2021 Graduate Studies Entrance Award

Project title: Mechanical resistance of viral exoribonuclease-resistant RNAs
How would you describe your research project to someone without a scientific background?
A non-coding RNA (ncRNA) is an RNA molecule that is not translated into a protein. Exoribonuclease-resistant RNA (xrRNA) is a class of ncRNA which is resistant to digestion by key defense systems in cells, generating RNA fragments related to increased pathogenicity of the viruses. Comment end In this project, we aim to identify the ability of the xrRNA structure to resist breakdown by enzymes.
What impact do you hope this project makes once completed?
Studying and understanding underlying mechanisms of xrRNA’s enzyma resistance might offer a new target for antiviral therapeutics. Such RNAs are present in the highly infectious viral family Flaviviridae, which includes viruses such as Zika, Yellow Fever, West Nile, Dengue and others. These can infect up to 400 million people worldwide and resulting in over 50,000 deaths annually.
How has the support from Li Ka Shing Institute of Virology helped you?
The members of the Li Ka Shing Institute of Virology provide an inspiring atmosphere for growing as a professional, and support from this community gives a sense of recognition.
What is it about your field of study that speaks to you?
I am obsessed with different topics of science between physics, chemistry and biology. That is why I got my Bachelor Degree in Chemical Physics, and now I am getting an MSc Degree in Biophysics, applying physical methods to study biological entities.
What's one piece of advice you received from your supervisor/mentor that has resonated with you?
Every experimental result is a result, despite the failure or success of the experiment.
What are you inspired by? Who inspires you? Why?
I am inspired by the story of Marie Curie’s scientific journey throughout her life and career. Her willingness to work and competitiveness made her one of the greatest scientists in human history. She still remains the only person who got Nobel Prizes in Physics and Chemistry.
What is your favorite distraction or hobby?
My hobby is reading. I have been interested in Russian Classics for the last several years. Now I am exploring the world of western science fiction.