day per week for a school counselling practicum placement in 2nd year of the program.
  • Statement from prospective supervisor indicating availability to supervise school counselling practicum placement in 2nd year.

Applications are considered complete when all supporting documents and application fee ($100) have been received.