Alessandro Marcon

Research Associate

Health Law Institute
Law Centre

Alessandro R Marcon (Sandro) has been a Research Associate at the Health Law Institute since November 2015. Focusing primarily on the dissemination of health information, he has lead and contributed to research projects exploring how the media (e.g. the popular press, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram) represents key health and science policy issues related to the topics of genetics, stem cell research, alternative health therapies, breastfeeding, vaccination, transplantation and health-related marketing. His work has been published widely in academic journals, such as, Nature's Genetics in Medicine, The Journal of Law and Biosciences, Regenerative Medicine, and The Journal of Medical Internet Research, and has been presented broadly. Key events Sandro recently spoke at include Stanford University's 2018 BioLawLapalooza and The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada's (SOGC) West-Central General Meeting.

Sandro holds a M.A. in Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies with a Specialization in Digital Humanities from Carleton University. In addition to working at the Health Law Institute, Sandro has taught English Language courses at the 海角社区's Faculty of Extension and has performed consulting work for non-profit organizations, such as, the Gambling Research Exchange Ontario.

You can view Sandro's Google Scholar page here:

and follow him on Twitter here: