Folklore studies resources in English
The following materials are accessible through the Bohdan Medwidsky Ukrainian Folklore Archives, Library, and Museum collections.
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Resources available online are marked with an asterisk.
Please contact the Bohdan Medwidsky Ukrainian Folklore Archives to make an appointment to review physical documents.
Phone: 780-299-6042
Location: Rm 250, Arts & Convocation Hall, 海角社区, Edmonton, AB
Published Books and Resources in Our Library
- A Companion to Folklore / Bendix, Regina F., Hasan-Rokem, Galit Gr 45 C64 2012
- A Dictionary of Symbols / Chevalier, John Az 108 C44 G44 1996
- Bulletin of the Folklore Studies Association of Canada : Bulletin de l'association Canadienne pour les Études du Folklore / Folklore Studies Association of Canada Gr 113 1989-
- Creativity and Tradition in Folklore : New Directions / Bronner, Simon J. Gr 71 1992
- Cultural Analysis : An Interdisciplinary Forum on Folklore and Popular Culture / University of California Gn 301 2014
- Eight Words for the Study of Expressive Culture / Feintuch, Burt Gr 44.4 E44 2003
- Encyclopedia of Folklore and Literature / Rosenberg, Bruce A., Brown, Ellen Mary Pn 41 E48 1998 30003397
- Fields of Folklore : Essays in Honor of Kenneth S. Goldstein / Abrahams, Roger D. et al. Gr 71 F54 1995
- Folk Culture in a World of Technology / Bausinger, Hermann Gr 40 B38 E5 1991
- Folk Groups and Folklore Genres : A Reader / Oring, Elliott Gr 66 F64 1989
- Folklife Sourcebook : A Directory of Folklife Resources in the United States and Canada / Bartis, Peter T., Fertig, Barbara C. Gr 37 B37 1986
- Folklore, Cultural Performances, and Popular Entertainments : A Communications-Centered Handbook / Bauman, Richard Gr 35 F64 1992
- Folklore, Nationalism, and Politics / Oinas, Felix J. Gr 71 F655 1978
- Folklore and Folklife, an Introduction / Dorson, Richard M. Gr 65 D57 1972
- Folklore and Folklife : A Guide to English-Language Reference Sources / Steinfirst, Susan Gr 66 Z9 S822 1992
- Folklore and Literature / Rosenberg, Bruce A. Pn 681 R67 1991 30003404
- Folklore and the Internet : Vernacular Expression in a Digital World / Blank, Trevor J. Gr 44 E43 F65 2009
- Folklore Forum / Folklore Forum Society Gr 1 F56 1984-
- Folklore Matters / Dundes, Alan Gr 71 D86 1989
- Folklore Methodology Formulated by Julius Krohn and Expanded by Nordic Researchers / Welsch, Roger L. Gr 40 K93 E5 1971
- Folklore Studies in Honour of Herbert Halpert : A Festschrift / Goldstein, Kenneth S. et al. Gr 55 H35 F66 1980
- Folkloristics : An Introduction / Georges, Robert A., Jones, Michael Owen Gr 40 G46 1995
- Fundamentals of Folk Literature / Beaver, J. Russel, Boswell, George W. Pn 931 B74 1969 30003408
- Happily Ever After : Fairy Tales, Children, and the Culture Industry / Zipes, Jack Gr 550 Z58 1997
- In Search of Authenticity : The Formation of Folklore Studies / Bendix, Regina Gr 48 B45 1997
- International Folkloristics : Classic Contributions by the Founders of Folklore / Dundes, Alan Gr 71 I46 1999
- Interpreting Folklore / Dundes, Alan Gr 66 D93 1980
- Listening to Old Voices : Folklore, Life Stories, and the Elderly / Mullen, Patrick B. Gr 108 M85 1992
- Literary Folkloristics and the Personal Narrative / Stahl, Sandra Dolby Pn 921 S73 1989 30003407
- Literary Folkloristics and the Personal Narrative / Stahl, Sandra K.D. Pn 921 S73 1989
- Living Folklore : An Introduction to the Study of People and Their Traditions / Sims, Martha C., Stephens, Martine Gr 45 S56 2005
- Mapping the Invisible Landscape : Folklore, Writing, and the Sense of Place / Ryden, Kent C. Gf 91 U6 R992 1993
- Myth, Ritual and the Oral / Goody, Jack Gr 72.3 G66 2010
- Newslore : Contemporary Folklore on the Internet / Frank, Russel Ps 439 F73 2011 30003472
- Newslore : Contemporary Folklore on the Internet / Russell, Frank Ps 439 F73 2011
- Nonsense : Aspects of Intertextuality in Folklore and Literature / Stewart, Susan P 302 1979
- Storytelling in Daily Life : Performing Narrative / Langellier, Kristin M., Peterson, Eric E. Gr 72.3 L35 2004
- Structural Analysis of Oral Tradition / Maranda, Pierre, Maranda, Elli Köngäs Gr 40 M32 1971
- Teaching Folklore / Jackson, Bruce et al. Gr 46 T43 1989
- The Centennial Index : One Hundred Years of the Journal of American Folklore / Jackson, Bruce et al. Gr 1 J8 1988
- The Dynamics of Folklore / Toelken, Barre Gr 40 1996
- The Emergence of Folklore in Everyday Life : A Fieldguide and Sourcebook / Schoemaker, George H. Gr 45.5 E48 1990
- The Folklore Text : From Performance to Print / Fine, Elizabeth C. Gr 40 F49 1984
- The History of Folklore in Europe / Giuseppe Cocchiara Pn 959 C65 E5 1981
- The History of Folklore in Europe / Mcdaniel, John N. Pn 959 C65 E5 1980 30003409
- The Journal of American Folklore / American Folk-Lore Society Gr 1 J86 1888-
- Theory and History of Folklore / Propp, Vladimir Gr 202 P7513 1984
- The Tape-Recorded Interview : A Manual for Field Workers in Folklore and Oral History / Ives, Edward D. Gr 45.5 I94 1973
- The Urban Experience and Folk Tradition / Paredes, Américo, Stekert, Ellen J. Gr 105 U73 1971
- Visions and Traditions : Knowledge Production and Tradition Archives / Lauri Harvilahti et al. Gr 1 F55 2018
- Western Folklore / California Folklore Society Gr 1 1947-
- What Folklorists Do : Professional Possibilities in Folklore Studies / Lloyd, Timothy Gr 50 W43 2021
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