Student Funding Opportunities

TD Bank Interprofessional Health Education Award Competition

Deadline closed

Award Description

The TD Bank Financial Group, in agreement with the 海角社区, has established an award to be administered by the Health Sciences Education and Research Commons, 海角社区, under the direction of the Director. The value of the award is $2,000. This amount is awarded annually to a student currently enrolled in the final year of their pre-licensure or degree-granting program of study from each 海角社区 Health Science Faculty. The successful award recipient must demonstrate commitment to interprofessional health education.

Eligibility of Candidates

Those candidates who meet the following criteria are eligible to apply:

  • Currently registered full-time in the final year of a:
    • graduate degree program in a department within the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine or in a department within the School of Public Health
    • undergraduate pre-licensure or degree-granting program of study in a 海角社区 Health Science faculty.
  • The following are considered eligible health sciences faculties:
    • Augustana
    • Agricultural, Life, and Environmental Sciences
    • Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation
    • Medicine and Dentistry
    • Nursing
    • Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
    • Public Health, School of
    • Rehabilitation Medicine
  • Only students who have never received this award as a UAlberta health science student are eligible to apply.
  • Must demonstrate satisfactory academic standing entering final year of program study.
  • In a statement of intent, the identification and proposed integration of interprofessional competencies into future practice must be clearly articulated.
  • Students should be involved in activities contributing to the advancement of interprofessional education and/or practice.


Applications must be submitted using the Undergraduate Scholarship Award Application Form for TD Bank Interprofessional Award. By submitting this form, the student grants permission to the Health Sciences Education and Research Commons to use their comments to publicize the TD Bank Interprofessional Award.

The following requested attachments should also be included:

  1. A 300-500 word statement providing evidence of engagement with interprofessional learning, as defined by the UAlberta Interprofessional Learning Pathway. Examples of curricular learning experiences may be included. Inclusion of co-curricular experiences is strongly recommended. Co-curricular experiences can include volunteer experiences, structured learning experiences that are elective, or experiences gathered in a work environment;
  2. A 300-500 word statement of intent describing how you will promote interprofessional learning and/or collaboration in the future. This may include activity undertaken as a student, or as a future practitioner;
  3. One letter of support from a health professional.

Submit your completed application and one letter of reference before the deadline. Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted.

Please note the application form will download as a fillable PDF and may not work on all mobile devices.

Forward applications to

Email: (include electronic signature)
Fax: 780-492-7123
Mail/deliver to: Health Sciences Education and Research Commons (HSERC)
2-263 Edmonton Clinic Health Academy
11405 - 87 Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta T6G 1C9