2023 Undergraduate Summer Studentship

Project title: Evaluation of outcomes of a nurse-led hepatitis B clinic
How would you describe your research project to someone without a scientific background?
This project is focused on evaluating the outcomes of a specialized clinic that is run by nurses for patients with a type of hepatitis called HBeAg Negative Chronic Hepatitis B. The clinic was established to ensure that these patients receive the appropriate care and monitoring they need, while alleviating doctors’ schedules. The study will compare the adherence to guidelines for monitoring patients who are followed in the nurse-led clinic versus those who are followed by primary care and specialist physicians. The goal is to determine if a nurse-led clinic is more effective and efficient in providing the recommended care.
What impact do you hope this project makes once completed?
This project will help demonstrate the effectiveness of a nurse-led clinic in providing care and monitoring for patients with HBeAg negative chronic hepatitis B. This study could lead to increased adoption of this type of clinic and care model for these patients. This could have a significant impact on patient outcomes by ensuring they receive appropriate care and monitoring, while also improving efficiency in the healthcare system by allowing doctors to provide care to those with more complex needs.
How will the support from Li Ka Shing Institute of Virology help you?
The support from the Li Ka Shing Institute of Virology will connect me with a network of experienced researchers and scientists who are working in the field of virology. This gives me the opportunity to learn from the best in the field and gain new insights about virology research. I am excited to learn about current and previous projects that have been done with the LKSIoV.
Additionally, the recognition and support from the LKSIoV will also aid the health impact this project will make.
What is it about this summer studentship that excites you?
As someone who's just starting their research journey, I'm incredibly excited about this summer studentship as it is the first research project I am undertaking. I'm looking forward to gaining new skills, learning from experienced researchers, and exploring potential career paths in the field of healthcare research.
What excites me most about this project is that it contributes to the development of an improved healthcare system. I feel privileged to be a part of this effort with Dr. Karen Doucette and with the support of the LKSIoV.
What is one thing you cannot live without?
Hot tubs.
What one word would you use to describe yourself? What one word would your friends use to describe you?
Me — Cool. Friends — Delusional.