Socialcultural Studies


What is Sociocultural?

The sociocultural area includes a diverse group of researchers who study sociological concepts across a range of human movement contexts, including sport, physical activity, dance and recreation.


Focus of Research

Dr. Davidson's research interests include feminist and queer approaches to sport and leisure phenomena. She has published on homonationalism and the international lesbigay sport movement.

Dr. Eales uses research-creation methodologies to study disability-centred dance, Mad arts and culture, and intersectional anti-oppressive trauma-informed movement practices.

Research project website:  (co-directed with )

Dr. Godwyll's work focuses on understanding social and cultural dimensions of perceived access to recreational spaces and the linkages to well-being and environmental justice.

Dr. Markula's research interests include: physical-cultural studies of dance; sociocultural study of the fitness industry and the fit feminine body; sociocultural study of sport; and ethnography, autoethnography, performance ethnography.

Research project website: 

Dr. McDermott's research interests focus on critically examining both discursive constructions and embodied experiences of women and children's physical activity, health and leisure practices.

Dr. Peers' work bridges three fields: adapted physical activity, socio-cultural sport and movement studies, and critical disability studies.

Research project website:  (co-directed with )

Dr. Reichwein's research program highlights Canada's environmental and social history, particularly in western Canada and mountain regions. Understanding the history of people, parks and politics is the purpose of this research.

Dr. Robinson's research interests focus on the histories and literatures of mountain exploration and sport, with a specific interest in mountaineering, travel writing, and postcolonial theory.

One of Dr. Scherer's current research projects is focused on community-based participatory action research on the impacts of a new, 'world-class' arena and downtown entertainment district in Edmonton.