Happier New Year

In 2018, 海角社区 staff and students reported nearly 1000 incidents involving injuries, illness, property loss, and near-miss conditions. Find out what we learned from 2018 and what you can do to reduce risk in 2019!

18 January 2019

Happier New Year! 3 Resolutions for Risk Reduction

In 2018, 海角社区 staff and students reported nearly 1000 incidents involving injuries, illness, property loss, and near-miss conditions. Here's what we learned from 2018 and what you can do to reduce risk in 2019:

1. Lock your doors

In 2018, 海角社区 Protective Services reported nearly 50 instances of laboratories that were unlocked while unattended. Unsecured spaces have been linked with theft and property damage, and may violate federal regulations.

Learn more about securing your workplace here.

2. Brace yourself … and get a grip

Last year, more than 60 海角社区 staff and students reported falls due to slippery or wet surfaces. Here are four best practices for remaining upright:

  1. Walk like a penguin: adopt a wide stance, walk flat-footed, and take short steps.

  2. Wear suitable footwear. Look for shoes or boots with "grit" embedded in the sole (e.g., Green Diamond, Vibram Arctic Grip). Alternatively, slip a pair of steel-studded cleats over your footwear.

  3. Hold on to railings and any other surface that can support you.

  4. Help others! If you spot a box of sand, spread a handful of it on the icy patch. If there's no sand in sight, call Building Services for assistance (780-492-4833).

3. Store and handle chemicals safely

In 2018, improper storage and handling of chemicals led to at least 30 incidents involving exposures and near-miss circumstances. Some of the reports received:

  • Possible exposure to highly toxic hydrofluoric acid during etching process

  • Exposure to 750 mL of xylene due to improper waste disposal

  • Exposure to bromine gas due to improper transfer of chemicals

  • Exposure to mercapto-ethanol vapours due to improper signage

  • Near miss involving improper handling of perchloric acid and subsequent production of shock-sensitive crystals

  • Near miss involving improper disposal of temperature-sensitive, highly reactive 2,2'-azodi-[butyronitrile]

  • Near miss involving improper disposal of chemically contaminated sharps in regular waste container

Follow these steps for a safer 2019:

  1. Before you start work with a chemical, do a hazard assessment: learn what the risks are and how you can control them.

  2. Conduct monthly inspections of your chemical storage: make sure chemicals are stored compatibly and that labeling is accurate, easy to read, and compliant with WHMIS regulations.

  3. Dispose of chemical properly: use CHEMATIX to dispose of your chemicals properly and by their expiry date, and contact EHS with any questions.

All the best for a safe and healthy 2019!