Public Service Pension Plan
The primary objective of the Public Service Pension Plan (PSPP) is to provide retirement income to participating members and is a valuable part of your overall retirement savings.
Your lifetime pension benefit is based on years of service and salary, not the state of the markets. Although the financial status of the plan can impact contribution rates, it does not affect your pension benefit.
Review your Benefits Overview to confirm if your staff group participates in the PSPP. The table below summarizes participation requirements; more information is available in the membership document.
Participation Requirement | Appointment Criteria | When Participation Starts |
Mandatory |
The date of your eligible appointment. |
Voluntary |
Effective January 1, 2018, employees have the option of participating in the PSPP if one of the following criteria are met:
You have 90 days from the date of eligibility to inform the university in writing of your intent to join the pension plan. Pension participation will begin on the first of the month following notification to the university. |
A change to the terms of your employment may impact your participation in the plan. If you are unsure of how a change will affect participation in the PSPP, please contact the Staff Service Centre.
About the Plan
The provides detailed information about how the plan works. To access your individual pension information, you will need to sign in to Your Pension Profile (YPP), an integrated, secure online portal on . This portal allows you to:
- access all pension information from one website.
- view applicable information as you navigate the PSPP website.
- easily make updates to your personal and pension information, such as address or beneficiaries.
- communicate with the Member Services Centre.
- securely upload personal documents.
- view available buyback proposals and start the buyback process.
- receive notifications when statements are posted to your account.
- access past annual and tax statements.
- access PensionEase, the retirement application tool.
To register, click the Login icon at the top right of the page, and then click Register. If you require assistance, call the Member Services Centre at 1-877-453-1PSP (1777).
- You and the university contribute equally to the PSPP.
- Contributions are based on a percentage of your pensionable earnings and are made through payroll deduction.
- Contribution rates and maximums are determined by PSPP and are subject to change annually. Please refer to the Summary of Costs for current rates.