Appendix XVIII

Appendix XVIII was developed in 2004 to operationalize community consultation protocols outlined in the Post Secondary Learning Act. The protocol encompasses the consultation processes for amending the Long Range Development Plan and substantial development projects.

海角社区 Long Range Development Plan
APPENDIX XVIII - 海角社区 Consultation Protocol

The 海角社区 continues to consult actively with key stakeholders to all planning and development activity. The following outlines the principal protocol for stakeholder notification for substantial developments, further long range planning, and amendments thereto.

Substantial Development

a) One the Board of Governors has determined that a proposed substantial development is a priority, and is considering site options, owners of lands within 60 metres of the proposed project, and the host municipality will be notified. Such notification will include date, time and location for an information session to present the site options and any conceptual plans, and an invitation to review, comment on the proposal(s), in writing, within 10 days following the presentation.

b) Notification will take the form of a directed letter to each identified stakeholder in a).

c) University administration will prepare a summary document that they believe accurately reflects the major comments expressed. This document will be reviewed be the stakeholders identified in a), and will be modified until agreement is reached on accuracy. During the planning stage, these concerns will be considered.

d) When preliminary design of the project has been drawn, University representatives will notify again the stakeholders listed in a), will present the progressive work, and will invite review, and comment on the design work, in writing within 10 days of the presentation. Again, a summary document will be prepared, reviewed and modified. During the design stages, these concerns will be considered.

e) Should any design changes impact the noted stakeholders, step d) will be repeated.

f) Recommendations to the Board of Governors with respect to the planning and design of a capital project will include the consultation summary document(s), a document highlighting how administration has used these comments to develop the design and recommendations, and a confirmation that the substantial development conforms with the Long Range Development Plan.

Long Range Development Planning and Amendments

a) When the University undertakes a new Long Range Development Plan, or amends its existing LRDP, owners of the land within 60 metres of the University's land, and the host municipality will be notified. Such notification will include date, time and location for an information session to present the conceptual plans, or substantive changes, and an invitation to review, and comment on the planning, in writing, within 21 days following the presentation.

b) Notification will take the form of a directed letter to each identified stakeholder in a). The planning document will be available through the communications website of the University.

c) Following this presentation and invitation to direct stakeholders, the University shall publish, within a newspaper, newsletter or publication circulating in the areas in which the University's lands are located, notification to the public of its opportunity to review the proposed LRDP, or amendments, and comment upon it (them). The proposed plan/amendments will be available upon the University's communications website. Comments will be received in writing up to 21 days of the notice.

d) University administration will prepare a summary document that they believe accurately reflects the major concerns and comments expressed. This document will be reviewed be the stakeholders identified in a), and will be modified until agreement is reached on accuracy. During the planning stage, these concerns will be considered.

e) Recommendations to the Board of Governors with respect to the LRDP and/or its amendments will include the consultation summary document(s), and a document highlighting how administration has used these comments to develop the Plan and recommendations.

f) Upon Board of Governors approval, the LRDP and/or amendments will be sent to the Minister for review and confirmation that the contents of the amendment/LRDP comply with the Regulations of the Post Secondary Learning Act.