2022 Undergraduate Summer Studentship

Project title: Characterization of the cross-neutralization response using recombinant glycoproteins E2 from various HCV strains
How would you describe your research project to someone without a scientific background?
One way vaccines can protect us against an infectious disease is by getting us to make antibodies that recognize a certain part of the pathogen. However, making good antibodies to some viruses, such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV), can be challenging when there are multiple strains, as these recognizable parts may vary. This is the case with HCV, which has 8 strains. Our goal is to create a protein with features of all eight strains that will allow vaccine recipients to produce antibodies that work against all strains of HCV.
What impact do you hope this project makes once completed?
I hope that this project will bring us a step closer to finding a suitable vaccine for Hepatitis C, which can prevent cases in the future.
How will the support from Li Ka Shing Institute of Virology help you?
The Li Ka Shing Insititue of Virology is an incredible facility with world class experts conducting research! Since starting here, I have met so many brilliant researchers and fellow students who are extremely passionate, supportive and knowledgeable. I look forward to learning as much as I can from them as I work alongside them on my project!
What first attracted you to science?
I had an amazing biology and chemistry teacher in high school. I never had really thought of myself as a “science and math” person and had actually struggled with it quite a bit. But she was so passionate and excited about it, especially the medical sciences. She had a way of breaking things down, and it was fascinating to understand how the body works, such as what makes you feel hungry or what causes a fever. I often found myself walking away from her classes wanting to learn even more about what we’d discussed that day. Her classes also helped me build confidence in myself. When I told her I wasn’t a science person, she told me, “You don’t have to like science. But I don’t want you not to pursue it because you think it’s too hard.” Whenever I encounter challenges in my education nowadays, remembering these words — as well as her passion for science — keeps me going.
What is your favorite distraction or hobby?
I love reading, especially non-fiction on various subjects! I especially enjoy memoirs, because it’s fascinating to have a look inside someone else’s life. But I should also mention my guilty pleasure which is reality TV shows….definitely the best distraction during a stressful semester!
What is one thing you cannot live without?
Tim Horton’s iced coffee!