Fyrefly in Schools is a Fyrefly Institute educational initiative developed to help reduce discrimination against 2SLGBTQ+ youth, increase awareness of the impacts of homo/bi/transphobia, and equip students with the tools they need to become effective allies for diversity, equity, and human rights within their schools and communities.
The Goals of a Fyrefly in Schools session is to:
- Explore and engage with 2SLGBTQ+ terminology
- Identify and analyze the effects of homophobic language
- Debunk myths and stereotypes about LGBTQ people
- Identify ways to act as an 'ally' [in support of 2SLGBTQ+ people and their rights]
Fyrefly in schools DOES NOT offer sexual health education. This program focuses on 2SLGBTQ+ identities, equity, allyship and human rights.
Fyrefly in Schools workshops are structured to fit one school block, for one class at a time. This session can be as short as 40 minutes or as long as 90 minutes, whatever duration may best fit your current school block. Each session will be lead by a professional facilitator who has gone through training at the 海角社区, and is supervised by the Fyrefly Institute's Education Coordinator. We incorporate interactive and experiential learning elements into our workshops, and for that reason, we are unable to present to more than one class at a time. However, we are happy to revisit your school for multiple sessions. When time and resources permit, we will bring youth panelists, who may choose to share their personal experiences and narratives as a member of the 2SLGBTQ+ community, or as an ally.
Fyrefly in schools DOES NOT offer sexual health education. This program focuses on 2SLGBTQ+ identities, equity, allyship and human rights.
Fyrefly in Schools Rural Alberta
Fyrefly in Schools also offers workshops and sessions for municipals outside of the Edmonton and Calgary area.
We are able to accommodate workshops online or in-person. Please contact ruralout@ualberta.ca if you have any questions.
Donate to Fyrefly
The Fyrefly Institute has served 2SLGBTQ+ people for more than twenty years, fighting for queer rights since before marriage equality was achieved in Canada. Every year, we reach and support thousands of people throughout the province. To sustain our thriving programs, please donate to the Fyrefly Institute fund.
Frequently Asked Questions
Fyrefly in Schools is an educational initiative developed to help reduce discrimination against sexual and gender minority youth, increase awareness of the impacts of homophobia and transphobia, and create safe and inclusive school environments for all students. The program is free and reflects the focus on safety stated in Section 45 of the provincial School Act. This requires all students in Alberta's schools to be provided with a safe and caring environment where they do not experience discrimination based on personal characteristics including sexual orientation and gender identity. Fyrefly in Schools is delivered to schools on a request basis, as resources of the Fyrefly Institute permit. Designed for junior and senior high school students, Fyrefly in Schools workshops are student-centred and activity-based to focus on personal and social development and comprehensive health. Workshops follow the peer-to-peer mentorship model of our award-winning summer leadership retreat, Camp Fyrefly.
A key component of all Fyrefly in Schools presentations is providing students with the opportunity to hear firsthand from a panel of peers with diverse sexual orientations and gender identities, self-identified allies, and/or youth that have a family member who identifies as non-heterosexual. Along with providing a safe place for students to ask age-appropriate questions, the program's activities enable students to learn from their peers about (1) the coming out experience and processes of self and familial acceptance; (2) consequences of homophobic and/or transphobic bullying and guidelines to promote safety and wellbeing; and (3) positive aspects about "being who they are" in the world and the importance of recognizing diversity and difference as fundamental aspects of our society.
For further information, please contact: ruralout@ualberta.ca
Did you know that every student in Alberta has a legal right to a GSA/QSA in their school?
The Province of Alberta Education Act states that:
"If one or more students attending a school operated by a board request a staff member employed by the board for support to establish a voluntary student organization or to lead an activity intended to promote a welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environment that respects diversity and fosters a sense of belonging, the principal of the school shall
a) permit the establishment of the student organization or the holding of the activity at the school, and
b) designate a staff member to serve as the staff liaison to facilitate the establishment, and the ongoing operation, of the student organization or to assist in organizing the activity.
(3) The students may select a respectful and inclusive name for the organization including the name "gay-straight alliance" or "queer-straight alliance," after consulting with the principal."
Contact Us
Fyrefly Institute for Gender and Sexual Diversity
Connect with Us on Social Media