Ancient and Medieval Histories

Image courtesy of the Rijksmuseum, Netherlands

Our faculty who contribute to this field include specialists in the languages of the ancient and medieval world, in the interpretation of ancient and medieval documents and the interpretation and understanding of pre-modern minds and cultures. Students may combine their work in History with courses in other disciplines to explore the peoples, places, and cultures of the Islamic world, Greco-Roman antiquity and Europe, as well as ancient and medieval Africa, India, China and Japan.  For research on Greco-Roman Antiquity and the Ancient Mediterranean, see Classics Faculty and Research Areas.


(Medieval North Africa, Iberia, and the Mediterranean; Islamic history)

(Medieval Europe, medieval Latin, Late Antiquity)

(Medieval West/Northwest Africa, Saharan and Islamic social, economic history)

(Late Medieval Europe, Holy Roman Empire)

(Medieval India, history of Indian medicine and alchemy, yoga, religion and art).

(Early medieval India, yoga, medicine, cultural studies)